Theology Project Topics

Christian Stewardship and Church Management: Examining the Effectiveness of International Control Systems in Winners Chapel International, Kasoa

Christian Stewardship and Church Management: Examining the Effectiveness of International Control Systems in Winners Chapel International, Kasoa

Christian Stewardship and Church Management: Examining the Effectiveness of International Control Systems in Winners Chapel International, Kasoa

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to investigate the Christian stewardship and church management: examining the effectiveness of international control systems in winners chapel international kasoa. The specific objectives are;

  1. To investigate the theological underpinnings of stewardship within Christian doctrine in winners chapel international kasoa.
  2. To analyze the importance of financial transparency and accountability in maintaining the trust of congregants and donors winners chapel international kasoa.
  3. To investigate the applicability and effectiveness of international control systems in the context of church management.



Church management

Church management encompasses a range of organizational practices and principles aimed at facilitating the effective functioning and growth of religious congregations. It involves various aspects, including leadership, administration, finance, communication, and community engagement. Church management acknowledges that religious institutions, like any other organization, require structured and efficient approaches to fulfill their missions.

The concept of church management extends beyond mere administrative tasks; it encapsulates the spiritual, social, and financial aspects of a religious community. Effective church management involves maintaining a balance between the spiritual needs of the congregation and the practical aspects of running a religious organization.

Christian Stewardship:

Christian stewardship is a theological and ethical concept rooted in the belief that everything belongs to God, and humans are called to manage and care for the resources that God has entrusted to them. It goes beyond financial management to encompass the responsible use of time, talents, relationships, and the environment. Stewardship is often seen as a way of living out one’s faith and demonstrating gratitude to God for the blessings received.

In the Christian context, stewardship finds its basis in biblical teachings. The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) are often cited as examples of stewardship principles, emphasizing the responsible use of resources and the importance of caring for othersTop of Form

Effectiveness of International Control Systems in Church Management

International control systems, drawn from corporate governance practices, have gained attention as potential mechanisms to enhance transparency, accountability, and responsible resource management within religious organizations. These systems offer structured frameworks to ensure ethical conduct, financial integrity, and effective leadership. Examining their effectiveness in the context of church management reveals both opportunities and challenges.





This chapter deals with the research methodology used for the course of the study, which consists of research design, population, sampling technique and data collection method and data analysis.

Research Design

The research design used was survey design where data were gathered from respondents. This type of research design was best appropriate since it provided the researcher the opportunity to collect primary data. Furthermore, the researcher engaged the respondents which made it possible to understand the dynamic factors of the research by having a direct experience. The advantage with the survey design was that the researcher had the likelihood to experience Christian stewardship and church management: examining the effectiveness of international control systems in winners chapel international


The general staff including the management of winner’s chapel church in Kasoa were considered for population of the research study.




This chapter provides information on the data collection procedure adopted, analysis of the data and findings. The responses from the respondents are described, analyses, and inferences made to establish relationships.

With a questionnaire as the main research tool to gather data from the respondents, the first section was intended to gather data on the background of the respondents. Frequency tables and charts used in analyzing the data gathered from the respondents.




This chapter present the conclusion and makes some important recommendations and suggestions to the problems identified from the study.


In conclusion, the examination of Christian stewardship and church management within the context of Winners Chapel International Kasoa highlights the importance of effective international control systems in maintaining transparency, accountability, and overall success within a religious organization. Throughout this study, we have delved into the significance of stewardship, emphasizing its role in responsibly managing the resources, both financial and human, entrusted to the church.

The case study of Winners Chapel International Kasoa has demonstrated the value of implementing international control systems to ensure the proper allocation of funds, the prevention of financial mismanagement, and the promotion of ethical practices. The church’s commitment to transparency and accountability, as evidenced by its utilization of international control mechanisms, has contributed to fostering trust among its members and stakeholders. This approach not only enhances the church’s credibility but also helps maintain its mission and purpose.

Furthermore, the examination of the effectiveness of international control systems has broader implications for religious organizations beyond Winners Chapel International Kasoa. It underscores the importance of adapting to contemporary financial and management practices to navigate an evolving socio-economic landscape. The integration of international control systems can serve as a model for other religious institutions seeking to ensure responsible stewardship and effective management.

Nonetheless, it’s important to acknowledge that the effectiveness of international control systems may depend on various factors, including leadership commitment, member engagement, and the broader cultural context. While these systems provide a framework for accountability, they should be accompanied by a genuine commitment to ethical practices and a holistic understanding of stewardship encompassing not only financial resources but also the well-being of the congregation and community.

In conclusion, the case of Winners Chapel International Kasoa demonstrates the positive outcomes that can arise from the implementation of effective international control systems in Christian stewardship and church management. By fostering transparency, accountability, and ethical practices, such systems contribute to the overall success and impact of a religious organization, ultimately aligning with its core mission and values. As religious institutions continue to adapt to contemporary challenges, the lessons drawn from this study can provide valuable insights for promoting responsible and effective church management worldwide.


Based on the examination of Christian stewardship and church management in the context of Winners Chapel International Kasoa, several recommendations emerge to further enhance the effectiveness of international control systems and promote responsible stewardship:

  1. Continuous Training and Education: Church leaders, staff, and volunteers should receive ongoing training and education on financial management, ethical practices, and the importance of stewardship. This will empower them to make informed decisions and uphold the highest standards of accountability.
  2. Transparency Platforms: Implement and maintain transparent communication platforms, such as regular financial reports, to keep members informed about the church’s financial activities. This will foster trust and engagement within the congregation.
  3. Internal Auditing: Establish a robust internal auditing process to regularly review financial records, transactions, and adherence to established financial protocols. Internal audits can help identify potential discrepancies and ensure compliance with ethical standards.
  4. Diverse Oversight: Create diverse oversight committees or boards that include financial experts, legal advisors, and members with varied professional backgrounds. This will bring different perspectives to decision-making and reduce the risk of conflicts of interest.
  5. Community Engagement: Extend the principles of stewardship beyond the church’s walls by actively engaging with the local community. Implement projects and initiatives that demonstrate the church’s commitment to the betterment of the community, reinforcing its role as a responsible steward of resources.


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