Education Project Topics

Career Opportunities for Adult Education Graduates in Enugu State Nigeria.

Career Opportunities for Adult Education Graduates in Enugu State Nigeria.

Career Opportunities for Adult Education Graduates in Enugu State Nigeria.



The aim and objectives of this study is particularly to achieve the following.

  1. Identify the various job opportunities open to adult education graduates in the state.
  2. To determine the extent to which these graduates have secured jobs in the areas of their training and how well they trained.
  3. To determine the extent to which the employers of labour know the purpose and programme content of adult education.



In this chapter, some previous little work has been received on this subject.  Since little on nothing has been documented on career opportunities.  For adult education graduates in Enugu state, review of literature is based on adult education in general.

Therefore, the review is organized under the following subheadings:

  • Adult and adult education
  • Career guidance and education
  • Career within an organization
  • Career dilemma and career plateau
  • Theories in career development
  • Adult literacy and career motive



M.D Stephen (1990) defines adult in the volume as a student who will be over the legal age of 18 years and will have completed his or her initial education (school and for the privilege for higher education) the provision for such adult within Enugu is considerable diversify.  The Oxford Learners Dictionary contributes those adults as an adjective is the one who has grown to dull size or strength intellectually and emotionally matured.  As noun, person or animal grown to full size on strength (legal) person old enough to vote, marry etc.

Based on the above fact , we can even see that adult education is not popular established for those in mind.

Based on the above statements and definitions we can move to identify what adult education is.


We can all imprisoned by the historical experiences of the country in which we live. Adult education provision within Enugu is now exception to that of Nigeria in general and the outside world. The industrial pace, companies, tailoring industries, mechanic, professional disciplines, school etc. all this witness the out pouring of trainees of adult age who want to make careers in such fields, NDE (1989).

Adult education as said is an optional taken an aged person to increase the development of his or her brain which geared towards achieving ones objectives.  This could occur as retraining in the same field of work for career purposes.  Gerry Branity (1991).





This area deals with the systematic and technical steps adopted by the researcher in this work.


This is the study of carear opportunities for adult education graduates in Enugu State, Nigeria.


The population consists of employers of labour from (5) five industries/establishment in Enugu, adult educators from IMT and adult graduates & undergraduates.  From these (5) five establishments, the total numerical figure is 340.



This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data collected on the study.  See the appendices.

Research Question (Particular for Adult Education Questionnaire)

Out of the 184 respondents, 50 respondents representing 27% said that they are between 25-29 years, 20 respondents representing 11% said that they are between 30-34 years, 30 respondents representing 16% said that they are between 35-39 years, another 30 respondents representing 16% said that they are between 40-44 years, 34 respondents representing 18% said that they are between 45-49 years and 20 respondents representing 12% said that they are between 50 years and above.




This work will summarize its findings.  Therefore, the following are the facts about the career opportunities available for the adult education graduates in Enugu State.

It was found out that the interest on state holders of the programme were very much aware of the programme as against the notion that people are ignorant due to the newness of the discipline in the field of academic work.

In the other tables, the same level of awareness is noticed especially in tables used for the hypothesis.


There is need to know the opportunities the adult education graduates have in the face if working life and had only dealt with part time on the continuing education in IMT and other related schools around.

The research work has given rise to many meaningful findings.  At this, the researcher want to take a critical look at the implications of these findings.

There is need to know the opportunities that adult education graduates have in the face of working life.

There is need for people to be aware of these potentials including the employees of labour.

There should be constant review of teaching in these institutions to match the ever increasing change of today’s affairs.

The NNCAR should be involved in creating awareness to people and the employers.


The career opportunities for adult education graduates in Enugu Metropolis has been and affair of every household which has been suffering the concealment of heaps of illiterate adult who cannot read or write.

Adult education, which has been an opportunity for these less privileged people, has also witnessed a warm embracement from these household and have not only provided them with the opportunity to make a career in diverse work life at their disposal.

The literature review also proved that this programme is gaining international standard and recognition while we establish it for stack interest.

Therefore, the findings, if well placed and implemented will go along way in providing the opportunity with the required objectives and the achievement of more meaningful goals to the public, employers of labour, schools authorities and the recipients as well.


This study reveals a depth of appropriate employment in the face of numerous opportunities for the graduates of adult education in Enugu state despite none indigene syndrome.  It is on this therefore that it recommends that restridions be stopped, as to where one comes from so as to go back to his home.  Again, there should be need for the departments of all disciplines in every Nigerian higher institutions to handle the adults in the other academic discipline.

The Nigeria National Council for Adult Education (NNCAE) should create awareness forum such as seminars and workshops where the policymakers, representatives and even the employers will participate.

The industries and companies should send their staff, members for further development rather than using the resources that would be used to train 10 person here in the country to send just one person abroad.

Also, the departments in these higher institutions should constantly review their programmes to keep with constant changes with time.


Based on the recommendations and problems that cannot be incorporated in this study, the following are hereby suggested for further investigations.

  1. Employment opportunities open to adult education graduates?
  2. Competence needed by adult advocation graduates in Nigeria.
  3. How to expand opportunities to their full knowledge.
  4. Analysis of adult education wastage in Nigeria.


  • Barry P. Bright (1989), Theory and Practice in the Study of Adult Education.  The Epistemological Debate in Ridia Clay Ltd.  Great Britain.
  • Berry Braniley (1991), Adult Literacy, London: Basic Library Association and Publishing Ltd.
  • Fafuwa A.B. (1991),    The History of United States  New York: Cambridge, the Adult Education Company.
  • Hodgkin and Omolewa 91981),    Adult Education practice in Nigeria, Ibadan, Evans Brothers Ltd.
  • James A.F. Stoner (1978)    Management, London Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • Knowle M.S. (1980)     Modern Practice of Adult Education in United States New Education Company.
  • Murrary, R. Spiegel (1992),  Theory and Problems of Adult New York: McGraw Hill Book Company.
  • Nwana, O.C. (1981),   Introduction to Educational Research Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books Nigeria Ltd.
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