Education Project Topics

Comparative Analysis of Simulation and Demonstration Methods on Students’ Academic Achievements in Basic Technology

Comparative Analysis of Simulation and Demonstration Methods on Students' Academic Achievements in Basic Technology

Comparative Analysis of Simulation and Demonstration Methods on Students’ Academic Achievements in Basic Technology


Purpose Of The Study

The general purpose of the study is to analyze by comparing the two dependent variable simulation and demonstration methods of teaching on students’

its academic achievement in basic technology. Specifically, the study seeks to:

  1. Analyze the difference in academic achievement of students taught basic technology using simulation method with those taught using demonstration method.
  2. Determine the difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of students after being taught basic technology with simulation method of teaching.
  3. Determine the difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of students after being taught basic technology with demonstration method of teaching.
  4. Find out the means learning the students appreciate more with understanding.



The review of literature for the study will be done under the following sub-headings:

Conceptual Framework

The Concept of Simulation Method

Different teaching method may be used in teaching Government. These methods include Discussion method,demonstration methods, discovery method, Inquiry method, project method and simulation method to mention a few. However, the concern of this study is simulation method.

Simulation is an innovative teaching method which is a learner centred activity-oriented teaching strategy. The word simulation comes from Latin word ‘similis’ meaning ‘like’ that is to act like, to resemble, to pretend to be, thus Simulations are activities or materials that presents real life situation, past events or organisation in such a way that students will learn and understand more about them (Uchegbu, 2006). According to Goldsim (2011) simulation helps to identify and understand factors which control the system and or to predict the future behaviour of the system. Simulation programmes can be applied to Government by providing real life settings for the application of Government concepts. Simulation includes role plays, games, computer programs that encourage students to become active participants in Government classroom. Simulations can be classified in many ways:

Physical Simulation: Here the physical object is presented on a screen and the students learn about it. Example the use of objects like mace

Process Simulations: Processes that are not visible can be demonstrated using For example power and authority can be demonstrated using simulation.

Procedural Simulations: Here procedures as follows in order to understand sequence of events. Example; the procedure involved in passing a bill into law in the legislature.

Situational Simulations: This has to do with attitudinal and behavioural changes of people. The students use this simulation to explore the effects of different approaches to a problem. (Tippler, 2003). Simulation has three types namely:

Life Simulation: This shows human behaviour in real life. Example is training of soldiers in war games.

Virtual Simulations: Simulation occurs in a computer controlled setting. For example a pilot flying air craft but is controlled from the control room.

Constructive Simulations: This does not involve humans or equipment but by proper sequencing of events. (Institute of Simulation and Training (IST), 2002). In this research life simulation will be used since humans (student) are involved.




This chapter focused on the research method used in this study.

Research Design

The study adopted a quasi-experimental separate sample pre-test/post-test control group design. It consists of three experimental groups, two training groups and one control. The quasi-experimental design was appropriate for this study because it involved human behaviour and did not permit complete randomization of subjects and control of all variables (Nwadinigwe, 2002; Ilogu, 2005).Training was done in intact classes which the researcher equated by matching and randomization of treatment. The control group was placed on a waiting list.

Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprised the entire senior secondary school students in the Ogba–Egbema–Ndoni LGA of Rivers state.. However, the accessible population for this study was 494 senior secondary school two (SS2) students in three schools in Ogba–Egbema–Ndoni LGA of Rivers state. because they are the most stable class and they are not distracted by any external examinations at the time of the study.



Data obtained from the field work using the research instruments was presented here.Descriptive and Inferential statistical tools were used where applicable .The five hypotheses formulated to guide the study were tested with Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The results are presented in tables, which are grouped under each of the hypotheses according to the different independent measures. The Least Significance Difference (LSD) Post Hoc Multiple Comparison tool was used to determine where the significance of the groups differences lies. The acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses was provided with evidence to support them.




Results from the study shows that significant effect of performances of student taught with simulation games technique which is better than those taught with Demonstration technique. Simulation games technique has significant positive impact on students’ academic performance at JSS Secondary school level in Ogba–Egbema–Ndoni LGA of Rivers state.. The findings of this study corroborated that of Dauda (2015) ; Adoke (2015), their studies examined the effect of simulation games technique on students academic performance and found that simulation games technique was more effective in comparison to other teaching techniques of teaching especially the teacher-centre approaches.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are proffered:

  1. There is need to engage students in the teaching and learning process in order to help them increase their understanding of the subject. They should not merely know what the teacher says but should have a better grasp of the concepts. This will have a high impact on students’ performance in Basic science.
  2. The Students should be encouraged to believe that their actions produce the outcomes they desires and to persevere in the face of obstacles or adverse circumstances.
  3. There is the need for students to be connected with the learning materials. This will improve performance in Basic science.
  4. Frequent and regular use of demonstration learning and Simulation-based learning would help students to learn many life skills and share common goals which allow them to learn to trust each other as they achieve more than would be possible on their own.


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  • Dauda, A.D. (2015). Effect of inquiry and simulation games techniques on academic performance of JSS students in kaduna state, Nigeria: unpublished M. ed. Thesis, ABU Zaria.
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  • Salihu, J.J. (2015). Effects of educational field trip on academic performance of JSS students in kaduna state- nigeria: unpublished M.ed. thesis ABU Zaria