Electrical Engineering Project Topics

Construction of 2000w Dual Cell Power Inverter

Construction of 2000w Dual Cell Power Inverter

Construction of 2000w Dual Cell Power Inverter

Chapter One


The aims and objectives of the inverter are:                    

  1. A power inverter changes DC power from a battery into conventional AC power that you can use to operate all kinds of devices e.g electric light, kitchen appliances, microwaves, power tools, TVs, radios, and computers to name just a few, we just connect the inverter to a battery and plug another AC device into the inverter and we have got portable power.
  2. The inverter draws its power from a volt battery or several batteries wired in parallel. The battery will round to be recharged as the power is drawn out of it by the inverter. The battery can be recharged by running the automobile motor or a gas generator, solar panel, or wind or you can use a battery charger plugged into an AC outlet to recharge the batteries.
  3. Using an inverter for emergency home backing power. A very simple way to use an inverter for emergency power (such as during a power outage) is to use a car battery and an extension cord running into the house where you can then plug in electrical appliances.



From he late nineteenth century, through the middle of the twentieth century. DC – to – Ac power conversion was accomplished using rotating conversions motor – generator sets (M – G sets). In the early twentieth century. Vacuum tubes and gas filled tubes began to be used as switches in inverter circuits. The most widely used type of tube was the thyratron.

Also, the origins of electromechanical inverters, explain the source of the form inverter, early. AC – to – DC converter used an induction or synchronous AC motor direct connected to a generator (dynamo) so that the generators commutator reversed its connection at exactly the right moment to produce DC. A later development is the synchconous converter, in which the motor and generator windings are combining into one armature, with slip rings at one end and a commutator at the other end only one field frame. The result with either is AC – in DC out. With a M – G set, the DC can be considered to be separately generated from the AC with a synchronous converter, in a certain sense it can be considered to be “mechanically rectified AC” give the right auxiliary and converter equipment, an M – G set or rotary converter can be “run backward”, convert DC to AC. Hence an inverter is an inverted converter.

The design of inverter has been seen to inverter has been seen to come in different form output. The waveform out put felling the inverter type they are: –

* Square wave inverter

* Modified square wave (or modified since wave inverter)

* Pure sine wave inverter.

The three different wave signal represent three different qualities 7 power output and consequently, three different price categories as discussed below.



An electric battery consists of a number of electrochemical cells, connected either in series or parallel. A cell, which is the basic unit of a battery, may be defined as a power generating device, which is capable of converting stored chemical energy in electrical energy. If the stored energy is inherently present in the chemical substances it is called a primary cell or non- rechargeable cell.

Accordingly, the battery made of these cell is called primary battery cell are lechamche cell, zinc chloride cell, alkaline manganess cell and metal air cell etc.





The main unit of the inverter is he oscillator stage, as shown in the complete circuit diagram of figure 3.0. The oscillator make use of an SG 3524N integrated circuit that control the frequency of the enforce circuit.

The SG 3524N is fixed frequency pulse with modulation voltage regulation control circuit. The regulator operates at a frequency which is programmable by the timing resistor RT and one timing capacitor CT.  

The entire circuitry of the oscillator stage is wires as astable multivibrator with its two outputs running freely. The oscillator produces two separate signal pulse which switches on the MOSFET separately for the production of current alternatively.

The output of the oscillator which is reduced in the internal circuit by 10 – 15% is for the amplified by 13c557 transistors separately for switching the power MOSFET for the modulation of current alternatively.

After the voltage amplification which is done at the separate output the amplified output is fed to the gate of the MOSFET arranged into two groups receiving the two separate amplified signal pulse for the oscillator circuit output and switching separately in accordance to the deriving connection through the gates of the MOSFET in respect to their resistance.

The MOSFET function as power transistor and sense voltage to the secondary coil of the transformer to induce magnetic to the primary coil for the production of A.C voltage. The entire source terminals of the MOSFET are connected to the negative d.c supply.



A power inverter charges DC power from a battery into conventional AC power that you can use to operate all kinds of devices electric light, kitchen appliance, micro wave, power tool, TV, radio, computer, to name just a few you just connect the inverter to a battery and plug your AC devices into the inverter and you have got portable power inverter wherever and wherever you need of it.




“Necessity, we say is the mother of invention” this is best he to describe our present day in Nigeria since Independent till date.

We rely on Power Holding Company too much for our electronic gadgets. But as a result of high cost of these. So call a imported goods, which has made us o start producing some of these goods locally, which has been found to produce equally, for the alternative used. Therefore, if any technological advancement is to be recorded in the country attention has to be given to our naturally endeavor technician, technologist and engineers.

Engineering graduate form the polytechnic should also be well recognized and given equal right with their University counterparts. This will gear up more innovation and invention among all spheres of institution is it polytechnic or University.

We therefore recommended this locally made improved electronic rock (combination Lock). Which a good as the imported ones and less expensive is for use by industries commercial house, automobile, computer, electronics, set and changing of set. E.t.c.


This project has been constructed to the best of our ability and it has enabled us to acquire more knowledge and also practicalised the theories we have learnt in the class over the year.

It is our hope that this project has been practicalised and it can be useful as a light device in automobile, office and super market.

Furthermore, we hope that those set of student coming behind us and other in querying mind will find the content itself to be interesting and fully of experience which it further improved will provide a better application of the project.

We conclude that not only relatively cheaper and easy to maintain, electronics candle is highly economical and save t operate in the sense that it devoid from maintain switch.


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  • James, A whitson (1989): Electronics IC circuit with practical application manual Jam published, New Delhi.
  • Lurch E.N (1981): Fundamental of Electronic New York Wiley.
  • Robbin T and G New houses (1993): Models for over current protection analysis of D.C distribution.
  • Theraja A.K (2003): Electrical Technology 3rd Edition S. chand & company Ltd.
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