Agriculture Project Topics

Assessing and Comparing of Constant Head Permeability Test on Different Soil Samples in Abak Local Government

Assessing and Comparing of Constant Head Permeability Test on Different Soil Samples in Abak Local Government

Assessing and Comparing of Constant Head Permeability Test on Different Soil Samples in Abak Local Government

Chapter One


The general objective of the study is to assess and compare Constant Head Permeability test on different soil samples.

The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. Compare and determine Constant Head Permeability test on different soil samples.
  2. To determine the relationship between soil permeability on different types of soil.
  3. To determine the coefficients of permeability on different soil samples and their effects.
  4. To perform a permeability test for fine grained and granular soils.



Permeability is measured in terms of water flow through the soil in a given time. The soil permeability is a very important factor to study the behavior of soil in its natural condition with respect to water flow. The size of pore space and interconnectivity of the space help determine permeability, shape and arrangement of grains play a role. Prof. Krishna (2006).

Hydraulic conductivity simply assumes that water is the fluid moving through a soil or rock type, water can permeate between granular void or pore spaces, and fractures between rocks. The larger the pore space, the more permeable the material, however, the more poorly sorted a sample, the lower the permeability because the smaller grains fill the openings created by the larger grains. Suryakanta (2015).

The most rapid water and air movement is in sands and strongly aggregated soils whose aggregates act like sand grains and pack to form many large pores. On the other hand, clay has low permeability due to small grain size with large surface areas, which results in increased friction.


Soil is found on the earth’s crust and formed through weathering and decay of organisms. It may be considered dirt to a lot of people but it is highly an important tool for human survival. The soil holds the roots of the plants where nutrients are stored, it is important since it enables the soil to store and regulate the flow of water, filters the pollutants and improves the soil’s quality for sufficient plant growth. The soil is composed of four elements namely: the mineral particles, organic matter, water and air. Obeahon, 1993.

Soil is very important for man and other living organisms as it affects water compositions, in fact, the quantity of underground water reserves depend on use of organic and inorganic polluting products, deriving from agricultural and industrial activities or from cities. Various chemical and physical properties of the soil affect the concentration and permanence of polluting compounds in the soil and the probability that they get in contact with superficial aquifers by polluting them.


Soil is formed when rocks break down into very small particles by various processes such as weathering. There are two types of weathering namely: physical and chemical weathering.

Physical weathering arises from the heating and cooling, the wetting and drying, and the freezing and thawing of the lands. These actions cause alternate expansion and contraction of rocks to crack.

Factors which play important roles in physical weathering include:

  1. Erosion by wind and water
  2. The action of plants for example, cracks caused by penetrating roots.
  3. The action of plants for example, worm casts formed by earthworms.
  4. Human interference

Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rocks using a solvent that is able to dissolve the mineral structure. Chemical weathering is due largely to the oxidation and reduction of the elements in the soil. Oxidized rocks break up to form soil easily, solution of mineral in the rocks helps in weathering, for example, when carbon dioxide dissolves in rain water, it forms a weak solution of carbonic acid which can dissolve rocks which contain lime.

A soil mass is called pervious when water can easily flow through it, and thus pervious soils such as sand and gravel have high permeability. As permeability decreases, the soil becomes less impervious or impermeable soils, such as clays, very little water flows per unit time and such soils have low values of permeability.





This refers to the materials that will be used for the project work.


For this study, tap water was collected from AkwaIbom State University ikot
Akpaden as well as University of Uyo civil Engineering Laboratory.


The disturbed lateritic soil samples that was used for this project work was collected fromEwetOffot in Uyo, NsukaraOffot, in Uyo L.G.A, AfahaObong in Abak L.G.A. andNdonObodom, MkpatEnin L. G. A, AkwaIbom State, at depths of between 1.5m-2.5m  below the natural ground level. The samples were brought to the geotechnical laboratory of the AkwaIbom State University (AKSU) and it was assigned with marks indicating the soil description, sampling depth and date of sampling. The lateritic soil was air-dried for about two weeks to allow for partial elimination of natural water which may affect the analysis, it was then sieved with sieve no 4 (4.75mm) to obtain the final soil samples for the tests. After the drying period lumps in the sample was pulverized under a minimum pressure.




This chapter deals with the result of the analysis which was carried out in Akwa Ibom State University Laboratory in the department of Civil Engineering Ikot Akpaden and University of Uyo, Civil Engineering Laboratory, the test were carried out in accordance with the Civil Engineering code of specification and standard.




A Preliminary investigation was conducted on and undisturbed / remoulded lateritic soil collected at Afaha obong in Abak, Ewet offot in Uyo, Nsukara offot in Uyo and Ikot Ekong in Mkpat Enin L.G.A, Akwa Ibom State. Result shows that the soil samples belongs to a soil class of A -2-6 for Abak, A -2-7 for Ewet,A-7-6 for Nsukara offot and A-4 for Mkpat Enin respectively.

Soil collected from Abak and Ewet have the same soil constituent which falls under sand silty clay soil constituents while soil sample collected from Nsukara offot and Mkpat Enin gives different soil constituents that falls under silty sand clay soil constituents, the soils were reddish brown in colour (from wet to dry states) with a high natural moisture content of 17.28% in Ewet, 15.92% in Mkpat Enin, 14.92% in Nsukara, soil sample collected in Abak recorded a low natural moisture contents of 7.67%.

The soil sample was subjected to permeability test using undisturbed soli collected from the Four (4) locations at different depth. Abak and Nsukara gave a high bulk densities of 1.74 g/cm3 and 1.71g/cm3, Mkpat Enin soil recorded a bulk density of 1.65g/cm3 while Ewet have a low undisturbed bulk density of 1.51g/cm3. Remoulded bulk densities were also taken and recorded with their optimum moisture content (OMC) and maximum dry density (MDD) for the purpose of comparison. Result gotten from permeability test shows that soil samples collected from Abak and Ewet give a high permeability magnitude of 3.85X10-4 and 5.77X10-5 which falls under sand silty clay permeability soils.

Nsukara soil also recorded a permeability magnitude of 3.01X10-5and it falls under silty sand with minimal clay permeability soil. From the study it was discovered that this soil properties have in one way or the order affect or influences the permeability of the soil, thereby causing road pavement and foundation failure in Akwa Ibom State.


Based on the result obtained, from the permeability test on different soil location result shows that permeability magnitude on soils with respect to their soil properties will determine the strength of a road pavement / foundation. It is also recorded that undisturbed lateritic soil when subjected to permeability test using constant head permeability apparatus gives a high permeability magnitude as compare with the one using a compactive effort (standard proctor mould) as such it may not be suitable for sub-based material for the construction of road pavement. The followings are also recommended

  • Similar comparative investigation should be executed in many part of Nigeria in order to properly understand the need for the permeability test on the soils before any project is being executed and such investigation are expected to shed more light on the influence of soil properties on the foundation or subgrade.
  • Extension programms , Seminar / public lectures should be organized by Civil Engineering professionals on the importance of carrying out permeability test on the soil before embarking on any project especially project which has to do with embankment of reservoirs, drainage of subgrade ,deep foundations etc.


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