Health Education Project Topics

Causes of Drug Abuse and Its Effects Among Secondary School Students

Causes of Drug Abuse and Its Effects Among Secondary School Students

Causes of Drug Abuse and Its Effects Among Secondary School Students



This research work is an attempt to study drug abuse among students in selected Secondary Schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. I was stimulated by frequent cases of drug abuse amongst youths and its consequences.

The research findings may apply to other parts of Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to;

  1. Find out why students abuse drugs.
  2. Find out the drug mostly abused in the area.
  3. To correct the situations by making useful suggestions by making useful suggestions to prevent or control the abuse of drugs.
  4. To investigate the effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students.



This research is based on prevalence of drug abuse among secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.

In the past, students were not addicted to drugs taking but due to western civilization among our present day youths, the use of drugs has increased because of the blind desire to follow what the so called sophisticated people in the society.

WHAT IS DRUG? A drug is said to be an illegal substances that people take, smoke, inject e.t.c for the physical and mental effect it has.

THE MEANING OF ABUSE: is to take or use something in a way that is wrong or harmful to the user. Abuses are to misuse anything in access.

CONCEPTS OF DRUG ABUSE: drug abuse has since be define by many scientist. Olikeh (1980) described drug abuse as a substance that is use when it is not pharmacological or physically necessary. It can also be the misuse of anything in access. Bascom (1961) defined it as a situation whereby the dosage of drug or substances is exceeded by the user.

CAUSES OF DRUG ABUSE: there is no single cause of drug abuse but the most persuasive elements producing students addicted to drug abuse is on parents who devote more of their time to pursuit of money than child care. Ezeku (1985) stressed that the power in balance in the family can also contribute to drug abuse by the children. The children as left to themselves while the parents exchange their parental love for money.

Olikeh J.A (1982) also suggested that social disorganization link with this social malaise. Most urban parents insist on educating their children in order to achieved the desired urban goal, since, the school system has failed to provide options of achievements for those of the populations who academically inclined that opportunity should exist outside the fall walls of the school for attaining excellence an self actualization unlike traditional society where avenues for excellence are clearly spelt out.





A research design is to an educationist what a compass is to a sailor. It guides and directs the researchers work.

Methodology is a condition set for data collection, analysis of data and justification of data in the manner those logical conclusions about a given problem or research could be achieved. Thus, this states the conditions, procedures and steps involved in the actualization of a research objective.


The study population shall be drawn from the senior secondary classes of three designated schools in Oredo local government area of Benin City, they are;

  1. Oredo Girls College
  2. Immaculate Conception College (ICC)
  3. Our Lord Group of Schol (Private)




The rate in which drug abuse increases in Nigeria is quite alarming and the fact that this ugly situation is unfavourable to efforts aimed at developing the country makes it an important topic of research with the aim of identifying the cause, effects, as well as a means of treatment or cure.

Many people have attributed this phenomenon (drug abuse) to various factors such as parents, peer groups, teachers, peer groups, teachers and the students themselves. Hence, this study seek through its data analysis to find out the causes of drug abuse, its effects on students in the society, in other to draw a reasonable conclusion and recommendations which would be beneficial to the society at large since the youth today are the leaders of tomorrow.




This study of drug abuse has been one in which various hypothesis based on certain basic assumptions, of the reason topic has been put to empirical test. The hypothesis formulated for this study include

  1. Children who lack parental care and affection take to drug abuse then, those who do not lack parental care and affection.
  2. Children who live in low class residential areas are more prone to drug abuse than those from high or middle class residential areas.
  3. Children who engage in drug abuse grow up to become adult criminals.
  4. Peer group influence induces drug abuse.

In summary, it was found that children deprived of adequate parental care and affection take to drug abuse than those who do not lack parental care and affection. This is attributed to the simple fact that children who are adequately provided for have no cause to drug abuse as their needs are always provided for by their caring parents.

Secondly, it was discovered that children who live in low class residential areas are more prone to dry abuse than those in high class residential areas. This is supported that a greater percentage of criminal subculture exist in low class residential areas.

Thirdly, it was found that there is necessary link between peer groups and drug abuse. This is evident from the response of the respondents many of who agreed that they have been caught alongside their peers engaging in the abuse of drugs.


In conclusion, the study shows that the family has a large part to play in matters pertaining to drug abuse. It is clearly operational that unfortunate circumstance as well as unhappy family influences such as socio-economic status of parents and childhood deprivation lead to personal, psychological and social problems of adjustment for youths, which in turn, are in most cases resolved by the perpetuation of drug acts. The children themselves have a part to play in alleviating this problem. Emphasis should be placed by parents, teachers, and guardians on the nature of friends which their wards associate with as these associations bring about bad attitudes.

Finally, drug abuse should be seen as a temporary problem not as a permanent one because it could be treated and controlled if those who are designated to do so can apply the necessary techniques discussed in this work.


It is the wish of the researcher to point out some possible ways of handling drug abuse. On the basis of this study, the researcher recommends a government policy aimed at educating the entire populace on the need to cater for their children in order to make them good leaders of tomorrow. Government should also provide avenues through which the youths can be engaged in activities which will inculcate in them relevant qualities that will enable them to contribute their quota to national development.

Furthermore, the parents have a lot to do themselves, it is clear that parents do not adequately realize the importance of their position in the society as agents of socialization. Vigorous mobilization programmes should be mounted for all parents or guardians so as to make them aware of their important role in the socialization process. This will definitely go a long way in upbringing of youths in our society.

Finally, government and individuals as a matter of priority should formulate policies aimed at establishing and maintaining the standard of religious and moral institutions in all aspects of our society as such institution will ensure that the basic morals needed to keep our youths out of crime are imbibed by them hence, creating a sense of responsibility for themselves and to the society in general.


  • Aminu, (1987) Drug Abuse and Control.
  • Anumonye (1979) Misuse of Drugs.
  • Esinalo, M. (1979) Blamer for Student Indiscipline, Weekly Star, April 8            pp 4
  • Izuora, P. (1956) Drug Abuse University Press Ltd. Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Lester, O. Crow and Alice Crfow (1955) Child Psychology. New York, Barners and Nobles.
  • Mrs. Babangida (1970) Rise and Fight Drug Abuse.
  • Olorurtimehin, O. (1974) Juvenile in the Society. University Press Ltd. Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Oluku, I. (1992) Child Psychology. Africana Fep. Publishing Coy. Nigeria
  • Oshodi (1981). Alcohol Abuse and Consequences.
  • Shonekan (1996) West African Examination Council, Newslette Vol. III
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