Political Science Project Topics

Change in Political Administration and Its Impact on the Economy: an Appraisal of the Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration

Change in Political Administration and Its Impact on the Economy an Appraisal of the Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration

Change in Political Administration and Its Impact on the Economy: an Appraisal of the Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration



The aim of the research work is to determine the following:

  1. Effect of change in political administration have on the economic development of Nigeria.
  2. The constitution binding the governance of the Nigeria.
  3. The best approaches to be adopted by the federal government of Nigeria to resolve the adverse change in the political adminstration.
  4. If the mohammadu Buhari’s administration a set back to the economy of Nigeria.
  5. If the change in political administration have any effect on ghost workers.




It is said that thunder hardly strikes twice at the same spot. If the now civilianized former military ruler from Daura is remembered for little else, he will be memorialized as the man under whose watch thunder struck the Nigerian political firmament twice. It is no mean achievement. Let us now elaborate on this political conceit.

In March 1984 and after the first hundred days of his first coming, it was clear that the lean ramrod straight infantry general meant exacting business. Now thirty one years apart, and after another hundred days of the new civilian regime headed by the selfsame but now retired general, Buhari has again shaken Nigeria to its political foundation. A brief historical detour is in order.

At the close of the month of December 1983, a group of senior military officers led by Major General Mohamadu Buhari , as at then the General Officer commanding the Third Division of the Nigerian Army based in Jos, overthrew the  civilian regime headed by Alhaji Shehu Aliyu Shagari. There was widespread jubilation and applause across the length and breadth of the nation. The joyous mood of the nation was captured in the enraptured refrain: “Happy new year, and happy new regime!!”

It is interesting to note that when Buhari was toppled twenty months later in a palace coup spearheaded by the then Chief of Army Staff, Major General Ibrahim Babangida, the applause, if any at all, was muted.  There was no general jubilation except among disaffected factions of the political class. As far as the general populace was concerned, it was a play of giants among military juggernauts in which Nigerians were nothing but spectral spectators.

But as fate and divine destiny would have it, thirty years after his ouster by his colleagues, Buhari has been returned to power as a civilian after another major ruling class implosion and this time on the cusp of a pan-Nigerian revolt against corrupt and inept civilian rule. This was after three storied attempts in 2003, 2007 and 2011 which ended in tears and much gnashing of teeth.

This time around, nothing could have stopped the Buhari momentum as it swept the cobwebs of elite mischief and ancient feuds before it. Never in Nigeria’s history has the national multitude rooted and rallied valiantly for one individual. Since no one can argue with a political volcano, the utterly remiss and renegade Nigerian ruling class quietly slunk away after one last ditch attempt to torpedo the entire process.

It should be noted that the old military coalition which swept Buhari to power was an inchoate, contrary and contradictory amalgam comprising of careerists, rightwing power venders, professional coupists and a sprinkling of genuine nationalists officers. Very soon, the stress and strains began to manifest and it was clear to the discerning that a military showdown was all but inevitable.





This chapter deals with the method used in collecting data required in carrying out this research work it explains the procedures that were followed and the instrument used in collecting data.


Data were collected from two main sources namely

Primary source and

Secondary source

Primary source

These are  materials of statistical investigation, which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment, the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary data

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.


Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher in interested in getting information from for the study change in political administration and its impact on the economy. 160 respondents from the bureau of statistics and town planning were selected randomly as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.


The data collected from the respondents were analyzed in tabular form with simple percentage for easy understanding.

A total of 160 (one hundred and sixty) questionnaires were distributed and 140 questionnaires were returned while others were not accounted for due to non availability of the personnel in the office as at the time the questionnaires were retrieved.

However, the researcher considered a return of about 88% not so bad and so decided to settle with the 140 respondent.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to access the contribution of agric business enterprise in poverty alleviation

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in assessing the contribution of agric business enterprise in poverty alleviation


It is evident that the problem with Nigeria is not just corruption but leadership failure. Corruption has attained an unimaginable height and is currently assuming a pandemic proportion in Nigeria through, and with the full support of the political leadership class since 1960. Obviously, as a nation, we cannot move on without looking back because a people without a history can be compared to a tree without roots. The fact is obvious that there really was never a golden age of great leadership in the history of Nigeria. The lack of competent, responsible leaders with integrity, vision, high moral values has been the bane of the country. It is simply disheartening that Nigeria, a country blessed with natural resources and manpower is now doomed with uncertainty where abject poverty, high unemployment rate, unresolved assassinations, looting and squandering of public funds, etc, all as a consequence of corruption, have become the order of the day. No doubt, corrupt practices among the political leadership class have also resulted in undermining the growth and stability of the nation’s trading and financial system. As Nigeria seeks for more Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), corruption tends to thrive more and impede the country’s ability to attract overseas capital. Corruption has also damaged economic development and reforms and if adequate care is not taken, it can hinder the growth of democratic institutions.


The failure of the political leadership to harness Nigeria’s huge potential has created several security, economic and political challenges that have prevented the country from becoming strong, stable and prosperous. The desire for genuine transformation of Nigeria partly accounted for the thumping victory of Muhammadu Buhari in the March 28 presidential election. The way the new administration of President Buhari handles these challenges will go a long way in defining the image of Nigeria in the years ahead. For President Muhammadu Buhari to make a success of his avowed intentions to bring the change that Nigeria needs, he must put in place the right policies, programmes and personnel.


President Buhari’s government needs to further galvanize all segments of the Nigerian society as well as regional bodies and international community to deal with the Boko Haram threat. He needs to better equip the military, police and security forces through a transparent and centralized procurement process to enhance their capacity to deal with the security challenges.

Economic diversification holds the key to the emergence of a robust economy that is capable of creating jobs and reducing poverty and unemployment. President Buhari’s administration needs to articulate and implement an economic blueprint for the diversification of the Nigerian economy, leveraging sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, hospitality, tourism and ICT to boost productive activities and revenue generation.


  • SM Lukman (2015) ‘Issues in Nigerian Politics: The Gen. Buhari Challenge’, Sahara Reporters, 3 March, http://saharareporters.com/2015/03/02/issues-nigerian-politics-gen-buhari-challenge-salihumoh-lukman (accessed 20 June 2015).  Festus Owete, (2015) ‘After 30 years, Buhari returns to power as Nigeria’s elected president’, 29 May, http://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/183962-after-30-years-buhari-returns-to-power-as-nigeriaselected-president-2.html (accessed 11 July 2015).
  •  Mohammadu Buhari’s Inaugural Speech as President, 29 May 2015, Punch; http://www.punchng.com/news/for-the-record/inaugural-speech-of-president-muhammadu-buharion-may-29-2015/, (accessed 5 June 2015).
  •  K.C Osuji, (2013) “Internal Security Threat to Nigeria: A Personal Perspective”, in Mbachu, O & Bature, U.M (eds.) Internal Security Management in Nigeria: A Study in Terrorism and CounterTerrorism.(Kaduna: Medusa Academic Publishing Ltd), p.49.
  • Drew Hinshaw, ‘Satellite Images Show Boko Haram Massacre in Nigeria’, http://www.wsj.com/articles/satellite-images-show-boko-haram-massacre-in-nigeria-1421326660, (accessed 23 June 2015).  Luka Binniyat (2015) ‘444 deaths in 39 days: Boko Haram, more daring, more heartless’, Vanguard, 12 July, http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/07/444-deaths-in-39-days-boko-haram-more-daringmore-heartless/ (accessed 12 July 2015)
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