Public Health Project Topics

Assessment of Pattern and Treatment Outcome of Children With Musculoskeletal Injuries

Assessment of Pattern and Treatment Outcome of Children With Musculoskeletal Injuries

Assessment of Pattern and Treatment Outcome of Children With Musculoskeletal Injuries


Objectives of the study

General Objectives

In an attempt to identify ways of preventing or reducing MSDs, this study in general aimed at assessing the patterns and treatment outcomes of children with musculoskeletal injuries.

Specific Objectives

  1. To identify risk factors leading to musculoskeletal disorders among children.
  2. To establish the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among children.
  3. To examine the effect of treatment methods on the injuries.



In order to carry out this research, the student will have to consult relevant literature so as to gain proper understanding of the various variables under study. In order to accomplish this task, the researcher will conduct a literature review under the following sub headings:

· Risk factors

· Prevalence and frequently incurred injuries

· Common methods of treatment

· Expected treatment outcomes




Research design

A descriptive cross-sectional design which entails collection of data from a sample of 314 children was conducted. Data was gathered from a specified population, at a single point in time, without regard to what may have preceded. The aim of the study was to analyze treatment outcomes of MSDs amongst children at Kelina Hospital. One of the main rationalizations of this study was to come up with health policy decisions so as to curb MSDs amongst children.


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