Science Project Topics

Assessment of Programing Skills Possessed by a Computer Science Education Student for Self Employment in Anambra State

Assessment of Programing Skills Possessed by a Computer Science Education Student for Self Employment in Anambra State

Assessment of Programing Skills Possessed by a Computer Science Education Student for Self Employment in Anambra State


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to assess the programming skills needed by a computer science education student
for self- employment. Specifically, the study intends to:
  • Identify the essential programming skills needed by a computer science education students for self-employment.
  • Outline the problems militating against the acquisition of the basic and essential programming skills.
  • Identify strategies for enhancing competency in programming skills among the computer science education graduates



In this chapter, literature related to the study was reviewed under the following sub-headings;

Conceptual Framework
Concept of Computer Education.
Concept of Competency in Programming Skills.
Concept of Entrepreneurship.
Theoretical Studies
Dreyfus and Dreyfus on Competency.
McClelland and Occupational Theory.
Importance of Competency.
Types of Competency.
Empirical Studies
Summary of Literature Review

Computer science as a field of study encompasses other vastareas which includes Artificial Intelligence, Networking, Programming, Expert Systems, Software development e.t.c. The combination of this vast field which gives students the variety from competency from two fields as one. This study only assesses the programming skills only required for self-employment in our society and is reviewed under the following subheadings; Concept of Computer Education According to Mayer (2001) there are two concepts around the use of computers in education that are frequently misunderstood. According to Harvey and Anderson (1996) Computer science education is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving. Also, Cooper (2008) gave a definition of computer education is the process of learning or teaching about computers. Similarly, Chandler and Sweller (1991) assents that Computer education is the process of acquiring the basic terminologies, weaknesses of computers, potentialities of computer and how computers can be used to solve everyday problems. Bradly (1993) opined that students of computer education acquire basic skills in operating the computer’s basic functions. This is referred to by educators as “Operational” computer literacy, according to “Computer Education” by U.K. Singh and K.N. Sudarshan; Operational literacy involves learning the components of the computer and their functions, such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, central processing unit (C.P.U) and modem. Students also learn to work with the computer programs, such as word processors and web browsers. In the concept by Moreno and Mayer (2000); Computer are also used to enhance student competency in core content areas like English and Social studies. Students might explore the internet to find illustrations related to subjects they are studying. Science students might browse scientific magazines or websites. Students also use computers to perform research for their assignments. Computer education curriculum varies by grade level. In junior high school, students are prepared to learn programming techniques with algorithm thinking and logic problems. In high schools, students learn more advanced concepts, such as Web design and programming languages. Computer education is considered to be very a very important skill to possess in developed countries. Employers want their workers to have basic computer skills because their company has becomes more dependent on computers, Many company try to use computers to help run their company faster and cheaper.

Tucker (2003) has also offered a definition of computer science that has direct relevance to high school computer science education. They defined Computer education as the knowledge and ability to utilize computers and related technology efficiently,with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving.




This chapter describes the procedure used in carrying out this study. These include: Design of the study, Area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validation of instrument and method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Design of the study
The descriptive survey research design was adopted in this study. The use of this study design is appropriate as the
researcher will use questionnaire to elicit information from a group of persons. Akuezuilo and Agu (2007) opined that descriptive survey design is appropriate for opinion type of question since the study aimed at eliciting information from a group of students, opinions of lecturers that are considered to be representative of the entire group of the programming skills needed by computer science student for self-employment upon graduation.



In this chapter, the researcher analyzed the results of the data collected from the respondents. This was organized based on the research questions. The researcher used statistical mean to analyze the data in a tabular form.



This chapter presents the discussions and interpretations of the results.

Discussion of findings

In research question one (1) the results is in consistent with that of Miller (1993) identified one of the impediments of teaching/learning of technology as lack of thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apart from the above factors, writing, working and practicing materials. Tucker (2003) has also offered a definition of computer science that has direct relevance to high school computer science education. Also research question two (2) findings agrees with that of Sylvia and Hutchinson (1990) who discovered after carrying out a research that teachers’ motivation is based on intrinsic work elements, rewards for extra efforts and award of prizes. The research question three(3) agrees with that of Obanya (2004) which states that learning strategies and students’ achievement have to be improved and the student has to be introduced to a more efficient and appropriate teaching method. However the results showed that teachers were using the appropriate teaching method. Implication of the study The findings of the study will be beneficial to graduates of computer education, curriculum planners, future researchers and government of the nation. To graduates, the result of this study serves as a guide to acquire the skills and competence required by employers in the industry so as to bridge the gap between the theoretical,
laboratory and real life practical experience. To curriculum planners, the findings of this study will serve as a tool for curriculum evaluation showing what needs to be removed, rearranged and inculcated to attain the stated
educational goal of computer education. To future researchers, the result of this study will guide them on what is and what needs to be done in future. It will point out areas to channel their future research using the recommendation of this study

To the government, it will open their mind on how to reform our educational sector to solve the societal needs. It will also guide them on new policy and amendment of the existing ones for achievement of the national goal on education.


Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that graduates of computer education are not employed in industries because they lack the competencies needed by the employers of labor. In order to prepare these graduates for employment in industries, they should be armed with all the identified competency and also update and reshuffle the computer education curriculum to meet the demands of labor market and fast advancement in technology world.


Based on the finding of the study, the following recommendations were made:

1. Computer workshops should be organized in relation to Nigeria University commission regulation.
2. Students who distinguish themselves in practical works should be rewarded with scholarships.
3. Graduates of computer education should be encouraged to take professional courses at NIIT.


  • Akpomi, .S.G., (2008). Situated learning in computer science education. Computer science education, 14(2)
  • Bradly, U.I., (1993) Models and Areas for education research. Computer science education, 11(4)
  • Chandler, B.A., &Sweller, J., (1991). Ensuring exemplary teaching in an essential discipline: Addressing the crisis in
  • computer science methodology Computer science education.
  • Cooper, R.L., (2008). An analysis of research in computing disciplines. ACM 76, 4
  • Dennis, D.O., &Durojaye, A.I. (2000). A framework of knowledge: analyzing student’s understanding of computer programming. Computer science education.
  • Dike, D.K. (2014).An exploratory study to determine principal’s perceptions concerning the effectiveness of a fifth-year preparation program.
  • Drucker, C.F., (2005). A framework for knowledge: Analyzing student’s understanding of programming. Paper presented a 12th Annual workshop of psychology of programmers
    interest group.

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