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Assessment of Health Care Workers Compliance on Covid19 Protocols at Specialist Hospital Bauchi

Assessment of Health Care Workers Compliance on Covid19 Protocols at Specialist Hospital Bauchi

Assessment of Health Care Workers Compliance on Covid19 Protocols at Specialist Hospital Bauchi


Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to examine the compliance of health workers on transmission and prevention of COVID-19 by using health workers in the outpatient department of Specialist hospital Bauchi as a case study. However, the specific objectives are:

Health Care Workers Compliance on Covid19 Protocols

  1. To understand the compliance of health workers to the Covid19 Protocols in Bauchi State
  2. To determine the strategies used by health workers in the State to stop the general spread COVID-19
  3. To study the effects of COVID-19 on the economic status of the world
  4. To establish the symptoms of COVID-19 and the steps to take when these symptoms occur



Overview of Coronavirus

Coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated “COVID-19”) is an emerging respiratory disease that is caused by a novel coronavirus and was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The disease is highly infectious, and its main clinical symptoms include fever, dry cough, fatigue, myalgia, and dyspnea. In China, 18.5% of the patients with COVID-19 develop to the severe stage, which is characterized by acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult-to-tackle metabolic acidosis, and bleeding and coagulation dysfunction (Utibe, 2019).

The first infected patient who had clinical manifestations such as fever, cough, and dyspnea was reported on 12 December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since then, 2019-nCoV has spread rapidly to other countries via different ways such as airline traveling and now, COVID-19 is the world’s pandemic problem (Felix, 2020).

Coronaviruses (CoV) infections are emerging respiratory viruses and known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (Yin et al., 2019). CoV is zoonotic pathogens that can be transmitted via animal-to-human and human-to-human. Multiple epidemic outbreaks occurred during 2002 (SARS) with ~800 deaths and 2012 (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: MERS-CoV) with 860 deaths (Lee, 2020). Approximately eight years after the MERS-CoV epidemic, the current outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China, has emerged as a global outbreak and significant public health issue. On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Astonishingly, in the first week of March, a devastating number of new cases have been reported globally, emerging as a pandemic. As of 9 March 2020, more than 110,000 confirmed cases across 105 countries and more than 3800 deaths have been reported (Philemon et al., 2020).

The COVID-19 is spread by human-to-human through droplets, feco-oral, and direct contact, with an incubation period of 2-14 days. So far, no antiviral treatment or vaccine has been recommended explicitly for COVID-19. Therefore, applying the preventive measure to control COVID-19 infection is the utmost critical intervention. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are the primary section in contact with patients and are an important source of exposure to the infected cases in the healthcare settings, thus, expected to be at a high risk of infections. By the end of January, the WHO and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have published recommendations for the prevention and control of COVID-19 for HCWs. Indeed, the WHO also initiated several online training sessions and materials on COVID-19 in various languages to strengthen the preventive strategies, including raising awareness, and training HCWs preparedness activities (Wan, 2019). In several instances, misunderstandings of HCWs delayed controlling efforts to provide necessary treatment, implicate rapid spread of infection in hospitals, and also may put the patients’ lives at risk. In this regard, the COVID-19 epidemic offers a unique opportunity to investigate the level of knowledge, and perceptions of HCWs during this global health crisis. Besides, we also explored the role of different information sources in shaping HCWs compliance levels on COVID-19 during this peak period.




Research design

The study employs quantitative descriptive research design to access the compliance level of health workers on transmission and prevention of coronavirus.

Sources of Data

The data for this study were generated from two main sources; Primary sources and secondary sources. The primary sources include questionnaire, interviews and observation. The secondary sources include journals, bulletins, textbooks and the internet.

Population of the study

A study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitutes of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description (Prince Udoyen: 2019). In this study the study population constitute Health care workers in Bauchi, Bauchi state




Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents

A total of 529 HCWs participated, of which 453 completed the study questionnaire (85.6% response rate).




The study identified a significant gap constituting the source of information, poor knowledge levels, and discrepancies in the perceptions about COVID-19 among our study participants. As the global threat of COVID-19 continues to emerge, greater efforts through educational campaigns that targeting HCWs and a wide reach population beyond the borders are urgently needed.  


The following are the safety guidelines recommended by World Health Organization (WHO)

  • Washing hands: Cleaning hands regularly with disinfectant or alcohol based hand sterilizing solution and warm water may help in preventing disease transmission.
  • Disposable gloves should be used in case of contact with the infected person’s body fluids or feces.
  • Surgical mask should be used to cover both the nose and mouth, when in the same room as a person with coronavirus. Wearing eyeglasses also may offer some protection.
  • Soap and hot water should be used to wash the utensils, towels, bedding and clothing of someone with the coronavirus.
  • Disinfection of exteriors which have been contaminated with respiratory droplets or other body secretions of an infected person.
  • Follow all infection control measures for at least ten days even after the patient is totally recovered and did not show any symptoms of the disease.


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