Public Administration Project Topics

Corporate Governance Mechanism and Firm Value

Corporate Governance Mechanism and Firm Value

Corporate Governance Mechanism and Firm Value


Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to investigate Corporate Governance Mechanism and Firm Value. Using Bua cement as a case study. The specific objectives are;

  1. To ascertain the effect of corporate governance in Bua cement
  2. To examine the effect of managerial ownership and value of Bua cement
  3. To ascertain the relationship between corporate governance and the return  on  investment  to  the shareholders




Corporate governance mechanisms encompasses an integrated system of management that ensures and sustained a comprehensive device of controlling the affairs of corporate entity through instituting processes, rules and regulation that enhance value creation. In addition, it is a mechanism that encourage sound systems of internal and external control and information systems control that safeguard stakeholders’ investment and assets of public interest entities. It promotes sound reporting practices and accountability through fair value financial statements that ensures annual reports are duly audited by competent independent auditors For example, board of directors are expected to provide strategic and ethical leadership to a company that ensure that the action of the management is in the owner’s and other stakeholder’s interest. The approach performed the role of advisor and monitor on the firm management in order to enhance and sustain the prosperity of firms and corporate value. Corporate governance as a subject of interest in the field of accounting and management practice has being an area of study for a while without an exhaustive end because other emerging corporate governance issues that are capable of undermining or enhancing corporate value in different sector of the Nigerian economy has slightly or not being examined. For instance, agency problem as a result of inherent information asymmetry subsisting between management and shareholder led to series of corporate failure both in the past and of recent which necessitates further examination. For example, the unprecedented and least expected global corporate scandals such as BCCI, Enron, WorldCom, Northern Rock, Lehman Brothers, Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae and specifically in Nigerian organization such as in Cadbury (Nig.) Plc, Afribank Plc and Lever brothers (Nig) Plc. necessitated the need for further investigation. These series of corporate disasters are ascribed to the failure on the part of the mechanisms of corporate governance to mitigate scandalous practices that undermine the value of firms.


Chapter Three

Research methodology

Research Design

The research design adopted in this research work is the survey research design which involves the usage of self-designed questionnaire in the collection of data. Under the survey research design, primary data of this study will be collected from Bua cement company in order to determine corporate governance mechanism and firm value. The design was chosen because it enables the researcher to collect data without manipulation of any variables of interest in the study. The design also provides opportunity for equal chance of participation in the study for respondents.

Population of Study

The population of study is the census of all items or a subject that possess the characteristics or that have the knowledge of the phenomenon that is being studied (Asiaka, 1991). It also means the aggregate people from which the sample is to be drawn.

Population is sometimes referred to as the universe. The population of this research study will be Seventy-five (75) staffs of Bua cement company, Lagos state



This chapter is about the analysis and presentation of data collected from the field through questionnaire. The analysis of the data with particular question immediately followed by the presentation of findings.

As mentioned in chapter three, 75 questionnaires were administered and 50 were retrieved and necessary analysis was carried out on them and presented as follows:




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain corporate governance mechanism and firm value. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of corporate governance mechanism and firm value


This study was on corporate governance mechanism and firm value. Three objectives were raised which included: To ascertain the effect of corporate governance in Bua cement, to examine the effect of managerial ownership and value of Bua cement and to ascertain the relationship between corporate governance and the return  on  investment  to  the shareholders. The total population for the study is 75 staffs of Bua cement company in Lagos. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


Based on the analysis and discussion about board size, independent board, audit committee, and institutional ownership on firm value as listed in bua cement. On conclusion note, among board size, independent board, audit committee, and institutional ownership have positive and significant impact firm value of Bua cement


It is recommended that companies should increase the size of their boards since it’s related to firm performance. However, this increase should be to the extent of fifteen based on the optimal value of partial derivatives. Also, companies may increase outside directors on its board especially independent directors. This may add economic value and enhance transparency.


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