Banking and Finance Project Topics

Challenges of Secretaries Working in Commercial Banks in Enugu State

Challenges of Secretaries Working in Commercial Banks in Enugu State

Challenges of Secretaries Working in Commercial Banks in Enugu State


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to determine the challenges of secretaries working in commercial banks in Enugu urban, Enugu State specifically the study attempted to:

  1. Identify the challenges of jobs performance in commercial banks in Enugu urban, Enugu state.
  2. Find out further challenges of secretaries working in commercial banks.


Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, relevant literature related to the present study was reviewed. The review was presented under the following headings:

  1. Meaning of secretaries and commercial banks
  2. Challenges facing the secretaries working in commercial banks
  3. Further challenges encountered by secretaries working in commercial banks
  4. Summary of literature review

Meaning of Secretaries and Commercial Banks

According to Okoli (1992) a secretary is one employed to handle correspondence and manage routine and detail work for a superior. This function may be entirely carried out to assists one another employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. In other situations a secretary is an office of a society or organization who deal with correspondence admits new members and organize official meeting and events Jefferson (2002) stated that a secretary is an office of a business concern who may keep records of directors and stockholder meetings and of stock ownership and transfer help supervise the company’s legal interest.

Onwuka (1995) also stated that a sectary is a person in an office or a person in a club or other organization who is in charge of keeping letters records.

According to Honby (1974) is an employee in an office who deals with correspondence keeps records makes arrangement and appointment for a particular member of the staff. He or she is the one who combines the mastery skills of shorthand and typewriting and with a sound knowledge of secretarial duties.

Anyaele (1990) stated that commercial banks are institution set up purposely for safekeeping of money, valuable goods and documents, like wills and others he also said that the existence of banks has been a big boosts to business activities also commercial banks secretary is an executive decision maker and the holder of the legal keys of the institution, including the commercial banks stamp and other signature authorities. He or she is appointed by the board of Director and not by the shareholders and certainly not be the chief executive office.




This chapter described the design of the study, area of the study, population of the study, sample of the study, instrument used for data collection, validation of the instrument, distribution and retrieval of the instrument and method for data collection.



In this chapter demographic data of the respondents and data collected for the purpose of answering the research questions posed for the study were presented and analyses.

The findings were presented according to the research questions.




Summary of Major Findings

The major findings in this study were:

  1. The fear of lost of job possible causes resistance to technological change, Adequate training on enhances decrease tension and increase productivity workers, breakdown of office equipment brings inefficiency cost of maintenance is heavily high and it brings expenses in the training of staff and special pay of such staff.
  2. Possess human and public relation skills, environment office from closed to open Acquire good communication skill, adopt on the computer in word processing spreadsheet s, CorelDraw and desktop publishing acquisition emphasis on short hand being reduced, and academies qualifications acquisition of skills the environment roles and responsibilities.


Based on made the findings of the study the following conclusion were:

  1. The challenges facing the secretaries in commercial banks
  2. The further challenges encountered by secretaries working in commercial banks


Based on the findings of this study and the conclusion drawn from it the following recommendations were made.

  1. Organizations should equipment their offices especially that of their secretaries with adequate training on computer because of their various challenges facing by secretaries in the office.
  2. Organization should do away with the old machines such as typewriting because of their inefficiencies

Limitation of The Study

The following limitations in the study:

  1. Inadequate funds that will enable the research into all relevant areas and particularly for high cost of materials and transportation
  2. Time was not enough to allow for a through and in-depth investigation and empirical study on the topic
  3. Another factor that limits the progress of this research work was willingness of the respondents to answer the questionnaire given to them by the researcher.

Suggestion for Further Research

The following suggestions were made for further research.

  1. Further research should be carried out on this topic the challenges facing the secretaries working in commercial banks, in public sectors or academic institutions to ascertain a comparative view of the topic.
  2. The further challenges encountered by secretaries working in commercial banks.


  • Akpan, .O.R. (2005), Introduction to Computer A Management Tool, Owerri; Victory Publishers Nigeria.
  • Anyaduba, A.W. (1991). Ideal Secretary Owerri; Government Printers
  • Anyaele, P.C. (199O) Office Management in Nigeria (2nd ed ) Owerri; Odugbe Publishers
  • Flippo, D.J. (2OO0). Personnel Management Tokyo Mc Graw Hill International Limited
  • Hornby, R.A. (1974).Secretarial Office Procedure Imo; South-west Publishing Company.
  • Jefferson, C.J. (2002). The Secretarial Profession A Prospective of the Year 2000. Business Education Journals vol. 2 (1)
  • Joshi, B.U. (2007). The Millennium Secretary’s Training and Skills for Enterprise. The Millennium Secretaries Owerri; Opus Business Concern
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