Biology Education Project Topics

Attitude of Mothers Towards the Introduction of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Enugu State

Attitude of Mothers Towards the Introduction of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Enugu State

Attitude of Mothers Towards the Introduction of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Enugu State


Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study was to find the attitude of mothers towards the  introduction of sex education in secondary schools in Enugu urban.



Sex education among the youth has been the central focus of a number of previous studies. Sources and nature of sexual information were analysed in different societies. School, media, peers, discussion with parents etc. are the most sexual information providers, but the extent to which they are used varies from a country to another, following the socio-cultural, political and economic realities. This section is aimed at exploring sexuality-related problems, the importance of sexual education and different sources of sexual education as described by previous research.

The review has been carried out under the following sub headings:

  1. Conceptual framework
  2. Theoretical framework
  3. Empirical framework
  4. Summary of the literature review


Mother, Attitude, Adolescence and Sex education are the four concepts that made up the topic under study.

Akubuilo (2010) defined a teacher as a person imbued with extensive innate teaching abilities and has been exposed to an approved academic and professional training in education, thereby equipped with the knowledge, attitude and skills required to impart knowledge to the learner.

Teachers are very important as such requires adequate training as they serve as knowledge reservoirs to learners. According to Ccharn (2010) opined that a teacher is carries a big responsibility in the classroom and one of the reasons why the students depends on them is that everything the teacher says will have an impact on them.

Attitude is a predisposition or tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, issue or situation at a particular given them.

Authorities have combined various element to describe attitude as follows:

Thomas and Znanieki (2010) maintained that attitude is the process an individual’s consciousness which determines real or possible activity of the individual in a social world.




This chapter comprised the method used in carrying out the study, it consist of the research design, area of study , population, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection and validation of the instrument. It also includes methods of data collection and method of data analysis.


The ex-post facto research design was used for this study to investigate parents’ perception of the teaching of sex education to adolescents in secondary schools. The ex-post facto design which means after the effect was adopted because certain factors had already been identified as having possible influence on parental perception of the leading of sex education. This is in line with Kerlingers’ definition of ex-post-facto research design which he said is a systematic enquiry in which the scientist does not have direct control of independent variables because their manifestations have already occurred. The information the researcher needed already existed in its natural state and was obtained through the use of a questionnaire. The ex-post-facto design was used for the purpose of evaluation.



This chapter presents results and analysis of data collected in the course of the study. The data was analysed using tables for presentations based on the research work.

Background information




A majority of respondents had basic knowledge of sex education and positive attitude towards it. The major barriers to better attitude and practice were the fear and misconceptions about the effect of sex education on children, lack of comprehensive knowledge and lack of skill. We recommend organization of community-based enlightenment programmes that would help parents know the rudiments of SE, address and allay their fears about it and give them the acquisition of requisite skill needed


  1. During parents and teachers association (PTA) meeting, the counsellor should liaise with the principal to introduce talks on adolescents’ sexuality and the need to teach sex education to adolescents in secondary school.
  2. Children preach against homosexuality and lesbianism among adolescents. The church should not also shy away from helping adolescents by organizing youth seminars for both adults and the youth on the importance of sex education.
  3. Government through the media should air programmes through the television on sex education and the need for parents to collaborate with schools to prepare adolescent mind on sexuality issues.
  4. During conferences and seminars, educators should present more papers on the teaching of sex education to adolescent in secondary schools. This will motivate parents as they listen to the plenary sessions to ask question for clarification on the aspect of sex education that conflict with their religious and traditional belief.
  5. Also there is need to educate parents about the concepts and areas that seem not to gain approval especially in topics related to sexual issues /problems of young people and the use of contraceptives and birth control methods. Thus ensuring that they have better understanding and support the teaching of these areas. This will make it possible for students who are experiencing sexual health problems to get help. It is also necessary for the Government to train and employ guidance counsellors, health education teachers and nurses in schools to teach sex education.
  6. There is also need to include or allow young people or students themselves in the developing and providing sex education as the practice can serve as a means of ensuring the relevance and acceptability what is provided. Hence it has been recommended that there is need to consult with young people at the point where programmes are designed as this will help to ensure that they are relevant to their needs.


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  • L.O.Ogunjimi. (2010).The evaluation of the need for sex education in Oyo State.
  •             Unpublished Master’s Thesis: Obafemi Awolowo University.
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