Public Health Project Topics

Comparative Assessment of the Quality Index of Raw, Treated and Pipe Borne Water From a Distribution Line of the Plateau State Water Board.

Comparative Assessment of the Quality Index of Raw, Treated and Pipe Borne Water From a Distribution Line of the Plateau State Water Board.

Comparative Assessment of the Quality Index of Raw, Treated and Pipe Borne Water From a Distribution Line of the Plateau State Water Board.



  1. To find out if well, stream, Tap water coutain
  2. To help the public to know the danger of drinking these water without adequate treatment.
  3. To compare the microbial load of the water source and advice on safer source of water.



The bacteriological criteria used to assess water quality are primarily focused on safeguarding human health, especially concerning the consumption of potable water supplies. Ade (1987) notes that while certain bacteria are naturally present in water, others enter from sources like land, air, human and animal waste, posing potential hazards to water safety.

Microbial contamination in water has become a significant concern, with various microorganisms identified as indicators of pollution. This issue led to the development of methods for detecting and enumerating bacteria associated with drinking water pollution (Gneldrrech, 1972).

Infections caused by waterborne bacteria can lead to various diseases, including gastroenteritis, fever, poliomyelitis, typhoid fever, cholera, diarrheas, and other intestinal tract diseases (Ogedengbe, 1981). Skerrow (1977) reported epidemic outbreaks linked to water quality, highlighting the critical importance of ensuring the safety of water sources.

Ogedengbe and Adeniji (1978) emphasized that water meeting international standards must be safe biologically, chemically, and aesthetically. The awareness of water-related diseases dates back to the 19th century epidemics, with the discovery of cholera and typhoid germs emphasizing the need for water treatment (Ruys, 1959).

Pelezer et al. (1977) identified common bacterial species residing in the human intestinal tract. The presence of these enterobactericen species in drinking water serves as an indicator of contamination from an intestinal source, necessitating measures to ensure water safety.

Fried (1975) defined water pollution as the modification of physical, chemical, and biological properties of water, restricting or preventing its usual applications. Water pollution typically stems from four main origins: industrial, domestic, agricultural, and environmental pollution.

In summary, bacteriological criteria for water quality assessment are crucial for identifying potential health hazards associated with water consumption. The detection of specific bacteria serves as indicators of pollution, prompting the need for effective water treatment methods. The historical context and various perspectives on water pollution underscore the ongoing importance of ensuring safe water sources for human well-being.




The media and the reagents used in this work and the methods of their preparations are presented in the appendix.


Water sample were collected from fifteen different sources comprising; five tap water samples from different compounds, five well water samples from different compounds and five stream water samples.

Sterile universal sampling bottles were used to collect the samples, The samples were thereafter brought to the laboratory for analysis in a cellophane bag containing ice block. The samples were examined within two hours of collection.


The water samples was first analyzed physically with their characteristics which is odor, taste and color level.

Then after which the samples labeled 1-15 were analyzed using a pour plate method.

Each water sample (100ml) passed through a pour plate method, this method was carried out by fixing a cylinder gas with the Bunsen burner on a neat table for 15mins so as to sterilized the atmosphere, water

samples each was collected with a syringe of 1ml into a Petri dish close to the Bunsen burner so as to avoid the atmospheric contamination with the addition of already prepared liquefied Eosin methyl blue Agar (EMBA) for the identification of coli forms.


The E. coli test involved the pour plate method which a media name Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA) is used with the collection or 100ml of each water sample in a Petri dish.



Total coliform count of the water samples that grew on the Eosin Methyl Blue Agar. It shows the total number of coliform after 3days incubation at 370c and it was found that only pipe borne water has none colony but other sources has more colonies.



The analysis examination carried out on the water sources that serves for private and public water supply were intended to assist in the determination of the quality of drinking water in Independence layout of Plateau state. (World Health Organization[WHO], 1985). have stipulated standards for water meant for human consumption and the result of the present investigation did not meet the standards except the tap water.

The total bacterial count of the water sources showed general variation from different samples (table2) the result shows that the well water sources has poorer quality in terms of contamination with coliform. (table1) The tap water sources showed no content of any coliform unlike other water sources, this result expected as the water source is most likely to have been treated by the process of chlorination to public out lets

The isolation of coliform from the water sources is indication of feacal contamination of the water sources like the well and the stream water. Their presence also indicates poor sanitary condition of the water sources.



Judging from the result obtained I would like to recommend the following.

Personal hygiene should be adopted by every one using natural water, that is, water obtained from any of the natural sources should be boiled or treated before consumption.

Water purification method that provides safe drinking water should be made available by government in order to avoid out break cause by pathogenic organism found in water. The government should make more sacrifices to provide adequate treatment facilities that purify sewage prior to discharge or disposal, so as to save our drinking water form continuos pollution.


Stream water and well water in (Independence layout locality) Plateau metropolis has been found to be unsafe for consumption and for industrial uses because of the large number of bacteria that grew on agar plate incubated for 24 hours.


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