Electrical Engineering Project Topics

Construction of Low Battery Sensor Using Microprocessor With Seven Segment Display

Construction of Low Battery Sensor Using Microprocessor With Seven Segment Display



A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. For example, a mercury-in-glass thermometer converts the measured temperature into expansion and contraction of a liquid which can be read on a calibrated glass tube. A thermometer converts temperature to an output voltage which can be read by a voltmeter. For accuracy, all sensors need to be calibrated against known standards.

Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-sensitive elevator buttons and lamps which dim or brighten by touching the base. There are also innumerable applications of sensors of which most people are never aware. Applications include cars, machines, aerospace, medicine, manufacturing and robotics.

A sensor receives and responds to a signal or stimulus. Here, the term ‘’stimulus’’ means a properly or a quantity that needs to be converted into electrical form. Hence sensor can be defined as a device which receives a signal and converts it into electrical form which can be further used for electronics devices. A sensor differs from a transducer in the way that a transducer converts the received signal into electrical form only. A sensor sensitivity indicates how much the sensors output changes which the measured quantity changes. For instance, if the mercury in a thermometer moves 1cm when the temperature changes by 1cm, the sensitivity is 1cm/c.



B .R Gupta in his book titled ‘’generation of electrical energy’’ review the modern development of battery sensor. He first described that a dissected frog’s legs would twitched when a spark was induced on them from a Leyden Jar, an external source of electricity. He  later noticed that this twitching would only occur during lightening storms V.K Mehta in ‘’principle of electrical engineering and electronics ‘’ review that Vota experiment led to the invention of battery by pilling voltaic cells over each other in series. This voltaic pile gave a voltage of about 50v for a 32-cells pile, with an enhanced net EMF, while the earlier batteries proved variable for the purpose of experiment that failed to provide a large current for a sustained period and their voltage kept fluctuating.

According to B.L Theraja in ‘’ Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics’’ review that in 1836, John Frederic Daniel invented a Daniel cell batteries which provides more reliable current and were adopted for industrial usage.

However, these fragile well cells were replaced by cell batteries, developed in 19th century. The liquid electrolyte of the Daniel cells was replaced with a paste, which make portable devices practical and more usable. Since then, Batteries has been used for varieties of purposes.

Frank R. Dungan in his book titled ‘’Electronics Communication Systems’’ reviewed that in 1970s, Jenco Electronics of Taiwan designed and manufactured the first portable voltage meter. He said that the voltage meter (Digital) has a central knob which has a lot of positions.

George Kennedy in his book titled ‘’Electronics Communication system’’ reviewed that a sensor is a device which receives and response to signal or stimulus. He went further to define sensor as a device which receives a signal and converts it into electrical form which can be used for electronics devices.




  1. Capacitors
  2. Resistors
  3. Transistors
  4. I Cs
  5. Diodes


A capacitor is a device that stores electric energy. A simple capacitor can be made from strips of metal foil sandwiched with two thin layer of insulation.  In other words, a capacitor consist of two parallel plate separated by dielectric. Capacitors are device that might be considered simply as frequency-dependent resistor. They allow you to make frequency dependent voltage dividers. For instance, for some applications (bypass coupling).

Capacitors cannot dissipate power, though current can flow through them because voltage and current are 90o out of phase. Capacitor comes in an amusing variety of shapes and sizes depending on the material used for their dielectric. They includes;



The circuit diagram of low battery indicator using microprocessor and seven segment display was studied and the components used were made available. The components used with their rating and quantities are as given below.

The construction of this project was first carried out first on a project board and then transferred to a Vero board; the board has a dotted parallel copper tracks running the length. The Vero board is simply a board that has electrical conducting lines of copper with holes provided to accommodate lead out wire of the circuit components. Before using the Vero board, it is always advisable to slightly send paper in order to remove any insulating materials after manufacturing. This is to prevent accidental short circuit of the exposed fiol to other parts of the circuit. Where track lines do not serve as connection, jumper wires are used to provide link from one part of the circuit to the other.




The design and construction of the project on low battery sensor has been achieved and found working. It displays the battery voltage (while the battery is on load) in a numerical form through the seven segment display.


Due to the inconveniencies encountered that the school should make available some of these vital components like microprocessor, ICs and lots more, so as to reduce the constraints of travelling to distance place to get components


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  • http://en.wikipedia. Org/wiki/lowbatterysensor,
  • http://www.free-electronic –circuit.com/circuits/html
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