Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Project Topics

Conflict Management for Effective Performance in an Organization (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria)

Conflict Management for Effective Performance in an Organization (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria)

Conflict Management for Effective Performance in an Organization (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria)

Chapter One


The main objectives of this study are as follows: –

  1. To determine the extent to which conflict affects job performance.
  2. To identify the conflict factors.
  3. The identification of major sources of conflicts.
  4. Determination of which conflict factors are related to job performance (physical or mental).
  5. Recommending measure(s) for managing conflict for effective organizational performance.




Addressing this topic will not make any meaning without understanding conflict and its causes.

Unoh (1988), Assert that “Conflict is the process in individuals or groups seek to realize their goals through neutralizing, or injuring or eliminating their rivals”.

Nduh (1993) recognize that “Conflict is antagonism opposition to the extreme of armed struggle between two or more states”.

Conflict is a behaviour by a person or group which is purposely designed to inhabit the attainment of goals of another person i.e. in an organisation. If department ‘A’ marketing department interfere with department ‘B’ productions by demanding that department ‘B’ should alter its schedules to accommodate a special order, there is bound to be conflict between the two departments.

The term conflict and competition are often mistakenly used. Competition takes place where individuals or group have incompatible goals but do not interfere with each other as both to attain their respective goals, where as conflict on the other hand occurs when individuals or group have incompatible goals and they interfere with each others as they by to attain their respective goals.


Conflicts in an organisation are categorized as thus:


This is conflict within an individual about which works activities to perform. This conflict may result if the individual does not feel that it is morally right to do certain things. In addition, there is bound to be internal conflict when two different bosses are making contradictory demands; more so, doing a certain job in a certain way which will be at the detriment at others (employees) in the organisation.


This is a disagreement between two individuals and most psychologists research on this e.g. marriage counseling a subordinate who place emphasis on doing his own things (ambivalent) is sapient to a rigid boss. It is likely that some sort of conflict will occur.




This chapter discusses all that the researcher did to gather the data needed for the study. The chapter discusses the researchers design, population under the study, the sample size, research techniques and methods of data presentation, statistical analysis and the limitation of the study.


The researcher made use of survey design as a pattern for study survey. Study is however suitable here for the fact that the researcher is dealing with small number of population. It is easy if the researcher uses cross – section of the population which will equally be possible with the aid of survey method. The researcher survey and arrived at sample of the entire population such that at the end of the day, a true representation should be obtained since it is humanly difficult to study the entire population.


This study is on members and staff of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc. As being told in the historical background, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc has 379 branches nationwide including Abuja, it also provides employment to about or more than 7,000 individuals of the federation. On the basis of this research we have boiled our search to a designated branch in the Kaduna metropolis which houses one hundred and fifty (150), these one hundred and fifty (150) employees consists of ninety (90) males and sixty (60) females.




This chapter discusses the presentation of data and detailed analysis collected by the researchers, for the purpose of the study. The instruments used in the researcher are questionnaires which were distributed to various branches of the case study. The statistical tools used in the research analysis are frequency distribution, frequency polygon and the chi-square. The chapter is divided into two parts which are A and B, part A comprises of respondents personal Bio-data and part B comprises of the subject matter, that is analyzing the instrument, and testing of hypothesis.




Management of conflict for effective performance in an organisation has portrayed a vital role in the use of organization resources effectively and efficiently.

Thus study on organization conflict and its management has highlighted how conflicts can affects this organization is inevitable, and lead to high productivity.

Though there are extend sources of conflicts like government policy. Insufficient raw material, economic problems etc. while the internal sources of conflicts are lacks of adequate training, poor management planning etc. that is containing to the organization. It therefore felt that, with more training of employees, important of technology favorable government policies will ensure the growths of the organization.

Conflict management is seem as management policy which create a set of institutions and procedures through which conflicts can be expressed and resolved without resources to industrial action. This is a situation whereby employees representation through management in reaching agreement and terms which are binding on it parties involved.

The evidence of personal commitment to carrying out their responsibilities to the whole organisation of the highest of their competence, maturity and motivational required to deal cooperatively and constructively with their equals as production members of top management team sound judgment open minded and sensitivity to the human consequence at their action.


Managing conflict has played a vital roe in an organisation such as (Union Bank of Nigeria).

Fortunately, all conflicts are not destructive, it can sometime be more productive than harmful if properly handled. It can bring forth imaginative alternative for accomplishing constructive fables.  Though the closer the problems of organisation, the more explosive and dangerous they become for an organisation. The fact that organisation survives; such stains not only survive but in many cases grows as a habit to the many forms and varieties of teamwork that executive developed.


Reasonable competence to understand and deal with the factors of most critical for success in the organisation, the games of conflict in an organisation has to be looked into. Demonstration ability, patience to encourage and inspire subordinate to realize their potentially contribution. If not addressed it’s fully realized that future of the nation and individual organisation at stake to minimize this:

  1. Understanding sand cooperation is needed from the employer and the employee of the organisation.
  2. Effective communication should be maintained between top management, the middle and the lower level of managers.
  3. Management should always make and abide by the policy they make for effective job performance.
  4. Employees benefit and other incentive should be looked into and properly distributed.
  5. Open door dialogue between workers and management should be maintained on a regular basis.


  • Ahmed, U.: Conflicts resolution in labour management relation in Nigeria.
  • Alumona, A.: Problems and prospects. A Paper Presented at a Seminar on Development and Growth.
  • Benjamin, T. I: Organization Conflict.
  • Brucew, M.C. & Bartiel A.F. Industrial Relation. A Case of Conflict.
  • Dafe, O: (1992), further Reading in Industrial Relation (page 105 – 112).
  • Dudley. W, (1992): The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution. Stimanting Press, New York.
  • Jeffery and Lawrence, S. (1987), Breaking the Impasse Concession Approaches to Resolving Public Disputes, Published by New York Wiley, New York.
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