Business Administration Project Topics

Contribution of Inventory Control Practices to the Sustainability Hotel Establishment

Contribution of Inventory Control Practices to the Sustainability Hotel Establishment

Contribution of Inventory Control Practices to the Sustainability Hotel Establishment



The main objective of the study is to on production planning and inventory control in the hospitality industry in Enugu State with particular reference to Nike Lake Resort Enugu, to access the process and method the use in production control and inventory

Specifically, the study seeks to;

  1. Determine production planning and inventory control in the hospitality industry.
  2. Assess how Nike Lake Resort Enugu copes with production planning and inventory control in the face of seasonal availability of food items.
  3. Identify methods to serve as a platform for future improvement in the area of purchasing food items and control.
  4. Suggest the possible ways to help in making better production planning and inventory control.




In this chapter, the researcher shall be looking more on the review of previous related study on the topic “Assessing the strategies of production planning and inventory control in hospitality industry”. This chapter will be arranging in the following format review of concepts, Theories of strategies of production Planning and inventory control, Production planning and inventory control in the hospitality Industry, An appraisal of operations in Nike Lake Resort Enugu, Enugu State, Production planning and inventory control procedure, Assessing the strategies used and the improvements required if any and summary.


Inventory control

It is assumed that demands from customers are known for planning periods both at present and past time. It is prohibited to have the shortage of inventory. Inventory cost is induced from the amount of product storage.

In our research, minimum amount of products storage is assured to have the safety operations. The amount is necessary for safety stock preparing probabilistic changes in demand and occurrence of demands.

The amount is calculated based on safety factor relating to service level and past demands data. The service level is a probability to be able to comply with order immediately when there is demand from the customer and the post-process. Cost penalty is added in case of shortage in storage.

Harris, Angela D (2005) Inventory control is the processes employed to maximize a company’s use of inventory. The goal of inventory control is to generate the maximum profit from the least amount of inventory investment without intruding upon customer satisfaction levels. Given the impact on customers and profits, inventory control is one of the chief concerns of businesses that have large inventory investments, such as retailers and distributors.




In the pursuance of the objectives of this study, this chapter is devoted to the procedural pattern of techniques used in gathering relevant data and information on the research work.




The researcher sampled a total of 99 respondents but a total of 98 copies of questionnaire were returned and the analysis was based on these returned copies. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyse the copies of questionnaire valid for the study. The analyzed questions were also presented in the study.

Data analysis is divided into two sections A and B. section ‘A’ deals with personal information while section ‘B’ deals with the work activities in order to gather the required information.




This research work has been conducted and finally come to supportive end, an enhancement work to the hospitality industry. This research work took a look at and assess the production planning and inventory control in the hospitality industry. The work highlighted production planning and inventory control system among the hospitality industry. Also the research work establish an understanding of production planning and inventory control. And the emphasis of this research in on Nike Lake Resort Enugu, Enugu State.


This research work is recommended to Nike Lake Resort and all other hospitality industry within the state.

This research work is also recommended to the business management section.


  • Andel, Tom, and Daniel A. Kind. “Flow It, Don’t Stow It.” Transportation and Distribution. May 1996.
  • Baljko, Jennifer. “As VMI Programs Proliferate, Some Questions Come to Fore.” EBN. 25 November 2002.
  • Bergin, Sarah. “Make Your Warehouse Deliver: New Developments in Warehouse Management Systems Inspire New Productivity in Needy Operations.” Transportation and Distribution. February 1997.
  • Eskow, Dennis. “Rising Stock: Integrated Inventory Systems Help Companies Shoot Economic Rapids.” PC Week. 5 June 1995.
  • Haaz, Mort. “How to Establish Inventory Levels.” Gift and Decorative Accessories. April 1999.
  • Harris, Angela D. “Vendor-Managed Inventory Growing.” Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News. 24 October 2005
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