Computer Science Project Topics

Computerized Processing of Student’s Result and Grading Criteria( a Case Study of Computer Science Department Federal Polytechnic Nekede)

Computerized Processing of Students Result and Grading Criteria( a Case Study of Computer Science Department Federal Polytechnic Nekede)

Computerized Processing of Student’s Result and Grading Criteria( a Case Study of Computer Science Department Federal Polytechnic Nekede)



  • To ensure accuracy during computation of results
  • To avoid errors and cost effectiveness
  • To help facilitates computation of results in institutions



Over the years several efforts have been made to alleviate the burden on teachers when it comes to result computations.

The introduction of computer in the system for all levels of education (from primary to tertiary institution) has done the much designed magic in result computation.

The days when result computation cost teachers sleepless night are gone for schools or examination boards that in spits of all efforts to improve on the quality of our education, much is still to be done by the stakeholders in education, our present methods of education have been influenced by the way education has developed.


Dr. Magnus Adiele (1975) in his book, education, psychology in school, defines education as a desirable change in human behaviour, Leonard G. (1967) also in his book “education and ecstasy”, says to learn is to change, education is a process that changes the learner. Professor B.O Ukeje (1973) says in general therefore the process of education occurs where any influence produces a change in the physical or mental behaviour as the general level of education system rises, the portion of the population alert to the value of education increases, this is not an unmixed blessing as Horace man noted over a century ago. For its prompts the education who always have esteemed education to monopolize the high quality education services and to withdraw their support program that serve the less concerned poor.

Throughout history, introduction of tools has undoubtedly caused some dislocation n employment and nature of work, the information revolution, which has moved form the industrial to the information age is as a result of numerous developments in electronic and information needs of our society.




A visit to the registering department of the institution under study revealed that large volumes of office flat files were stacked up in various shelves in the expensive office.

The whole setting was not a sight for score eyes this can be attributed to the ways and method of the processing of the results. In this system, results collection, recording processing, retrieval and storage were all manual, this gives rise to a number of errors of omission and commission.

The students’ results pass through a long, but undue process which often give rise to loose ends through which a lot of doctoring are witnessed. In most cases, there are errors due to wrong calculations, resulting from manual computations. Similarly, some members of staff of the registry can afford to mortgage their consciences just because of some monitory overtime by some unscrupulous students.

Another disadvantage is the opponent deafly in computing of the results. It is equally of neat that some cases of result missing have been recorded.



This is obviously demanding, the objective of the implementation is to obtain an operational system full documented. It requires a true knowledge of the design and equally involves the co-ordination of the efforts of the users in getting the new system into operation.

The process of implementation includes program design, program flow chart, source program and then test running of the system so developed.




This research work focuses on the use of computer system with reference to course registration, result processing in computer science federal polytechnic nekede Owerri.

The work covers the manual system of operations as regards the problems identified, stating the aims of the new system, stating the various specifications and then implementing the programs. The work was successfully developed using Pascal programming language, a user- friendly programming language, and the package was tested and improved upon which yielded an automated course registration, examination processing and transcript processing system.  The project work cannot be said to be perfect, but however, its benefits cannot be overemphasized. It has led to the improvement in the speed of processing operation, efficiency, accuracy and improved storage of data.


Realizing a project of this nature is very exciting. However, the students encounter a lot a problem which I believe if looked into, will go a long way toward reducing the tension associated with the design implementation and construction of the project. In spite of the constraints encountered during the implementation of this project, the aim of my project is well accomplished. Moreover, an attempt to accomplish this project has taken care of the delay between examination and result processing with minimum mistakes. This has also forced me to learn, practically, what is involved in the design and implementation or computerization of project (existing or non-existing).

Finally, I wish to commend the university system and indeed the department of Information Management Technology for this project inclusion as a course that must be taken by graduating students it is a step in the right direction to withstand the future challenges in computing in companies, industries, institutions and the world at large.


It may seem as this new system will cast fortunes initially but on the long run. This constraint will fizzle out. This is on the part of management. The staff may kick against if for fear of retrenchment.

But I recommended that redundant ones will be reassigned to other areas they will be more useful. I wish to recommend it to the authorities of the institution, it will surely reduce the problems of manual processing of results.


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  • AGBASI K.C (2001): Pascal Programming Language Lecture Notes.
  • OBILIKWU .U. P (1995): Introduction To Computers And Programming In Pascal By G.C.
  • CLITION H.O (2005): Business Data System A Practical Guide To Systems Analysis And Data Processing By Prentices Hall, London.
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