Chemistry Project Topics

Assessment of Biological Waste Water Treatment in Nigeria: A Case Study of Makurdi Metropolis

Assessment of Biological Waste Water Treatment in Nigeria A Case Study of Makurdi Metropolis

Assessment of Biological Waste Water Treatment in Nigeria: A Case Study of Makurdi Metropolis

Chapter One


This main aim if this study it to carry out research on how biological waste water will be treated in order to meet standard for reused by final consumer and with a view of acquiring and developing better understand of biological waste water treatment. This study embarks on the following:

  1. How biological waste water can be treated for reused.
  2. To determined the appropriate practical and method that can be used in treatment of biological waste water</p>
  3. To save large amount of water
  4. To enumerate different methods that are appropriate in treating of water.
  5. To use appropriate equipment to get clean water for consumers.


Generally, this study aims at all waste water found in Nigeria and prefering remedies by which it can be treated biologically. Actually this will deliver home what is really meant by waste water treatment.

The study is also embark water that contains a few microbes which may be injurious chemicals are absent. It also expanciate how waste water is being generated i.e water from household, factories e t c which are considered as waste water and proffering a method in which can be treated. The aim of these study is to treat waste water which is biological waste water treatment.




Wastewater is used water generated from homes, public and private institutions, rural areas, urban areas, farms, industries and others point and non-point sources (Majeed et al., 2014).Billions of gallons of liquid waste from agricultural,  industrial,  domestic  and  commercial sources  are  discharged  into  fresh  surface  water  bodies  every  day  (Renge  et  al., 2012). Worldwide, between 300 to 400 million tons of liquid, hazardous waste to living organisms are discharged annually into nearby surface water bodies from industries (Palaniappan, 2010; Pizanoet al., 2010; UNEP, 2010). Similarly, approximately two million tons of liquid wastewater are released each day from non-point sources like agricultural areas, and from point sources like industries to surface water bodies across the globe (Corcoran, 2010). The release of untreated wastewater into the environment can lead to the contamination of rivers, streams and other surface water bodies. Industrial wastewater contains harmful suspended and dissolved matter, like heavy metals, and inorganic matters, which when released untreated greatly affects the environment and causes serious health problems to living organisms. According to available evidence, including the World Health Organization, (Shahmohammadi-Kalalagh et al., 2011), heavy metals of urgent environmental  concern  are  lead,  chromium, mercury,  cadmium, copper, zinc,  and  iron.  The industrialization drive of most developing countries like Nigeria has attracted foreign investments but has led to heavy pollution of water bodies due to the discharge of untreated industrial waste. This pollution has been of great concern to governments and other stakeholders, and therefore, exploring low-cost and  effective treatment techniques is the focus of many researchers and scientists across the globe.

Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. It comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residences, commercial properties, and industrial and or agricultural wastes, and can encompass a wide range of potential contaminants and concentrations (Nielsen et al., 2004). Waste water that contains urine, faeces, kitchen and laundry waste is referred to as sewage.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, septic tank was introduced as a means of treating domestic sewage from individual households both in suburban and rural areas. Then a few cities and industries recognised that the discharge of sewage directly into streams caused health problems and this led to the development of sewage treatment facilities referred to as waste water treatment plants (Ikupolati, 2005). Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) are complex systems which include a large number of biological, physicochemical, and biochemical processes (Sotomayor et al., 2001).

The activated sludge process is the most widely applied biological treatment of liquid waste, treating both municipal sewage and a variety of industrial wastewaters (Aguilar-López et al., 2013; Slater, 2006). The microbiological quality of effluent consumable water is a concern to consumers (Wupa dwellers), water suppliers (Wupa Wastewater Treatment Plant), and regulatory and public health authorities alike. Most recent gastrointestinal outbreaks that have been reported throughout the world demonstrated that transmission of pathogens by effluent consumable water remains a significant cause of illness (Hunter and Syed, 2001). This study was designed to examine the Performance Assessment of biological waste water treatment which is considered as one of the most efficient methods of waste water treatment.





This research work was carried out in the Quality Control Laboratory of Greater Makurdi Water Treatment Plant. Greater Makurdi Water Treatment Plant is located at PGWJ+2QQ, Makurdi 970101, Makurdi, Latitude and Longitude. WWTP which is one of the largest in the world was constructed to treat sewage generated from phase 1, II, III of makurdi Metropolis. It was designed to handle the waste generated by 700,000 Population Equivalent (PE) and expandable to 1,000,000 PE, thus the Plant can accommodate an average dry weather inflow of 5,500 cubic meter per hour and a wet weather inflow of 9,000 cubic meter per hour. The plant operates on the activated sludge process that relies on microbial population in mixed suspension to achieve the waste water treatment. The plant was constructed to address the growing concern of the disposal of human waste, as makurdi metamorphosed into a global city (Saminu et al., 2017).


Four (4) sampling points from Greater Makurdi Water Treatment Plant were selected for the study: A; Inlet-the first channel that receives raw wastewater from different homes, B; Raw sewage (influent)- just as it was discharged into the sewage treatment plant, C; Effluent (before ultra violet rays)-just before it passes through the most important stage of the waste water treatment; the UV and D; Effluent (after ultra violet rays)-just as it passes through the ultra violet ray channel, before it is discharged into the makurdi River.


Grab method of sampling was used at the different sampling points. Sixteen samples were collected from each of the four sampling points. Each 250ml sterile sample bottle was dipped into the wastewater at a depth of 30cm, and placed in the direction of the flow of water. The cork was removed and the sample was taken, leaving space for agitation. The samples were properly labelled, then stored in a cooler and transferred to the laboratory for analysis (Benethan, 2003).




There was a slight variation in temperature between the influent and effluent (Figure 1). The influent’s temperature decreased as that of the effluent increased for the first three weeks followed by same values for both weeks 4 and 5 (25.3°C and 27.1°C respectively). Thereafter, the temperature of the influent increased as that of the effluent decreased for the remaining period of the work. There  was no significant difference between the temperatures of the influent and the effluent (P > 0.05). The similarity in the temperatures of both the influent and effluent was probably because the weather condition was stable during the study period. This is in agreement with the requirement for temperature in accordance to National Guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Environment (2013) that temperature should not be greater than 40°C (Table 1).




Physicochemical parameters’ values except TSS and TDS were within the permissible limits of World Health Organisation (WHO), Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) and the National Guidelines of Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv). Bacteriological analysis (TCC, TBC, FC) results were all within the permissible limit of WHO and FEPA with high mean removal efficiency of 99.6% for TCC, 89.9% for TBC and 98.9% for FC. This treatment plant was thus quite effective in biological treatment of wastewater. However, there is an urgent need for appropriate steps to be taken for proper management and sanitation of the wastewater before discharging it to the stream, in order to ensure to total conformity with the approved standards.


Based on the findings of the investigation, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Algal removal facilities should be introduced to improve the removal efficiency of Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids.
  2. Efforts should be geared towards full utilization of the plant capacity so as to maximize its full potentials.
  3. There must be continuous monitoring of the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant so as to enhance biological treatment of wastewater and ensure sustained adherence to permissible standards.
  4. In line the success of the Wupa Wastewater Treatment Plant in remediating polluted water mostly from municipal activities, similar facilities should be provided at all State Capitals in Nigeria with a view to reduce the negative impacts of untreated wastewater in the environments


  • Aguilar-López, R., López-Pérez, P.A., Penã-Caballero, V.  and  Maya-Yescas,  R.  (2013).  Regulation of an activate sludge wastewater plant via robust active control design. Int. J. Environ Res, 7, 61–68
  • American Public Health Association (APHA) (2005). Standard Methods for the Examination of  Water and Wastewater, (21st Ed). Washington, D. C., Pp. 1368.
  • Benethan, I. A. (2003). Microbiology with Health care Application. Star Publishing Company, USA, Pp. 111-125.
  • Chessbrough, M., (2004). Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries, (4th Ed). Cambridge University Press, Cape Town, Pp. 143-157.
  • Devi, R. and Dahiya, R.P. (2008). COD&BOD removal for domestic wastewater generated in decentralized sectors. Bioresour Technology, 99, 344-349.
  • Federal Ministry of Environmental (FMEnv). (2013). National Environmental Protection Regulations (Effluent Limitation) Regulations. Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette, Lagos, Pp. 42-78
  • Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA). (2005). National Environmental Protection Regulations (Effluent Limitation) Regulations. Federal Republic of Nigeria, Official Gazette, Lagos, Pp. 42-78.
  • Healy, M.G., Rodgers, M. and Mulqueen, J. (2006). Performance of stratified sand filter in removal of chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids from high strength wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 83, 409-415