Electrical Engineering Project Topics

Design and Construction of Alcohol Detector

Design and Construction of Alcohol Detector

Design and Construction of Alcohol Detector

Chapter One


This report aims to design and construct an alcohol detector that sounds an alarm with the aid of a buzzer.

– To design the power supply circuit

– To design and construct an alcohol detector which will detect alcohol in the breath through the MQ-3 sensor and pass the information to the micro controller and display the output through the L.C.D (Ayala, 8051).




In 1967 in Britain, Willian Bill Ducie and Tom Jones developed and marketed the first electronic breathalyser. They established Lion Laboratories in Cardiff. Bill Dukie was a chartered electrical engineer and tom parry jone, was a lecturer at UWSIT. The road safety act 1967 introduced the first legally enforceable maximum blood alcohol level for drivers in UK above which it become an offence to be in charge of motor vehicle, and introduced the roadside breathalyser, made available to police forces across the country.

In 1979, lion laboratories version of the breathalyser, known as the Alcoyser and incorporating crystal filled tube that changed colour above a certain level of alcohol in the breath, was approved for police use, lion laboratories won the “Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement” for the product in 1980, and it began to be marketed worldwide. The Alidyser was super sealed by the lion intoxilyser. These later models used fuel all alcohol sensor rather than crystals, providing a more reliable curbside test and removing the need for blood or urine samples to be taken at a police stations. In 1991, lion laboratories was sold to the American Company MPD, lnc (William 1967).


In 2004, there were about 17,000 alcohol related traffic fatalities. This represents one alcohol related fatality every 31 minutes . there were also 248,000 people were injured in traffic accidents where alcohol was involved about one every 2 minutes, perhaps more disturbingly, in 85% of all alcoholic related fatalities, the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of those involves in the accident was reported to be above 0.08% the legal limit.

In the US About 51% had a BAC over 0.16, a lendat which an individual is typically severity intoxicated. As high and disturbing these number are, there is a bit of good news in this, this numbers represent about 33% drop in alcohol related fatalities (from 26000) in 1982. While the reasons for this drop is many, one could include toughered traffic laws and now libiguitosis used if breath analyser that can used on the spot totest near. Objectively test the individual lead of intoxication. Along with the development of economy, more and more people have cars and more cars appear in the roads. Many drivers ignore the danger about driving after drinking. A problem comes out; it killed so many people all around the world. In 2009 10, 839 people were killed in traffic accidents which were related to drunk driving, accounting for nearly over third (32%) of all traffic related deaths in the United States everyday, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involves an alcohol impaired driver.

  1. It becomes very significant to prevent it, and make certain the alcohol content in driver’s body.
  2. It becomes very significant to prevent it, and make certain the alcohol content in driver’s body.

Use of breath alcohol concentration (BAC) has becomes a very common method for determining blood alcohol concentration (BAC), as it does not require trained medical personnel to obtain and analyse blood samples.

In recent years, there are lot of inventions have been created to detect the alcohol in person bloodstream. Beside that there are a couple of past related works presented contain useful information about the development of breathalyser will be discussed (Mitsubayshi et al., 2004).


This device use infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Molecule bonds of alcohol compound are identified by the way they absorbs IR light each bond absorb the IR light at different ware length, which identifies the typ of substance detected and the amount of absorption determines amount of alcohol present.

One disadvantage of IR technology is the high cost of achieving specificity and accuracy at low breath alcohol concentration levels. The IR detector Output is non linear with respect to alcohol concentration and must be corrected by measurement circuits. But in vehicles accident prevention system project, infrared will have been use as the medium of connect between input and output.

In addition, it offer very simple drive circuit which will makes connection to microcontroller becomes less complex.

The analysis and observation is done to select appropriate sensor for the system. The alcohol sensors are MQ-3 alcohol sensor, TGS2620 gas sensor and MICS – 5521 sensor.


This is example of breathalyser project by using MQ-3 alcohol sensor. This project has some addition in term of using buzzer as the alarm (Bogen, 1927).



MQ-3 is a semiconductor sensor for Alcohol detection. It has very good sensitivity and fast response to alcohol suitable for portable alcohol detector.

Sensitive material of MQ-3 gas sensor is Sn O2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When the target alcohol gas exist, the sensor conductivity is more higher along with the gast concentration rising.





This project is to design and construct an alcohol detector. The output of the stage serves as input to the next stage as was indicated in the functional block diagram in fig 1.0. The overview of the project alcohol detection using MQ-3 sensor basically consist of: –

  1. Sensor unit (MQ- 3)
  2. Micro controller unit
  3. Display unit
  4. Regulated power supply unit


The sensor circuit is made up of MQ-3 Sensor which consists of four terminals. To connect the sensor, there are 4 leads, 2 of then are for power. The 5v terminal of the sensor connects into the positive terminal of the regulated power supply, the GND terminal of the sensor also connects into the GND terminal of the regulated power supply and the PIC 16f877A micro controller. This establishes power for the sensor and the microcontroller. The other 2 connections are the analogue and digital output of the sensor. The analogue output of the sensor is connected to the analogue input of the microcontroller (Martin, 1983).




The implementation of the design of the project confirm its uses. After the design of the project the circuit  diagram was converted into working project.


The implementation of the project occur in stages with the aid of block shown above

This is discussed in the earlier chapter. The PIC16F877A was programmed using  C language, the micro controller and the other  component was connected on the bread board.

The testing of the project occur in two stage to ensure its good performance.

  • Software testing
  • Hardware testing


The circuit  was first drawn on the proteus software, after which the code was written in C language using micro basic software. After the compilation of the code, the hex file generated transferred to the plc through the programme.

Hardware testing

This is subdivided in two

  • Pre-implementation testing
  • Post implementation testing



The alcohol sensor instrumentation was designed to detect alcohol vapour in the breath of a person that has consumed the liquid. At the beginning of this effort it was uncertain if the alcohol sensor accurately performed this function.

Considering the scope and the application of MQ-3 sensor “the main brain of the project” an alcohol dedication could shed valuable light on alcohol impaired driving. However many challenges remain for the broad implementation of using this sensor despite its relatively high success rate, care should be taken when using MQ03 and this sensor.

Other substance can result in false positives, the sensor detect alcohol component only  and the signal to the micro controller and display the result on the LCD upon the assembly. When it detect the buzzer alarm will start ringing. The alcohol detector is used to detect a person that has consumed the liquid.


These result suggest many futures directions for research and provide insight into future use of the alcohol sensor.

Much of this report discuss as a primary source of error in the alcohol detection. However, some of these substance (e.g cigarette, fast food, hand sanitizer) may involve distracted driving that has an impact on driver behaviour and performance. This, a secondary benefit of the alcohol defection may be to identify other substance  that may also affect driving performance.


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