Manufacturing Project Topics

Design and Fabrication of a Dust Extractor

Design and Fabrication of a Dust Extractor

Design and Fabrication of a Dust Extractor

Chapter One


This project is aimed not only at providing a dust extraction machine in factories and workshops but:-

To provide life equipment in the workshop which can be used for exhibition by students.

To provide a machine (dust extractor0 which could be further modified and improved on, for the extraction of dust from the atmosphere, which can favorably compete with the best in the market.



With our ever increasing awareness of health and safety in the workshop, and of the true extent of dust hazards, especially in regard to wood turning and wood machining, the need for effective and efficient workshop dust extraction has never been clearer.

Until very recently, the home wood working enthusiast has not enjoyed ready access to suitable equipment and most of that which purported to provide such functionality was quite likely to be doing exactly the opposite.

In truth, most of the devices offered as “Dust extractors” were in fact “Dust recirculation machines” expelling back into the workshop atmosphere the fine dust.  Particles most likely to do damage to the respiratory system or to act as carcinogens.  They may have been capable of removing chips and shavings, but they could not filter out the damaging fine dusts the true causes of most of the respiratory, dermatological and carcinogenic problems that can result from working wood without adequate protection.

Dust extractor production has been carried out in different forms and stages with fabrication to form different shapes, obtainable in our market today.

There has been a lot of technological advancement in dust extractor production in both local or foreign made dust extractors.  In the production of the dust extractor a lot of welding is practiced (joining of metals by bringing abutting surfaces to a molten state).  The components parts of a dust extractors is made up of metallic materials all through instead of combination with any other engineering materials.

On the design and fabrication of dust extractors, proper attention was given to the economy as to confirm with what is obtainable, in the market or even sell at a reduced rate yet realizing the cost of the tools used in working.

Also human negligence and safety of the equipment as well was considered, this is to protect the workman against accident.

Finally, after critical review and analysis of what has been in existence (dust extractors) we were able to come up with our own design and fabrication which we present to equipment.  But then as no machine but has 100% efficiency, there is every need that he work should be modernized and improved on.




In this chapter three, design calculating: this is were all the calculation made for dust extracting machine is determined and considered to implement on the sheet metals.  In order to obtain those come and cylinders.


The figure above shows how the entire system is dimensioned in mm.


This is 8x sheet metal of 1.5mm gauge that is used in floating the first cylinder of the dust extractor.








The construction aspect of this project has successfully been carried out, tested to fulfill the purpose and aim for which it was designed.  The research project has widened our knowledge in the areas of fabrication and welding and our proficiency in drawing.

This thesis is a source of information for people and students who wish to know more about the dust extractor, being insoluble, due to one reason or the other, the growing trend in the world technology, adhered the suitability and functionability efficiency of any machine equipment and tools.  This will always call for innovation through further inventions, which invaluably might call for design and construction.

It is our wish to further this research project to a reasonable level to meet the standard already set up by the technologist time immemorial, yet the room is open to any interested person who might wish to continue research project.


This research project is strongly recommended for future researchers and students in the field of Mechanical Engineering.  This is justified judging from the low cost, easy manipulation and its efficiency when compared with local ways of constructing dust extractors.

The departments should help the students be providing the materials necessary for the project, since they are meant for he departments and polytechnics as while.  More concern about practical facilities by government to all schools and institutions of higher learning, to expose the students to more practical and reality of our ultimate goals.

Additional research work could be carried out in order to find alternative ways of producing, standard dust extractors for use in our domestic homes including workshops.  Also extra care should be alone in handling the equipment so as to keep it in a good condition.

Students should be assisted by the federal government, financially for the purpose of producing a better standard project.  Also recommended for all industries that produce drugs, food paints and etc.


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