Marketing Project Topics

Correlation and Regression Analysis on Sales and Advertising of ‘BETAMALT’

Correlation and Regression Analysis on Sales and Advertising of ‘BETAMALT’

Correlation and Regression Analysis on Sales and Advertising of ‘BETAMALT’



The purpose of the study was to establish the impacts of advertising on sales volume of an organization.


The main objective of this study was the effect of advertising on sales volume of an organization, but for the successful completion of the study, the following sub-objectives were formulated:

  1. To examine the effect of advertising on sales volume
  2. To investigate the relationship between advertising and sales
  3. To investigate the role of advertising in attaining profitability
  4. To investigate the cost of advertising to the organization




This chapter has attempted to review relevant literature. The essence of literature review is to ascertain the relevance of major contributions in an area of study and also provide indications about existing gaps that need to be filled.



The Hierarchy of effects theory was advanced by Lavidge and Steiner (1961), this marketing communication theory proposes six steps from broadcasting a product advertisement to product acquisition. The advertiser persuades the consumer to go throughout the six steps and procure the product. The six steps are Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction and final Purchase. As stated by Lavidge and Steiner (1961), it is a hierarchy of effects because the quantity of customers decrease from one phase to another which implies that business corporations should struggle to attain a lot of customers to the final phase of buying through innovative marketing communication messages that transmit distinctive value or service intentions to the target audience.The response hierarchy model presumes that the customer goes through three stages; cognitive, affective and behavioural stages. First the learn-feel-do progression is appropriate when audience has high involvement – high differentiation product category example a house or furniture. Secondly do-feel-learn sequence is appropriate when an audience has high involvement there is no differentiation product category example airline tickets and the third is learn-do-feel sequence once an audience has low involvement there is little differentiation example sugar. Hence by deciding on the right sequence, the marketer can do a superior job of planning marketing communication.





This part of the study or research has to do with the methods employed to undertake the study which include the research design, population of the study, the sample size and method of data collection, sampling technique, and the methods of data analysis. All these sub-points are considered as follows


The research design employed in this study includes the survey, ex post facto and descriptive research design. This designs form the basis upon which the research was carried out. It is ex-post facto research design in that the data generated were already put in place and are not subject to the manipulation of the researcher. Similarly it is a descriptive research design in that the data generated were analyzed and the outcome described with a view to making inference.




In this chapter, the data presented in chapter three was analysised using a statistical package called SPSS.



The objectives of the study were to

1) To examine the effect of advertising on sales volume

2) To investigate the relationship between advertising and sales

3) To investigate the role of advertising in attaining profitability

4) To investigate the cost of advertising to the organization

Findings from the study revealed the following

1)Advertising helps to boost sales performance in coca-cola plc

2)Good advert strategies has help Beta malt plc to make profits

3)Advertising has a significant impact on sales of Beta malt bottling company in Lagos

4)There is a high level of advert practices obtainable in Beta malt Company

5)There is a significant relationship between advertisement and consumption of Beta malt products

6)Beta malt plc should introduce new effective advert strategies in other to improve sales

7)Advertisement plays a vital role in attaining profitability


The study examined the issue of “impact of advertising on sales and consumption of cocacola in Nigeria (Nigeria Bottling Company Lagos)”. From the data and information collected scientifically tested and analysed in the course of the research the following conclusions can be deduced from the study thatAdvertising has a significant impact on sales of Beta malt bottling company in Lagos. There is a significant relationship between advertisement and consumption of Beta malt products.


Based on the valid conclusions reached the following recommendations if implemented faithfully would assist in meeting the objectives set for the research. It will improve the advertising and sales in Beta malt plc Lagos state, such that; The advertising and personnel department should maintain an effective medium of advertising in consideration of cost and quality. There should proper advertising mechanism that will foster the reputation of the company as well as the products. Beta malt Plc should use the best medium of advertising that will create easy awareness of usage of products. Beta malt Plc should ensure that ways of determining the profit generated via effective advertising.


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