Urban and Regional Planning Project Topics

Assessment of Rural Management as a Strategy for Reducing Rural-urban Migration in Nigeria

Assessment of Rural Management as a Strategy for Reducing Rural-urban Migration in Nigeria

Assessment of Rural Management as a Strategy for Reducing Rural-urban Migration in Nigeria



The aim of this research is to examine rural management as a strategy for reducing rural–urban migration in Nigerian having Auchi, Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State as a case study.

The objectives of this study are as follow:

  1. To identify the needs why the rural areas should be developed in Nigeria.
  2. To identify rural development programmes /projects available in the study area.
  3. To find out why people in the rural areas migrate to urban areas.
  4. To examine the extent of rural urban – migration.
  5. To identify the general problem faced by the rural population.





The World Bank (1978) defined rural area as settlement where the populations live in farms and villages. From Hudson’s view (1981), rural areas are those settlements not classified as urban. According to him, urban settlements do not engage in agricultural occupations. However, it is generally acknowledged among settlement, sociologist that the terms “rural” and “urban” lack precise definitions.

For the purpose of this study, the term rural area means settlement in Nigeria which is characterized by all or some of the following; a high proportion of its workers occupied in primary activities, Land scope is essential made up of field and wood land that is the physical environment of rural setting is more natural than manmade, Relatively homogenous in language and general pattern of behavior, Social relations are more personal at face to face level and Spatial and social mobility is less intense.

Imperatively, whether the above features sufficed or not, an area can be regarded as rural in Nigeria, when it is outside the defined boundaries of urban and semi – urban in its state. And Auchi is not an exception but a good example of such rural areas.


Management is the organization and control of resources, namely man (labour), money (capital) and materials for the purpose of achieving a specific objective. (Thorncroft, 1965). The foundation of an effective property management programme is a soundly conceived, equitable lease or tenancy agreement between landlord and tenant. This legal document and the atmosphere is which it is negotiated, establishes the original contract between the parties and the basic frame-work for their continuing relationship. It also provides the final statement of rights, should there be a dispute. A well drafted lease will in most cases encompasses most of the right and obligations of the parties. However, there is a wide range of judicial and statutory law which may limit permissible terms, aid in interpretation, or provide for given results where a lease fails to deal with an issue. (Lawal, 1997).

Management is looked at from many points of view. Some use the word “Management” as a collective noun. Referring to it as a certain group of people within an organization. Others consider management as a process of performing certain specific functions to run an organization. But in this context, we are referring it to role of estate surveyors and valuers in private and public properties in Nigeria.

Furthermore, there are many other ways of looking at Management, as Science, as an Art, as an Academic Discipline or a Field of Study and as a Profession. The main point about rural management is that it refers to people and it is also a process by which those people do things. As rural people, management comprises those who guide actions in organization towards the achievement of the ends or goals for which the rural organizations are established.





Population is defined as a term used to embrace the sum total of the human resources, population size, spatial distribution, structures, age sex composition; plants and animals growth rate, birth and death rates; standard of living, health and educational status available in a given country. (Olusegun et al, 1991).

The study population under this research work include; farmers, traders, students, town planners, estate surveyors and valuers, e,t,c (Auchi community). Auchi is a town located in the Northern part of Edo State. With a fairly dense population that is made of five villages as; Utsogu, Akpekpe, Aibotse, Igbhei and Iyekhei. Most of the people engage in subsistence agriculture, menial jobs, live on low income levels, and other characters associated with rural dwellers. The targeted group in this research is the five villages that made up town which population size was picked from.







It has been observed from the research work that the majority of the people residing in the Auchi are of the age group of 0-5yrs (infant) and of the age group of about 61yrs and above. This shows that majority of the people that fall within the range of active labour of men and women had migrated to the urban areas in search for white collar jobs and better social life which little active labour force are left behind. Some of the old people were believed to be people that had gone round the towns and cities only to come back home at old age.

The study shows that Auchi is dominated by peasant farmers. This is as a result of the fact that the area has large usable area of land to farm on and farming is seen as more lucrative and a source of livelihood in the area. Not to forget the closeness of the farmlands to the various households as one of the factors encouraging such engagements.

It is also noted that those that reside in the community after acquiring their higher education are not much in the study area. That is only those that are in primary and secondary schools dominate the rural areas. Though, one of the reasons why rural dwellers migrate to urban area is to acquire a better education. But surveys had shown that most of them prefer to stay behind in the urban areas after acquiring their educational pursuit and secure better paying jobs.

The study clearly shows that Auchi is not well developed to the standard it ought to have been and so people move away from the community for a better life.

The findings also indicated that majority of the people in Auchi depend on water from the river which is mostly inadequate and unsafe for human consumption. On the other hand, rain water is not dependable while the tap water is not adequately distributed because of lack of physical planning.

It was also observed that the power supply was irregular due to improper planning and management. This problem is also coupled with the result of bad lines and worn out transformers which call for replacement and rejuvenation.

The survey also revealed that though the condition of the road networks in the study area is not too bad, efforts still need to be employed by the government to further link neighbouring communities for inter/intra trading among the people.

Survey further revealed that the main limitation presently faced by the community is the problems of gully erosions which has eaten deep into the town and confiscated some households and streets.

From the survey, it was deduced that most of the government infrastructures are not working. Like the fertilizer company along Igara road. Which was commissioned in 2003.

Field Survey revealed though, some of the primary schools buildings are poor, but the present government of Comrade Governor Adams Aliyu  Oshiomhole has done substantial renovations on all government owned primary schools in the study area and also provide free primary education for all.

Lastly, the survey shows that there is hope for improvement in the community if social amenities and infrastructures are provided; rural development programs are set up by agencies concerned to achieve an amiable community.


Rural – urban migration of people has been accepted as a natural phenomenon. However efforts should be directed therefore not at stopping the movement of people from rural to urban area, as this cannot be possible but as controlling this phenomenon to a universally acceptable balance whereby the urban areas does not satisfy with life at the expense of the rural development and management and vice versa. This statement was critically examined so far in the preceding chapters of this research work. The development of Auchi as a rural area and other rural areas in Nigeria at large is as good as developing the entire country; reason being that more than 70% of Nigerians resides in the rural areas. If we talk of rural areas, we talk of the Nigerian populations.


  1. In order to minimize rural – urban migration, it is recommended that an integrated rural development planning should be pursued with emphasis on the provision of basic amenities as well as provision of employment opportunities in the rural areas through the development and management of agricultural and agro based industries.
  2. Efforts should be made to solve various problems associated with rural – urban migration. i.e. efforts should be employed to make the rural areas to be as comfortable as in their counterparts (urban) as this will dissuades rural dwellers from moving to the urban areas.
  3. Establishing farm settlements: In other words to encourage and possibly maximize agricultural productions. The government should set up farm settlements where farmers will come together to work as cooperatives. More foods will be provided as a result of combined efforts and which the researcher believes will provide employment for a number of people as there will be need for staff to work in the various farm settlements.


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