Assessment of Micronutrients in Children With Malaria Infection
Chapter One
Aim of Study
The aim of this study is to assess the levels of micronutrients in children with malaria infection in Paediatric Ward, Central Hospital, Benin city.
Specific Objective
- To evaluate the levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, magnesium, and calcium in malaria infected children.
- To correlate the micronutrient levels with the severity of malaria infection.
- and to compare the results with the control group (non-infected children).
Micronutrients or micro minerals are required by humans and other organisms throughout life in small quantities to orchestrate a range of physiological functions. In humans generally, they are required in amounts less than 100 milligrams/day – as opposed to macro minerals which are required in larger quantities. The micronutrients include iron, cobalt, chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, strontium, Nickel and Silicon (Lieberman et al., 1990). Calcium (Ca2+) is one of the most abundant mineral components (i.e. the fifth of the common elements) in the body. Dietary sources include: animal milk and its products such as cheese, yoghurt; canned sardines, soya milk, orange juice. Other important sources include animal bones. Cereals (in form of whole grains) contain small quantity of calcium. However, being consumed frequently makes them a significant source of calcium (Straub, 2007).
In the body of a normal healthy adult subject, the total calcium level is about 1 to 2 kilograms (Burtisetal., 2006). Total plasma concentration (i.e. total ionized fraction plus the unionized fractions) is about 2.2 to 2.62 mmol per litre (8.8 to 10.4 mg per decilitre). Calcium is found in the plasma in three forms – protein bound (primarily to albumin but is also bound to some degree to alpha, beta, and gamma globulins), complexed as un-dissociated salts; and free ionized form. About 45% of calcium in plasma is ionized or free calcium, another 45% is protein-bound and the remaining 10% is complexed, only the free ionized form of calcium ions is biologically active (Bolarin, 2012). About 99 % of free calcium is found in the skeletal system in form of hydroxyapatite and in small quantity as amorphous calcium salts. The activity of biologically active calcium is seen in three of the body’s major compartments: the skeletal system, soft tissues, and the extracellular fluid. Calcium phosphate in the bone is not an inert part of the skeletal system but is in constant active balance with the calcium ion and phosphate ion of the body fluids. Only 1% of total body calcium is in the extracellular fluid, while 0.1% is in the intracellular fluid (Bolarin, 2012).
Calcium is very important in body metabolic processes, both intracellular and extracellular. These include: Nerve action or conduction (Elisafet al., 1997), many enzymes regulation (Kaplan et al., 1995), Hormone release and action – Ca++ ion acts as intracellular second messenger for many hormones, paracrine factors and neurotransmitters. It is involved in the action of cAMP or other intracellular messengers including inositol triphospate (Burtisetal., 2006). Muscle contraction. Excitation and contraction in smooth muscle and myocardium is also Ca++ dependent (Navarro etal., 1994) and also in Blood coagulation.
Research Design
This study was carried out among patients visiting the various health centres and general hospital laboratories in Ekpoma town and adjourning rural settlements. A total of one hundred and five (105) malaria parasite positive male and female subjects between the ages of 15-55 years were recruited for this study. A total of Sixty (60) apparently healthy male and female subjects between the ages of 15-55 years who tested negative for malaria parasite were recruited as control subjects for this study. Ethical approval was obtained and the study was conducted with informed consent of the patients.
Geographical Description of the study area
Ekpoma is a town in Edo state, Nigeria. It is the headquarters of the Esan West Local Government Area. It is a semi urban area with an estimated population of 125,842 people at the 2006 census (National Population Commission, 2006). The town is home to the Ambrose Alli University. Ekpoma has the following coordinates; 6o45’N 6o08’E (NIPOST, 2009).
The statistics of the data obtained from the analyzed 1subjects and control samples are shown in Tables 1-5 below. Values from Control samples were compared with values from the test subjects, and multiple comparisons were carried out with the one-way ANOVA statistics between groups and within groups. Other than table 1, the control and test subject values are presented as mean ± Standard Deviation (SD).
Calcium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Magnesium and Zinc plasma and serum levels were affected by Malaria parasitaemia infection. Severe malaria parasite infection is associated with reduced Calcium, Cobalt, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc levels and increased serum copper levels, hence the need for antimalarial treatment before supplementation of these micronutrients, or controlled supplementation during treatment.
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