Electrical Engineering Project Topics

Design and Construction of Smart Fan

Design and Construction of Smart Fan

Design and Construction of Smart Fan



The objectives of this project are to:

  1. Enable the electric fan to start and stop automatically.
  2. Enable the electric fan to automatically change the speed level according to temperature changes using a temperature sensor or thermistor.
  3. To analyses the performance of the controller.



In the public area and in some homes, people hesitate to turn off the fan after the usage. This lead to the wastage of energy. To avoid this situation, a fan that will be operated only in the presence of human is needed. The fan speed not according to the needs makes people feel uncomfortable. Thus, a fan that will operate in human presence is invented so that the usage of the fan can be optimized.

Fan is a mechanical device used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. A fan usually consisting of various mechanical parts, including an impeller, a motor, a gearbox, and a lever gear usually being enclosed in a housing or casing. The rotation of the impeller driven by the motor creates air movement. Hence, fan is often used in cooling purposes as it increases heat transfer into the surrounding air due to the airflow from the fan not as compare to the air conditioner that absorb hot air from the inside and take outside and vise versa. The on/off operation of the conventional fan is done manually so as the fan speed. Since most people feel reluctant to turn off the fan after usage and can leads to energy wastage, there are also settings of some fan that are usually control with a remote control, it is still troublesome to change the fan speed too often if the room temperature is unstable. The fan usage is inefficient and not in the optimum condition. In view of the aforementioned problems, there is a need to develop an improved control system for fan which operates according to the presence of human, and the ambient temperature, thereby reducing energy wastage, and improving efficiency and human comfort. To overcome the problems, a fan control system has been developed. Which allows the fan to operate according to the followings:

  1. Presence of human.
  2. The ambient temperature.

The control system comprising a temperature sensing module for determining the surrounding temperature when the fan is operating, a motion detecting module for detecting the presence of human to trigger the operation of the temperature sensing module and a comparator I.C for processing signals from the modules and provide output accordingly for on/off operation of the fan, varying the fan speed. The motion detecting module detects the presence of human by continuously capturing an image.




This chapter explains about system design through construction of the hardware and development of software. In addition, the chapter elaborates the hardware and the software stage by stage. All the operations of hardware and software are also included in this chapter. The system for the automatic fan is showed in Figure 3.1 with simple block diagram representation.



This chapter discusses the detail pertaining to the hardware implementation of the project and the behavior of the system. The components were first stimulated for their operations, before they were included in the circuit. The use of appropriate components were used to enhance the operation of the circuit.




Our main target is to make the living room environment smart. So we designed a fan system which will track the presence of a person and turn on automatically when required. It will also control the speed of motor depending on the temperature and humidity without controlling the regulator. With these systems, energy will be efficient and thereby reduces cost due to the automation in it as compared to a conventional fan. Hence it can be concluded to be intelligent fan.


This smart fan is very useful and important because it ease stress of turning on the fan and switching it off when leaving. Most importantly, it is energy efficient and save cost. I thereby recommend this fan for both homes, schools, hospitals and offices of any section. Also I suggest that this work should be further improved upon by introducing a LCD to preview the room temperature.


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