Education Project Topics

Assessment of the Use of ICT Facilities in Teaching History Between Public Secondary School in Nsukka

Assessment of the Use of ICT Facilities in Teaching History Between Public Secondary School in Nsukka

Assessment of the Use of ICT Facilities in Teaching History Between Public Secondary School in Nsukka


Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study were as follows:

The main purpose of the study is to assess the use of ICT facilities in teaching history between public secondary schools in Nsukka. The study specifically attempted to:

  1. ⁠Identify the available ICT facilities for teaching history in public secondary schools.
  2. Ascertain the extent of use by teachers in teaching history
  3. identify the factors affecting the effective use of ICT for the teaching of history In public secondary schools.
  4. ⁠provide solutions for effective utilisation of ICT facilities by history teachers.




This chapter discussed literature on what ICTs in teaching and learning entail, theoretical back-ground in use of ICT in teaching and learning, global overview of ICT, ICT in education in African context, ICT education in the Nigerian context, conceptual framework of the study and theoretical framework. Specifically, this review provides a framework of understanding regarding this study.

Conceptual Review

The Meaning Of History

The term History has undergone many definitions and thus there is no single definition. Our main concern at this point is to consider some of these definitions that some are relevant to our study of the subject matter ‘history’.

The word ‘history’ has its root from a Greek word ‘Historia’.  When translated into English it means ‘inquire’. An enquiry is a search for a quest into problems. However, such enquiry as this is a reflected in terms of ‘natural history’ when viewed in this way history therefore refers to a methodological account of natural objects, especially man and animal (Agwom (2022) in crookal 2019).

Onifade (2022) also observe that the word ‘history’ was derived from the Greek word historia which means enquiry. History is an important branch of knowledge (discipline) in the study of man and society.  The definition could be looked at from two dimensions namely; history as a process and history, Onifade further explain that history ‘is the relationship between man and his environment and the influence of his environment on man’. History at this level refers to the events, episodes and the totality of the changes, experiences or happenings which humanity has undergone ever since the emergence of human society.

History as an academic discipline is the reconstruction study and explanation of these changes which humanity has undergone. It is an organized critical study of past activities of human beings that had produced significant effects on subsequent course of events. It is the study of past human activities at a particular place over a given period of time so as to record changes over time. It is the systematic study of the process, events or motion of event through the aid of sources (Onifade 2022).

Thus, history refers to both the event of man past as well as the study of these events. The subject matter of history in both MAN, not as a biological unit man in society (social man) who is susceptible to change. It is the changing activities of man over time that constitutes the transformation of societies.

In an attempt to explain what history is Agwom in Eluwa (2018) examined a number of definitions from various literatures on the subject matter.

According to him Charles, defined history ‘as the record of life of society of man of changes which these societies have gone through ideas which determined the actions of these societies and of material conditions which have helped or hindered development’. Rowse, He asserts that history ‘is essentially the records of life of men in their geographical and historical environment of how human society has come to be what is. History is the activities of human past event of a period in time or in the life or development of people, an institution or a place (Encarta Dictionary 2022). History is the branch of knowledge that records and analyses past event for better understanding of present and predict the future. Inherent in these definitions, is the fact that history deals with important human past event of development in terms of their activities including those factors that have influence or determined their actions in those historical event.




This chapter focused on the methodology that is to be used in the study. In the subsequent sections, detailed description of research design, target population, sample size and sampling procedures are discussed. In addition, description of research instruments, instrument reliability, instrument validity and data collection procedures and data analysis are also discussed.

Research design

This study used descriptive survey design. The descriptive survey research design is used for its appropriateness in making reality known through collecting detailed factual information that describes existing phenomena at a given moment in time (Vyhmeister, 2014). This research design will sought to solicit information by asking respondents questions about their perceptions, skills, knowledge and attitudes towards ICT. The responses are given in writing (Vyhmeister, 2014). This design is appropriate in this study because it enables the researcher to collect data from the respondents through the use of questionnaires and observation checklists.




This chapter focus on the questionnaire return rate, demographic information of respondents, perceptions and self-efficacy on the use of ICT, presentations, interpretations and discussion of findings. The presentation of the findings was done based on the research questions.

Questionnaire return rate

Questionnaire return rate is the proportion of the sample that participated as estimated in all the research procedures.   All the 8 Principals (100%) returned the questionnaires of the 24 teachers, all (100%) returned the questionnaires and of the 320 students all (100%) returned the questionnaires.




This chapter discusses the findings of the study and presents conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further research.

Summary of the study

The purpose of the study was to establish the use of Information Communication Technology in teaching history in public secondary schools in Nsukka, Enugu state. The research had four aims out of which four research questions were formulated to guide the study. Research question one aimed at examining the extent to which secondary schools in Nsukka have established ICT facilities for use in enhancing teaching and learning. Research Question two aimed at investigating the extent to which teachers are endowed with skills on ICT use in enhancing teaching and learning. Research question three aimed at establishing the principals and teachers attitude towards the use of computers in teaching and learning. Research question four aimed at establishing students’ attitude towards the use of computers in teaching and learning. Research question five aimed at identifying challenges affecting the use of ICT in enhancing teaching history in public secondary schools. Research question six aimed at investigating factors that encourage the use of ICT in enhancing teaching and learning processes. A self-report questionnaire was constructed for assessment. The participants were 8 principals, 24 teachers and 320 students.

The background to the study were the common comments on ICT Skills’ competence and integration into teaching and learning globally and in Nigeria. Literature was reviewed on what ICT in education entails, the theoretical background and conceptual framework. The study applied descriptive survey design. The target population for the study consisted 320 students, 24 teachers and 8 principals in both private and public primary school in Nsukka. A self-report questionnaire was constructed and observation schedule for assessment. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires for principals, teachers and students and observation schedule for the research. The findings revealed that:

Summary of the study findings

The results revealed that computers were not adequate for full integration of ICT in teaching and learning. This was reported by five schools (62.5%). This signifies low use of these hardware tools. Regarding hardware application the results showed that computers were almost always used by teachers and students (Mean 3.79). The least used hardware by teachers was the internet (Mean= 3.417). The results revealed that the majority of teachers were very good in word processors (78%, Mean 4.77) and using power point presentations in classroom (78%, Mean 4.65) This is an important achievement in use of ICT in teaching and learning because both of which have educational potential (OECD, 2018).

The results of the study indicated that the intensive use of ICT and the process-oriented learning environment supported the development of students’ expertise in ICT and enhanced students’ in critical thinking skills (Mean 4.625), teacher and student intervention (Mean= 4.625) and increase students’ learning motivation. Furthermore, ICT can offer opportunities to teachers for obtaining educational resources from the internet to enrich course content. (Mean 4.5). The results indicated that majority of teachers (54.2%) involved students in using computers every day. This result is in agreement with (Chapman, 2016) who found that most teachers have embraced integration of ICT in their teaching.

The findings revealed that majority of students (66%) had experience in using computers in school. The finding revealed positive correlation between ICT and competences. This result is consistent with (Petrogiannis, 2023) who found that computer experienced teachers were more ready to use ICT in their classes than non-experienced teachers. Further, the analysis revealed that teachers’ perception, with regards to the use of ICT were positive and low but not statistically significant. The study revealed that there was inconsistency between teachers’ belief and their actual use of technology in classroom.

This study has identified the major barriers preventing more successful integration of and achieving higher impact. They are: The findings of the study revealed that majority of teachers (66.7%) and principals (75%) indicated that lack of ICT skills was a major challenge.

The results revealed that 83.3% of teachers and 62.5% of principals indicated that availability of sufficient number of computers was a major challenge hindering successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning. As often shown the availability of technology alone is not the only factor for successful integration of ICT, but its maintenance is a crucial hindrance. Schools without sufficient ICT resources are clearly missing out on the extra educational opportunities ICT can offer. The analysis revealed that majority of the respondents 87.5% reported that lack of motivation and confidence was a major factor that hinders successful implementation of ICT integration in schools.

Further, the analysis revealed that majority of respondents 97% identified inappropriate teacher training as a major barrier in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. The evidence from the study also proves that majority of the respondents 62.5% indicated that lack of technical support in schools to enhance successful integration of ICT was a major hindrance.


The linking of computers to education across the world is known to many people because it is believed that ICT has a crucial impact on teaching and learning. Therefore Educational Institutions are witnessing a paradigm shift brought about by the use of ICT that others have even started seeing ICT as an indispensable tool in the teaching and learning process. As a results the research findings revealed that students, are continually exposed to the capabilities of ICT, their perceptions towards change. The teachers involvement in use of and perception have also change positively towards use of ICT in teaching and learning. It is evident from the findings in the study that some schools that have put more effort to integrate ICT in teaching and learning. With this, teachers are faced with the responsibility to utilize ICT. The findings also reveal that teachers in this era should adopt a paradigm shift from old traditional methods of teaching to new methods of teaching in order to implement ICT integration effectively. This will enable them to cater for the needs of 21st century learners.


From the findings of the study, it is recommended that;

  • teachers be given sufficient training on how to use ICT in teaching history to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills in integrating the technology in
  • Teachers should also be provided with adequate technological resources, technical support and administrative support to encourage them successfully use ICT in teaching and
  • Students should be involved in using ICT in learning activities such as doing assignments and searching the internet for learning resources because it is believed that ICT can enhance teacher and student interaction and also tends to increase students learning
  • Students should be equipped with ICT skills such as Microsoft software applications such as word, excel and access


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