Library and Information Science Project Topics

Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Management of Nigerian Academic Libraries

Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Management of Nigerian Academic Libraries

Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Management of Nigerian Academic Libraries

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to assess the progress and challenges of information and communication technology in selected academic libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. ascertain the types of ICT facilities available in selected academic libraries in Kwara State;
  2. examine the extent of ICT use in the selected academic libraries in Kwara State.
  3. to identify operation performed with ICT in the selected academic libraries in Kwara State
  4. identify the challenges of ICT use in selected academic libraries in Kwara State.



The development and availability of ICT in academic libraries today have not only increased and broadened the impact of information service but also brought services to users doorsteps. Also, application of ICT in libraries placed more emphasis on effective and efficient information services. Their applications in libraries have indeed continued to ease and promote quick and timely access to and transfer of information services that are found dispensed round the globe. In his study on the availability and use of ICTs in collection management, Egharevba (2018) listed the following ICT facilities used in the management of library resources to include; computers, DVDs, CDs, Internet and telephones.

deWatteville and Gilbert (2010) noted that the ICT includes; Computer, Internet, Digital camera, Webcam, Smart Card, Scanner, E-Books, Printers, Electronic Journals, WEB-OPAC, Animation, E-Mail, CD-ROM, DVD, RFID Technologies. Abdulwahab, Agun, Usman, Aliyu (2011) noted that in libraries, several systems have been developed for their various house- keeping chores and more still are being designed and refined due to the technology of large-scale integration. These are known as microcomputers; designed to handle any of the library processes like acquisitions, cataloguing, serials control, circulation control, bibliographic control, or Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI).

ICT is applied to the operation of libraries and information centres to ensure that information delivered is timely, accurate, precise and relevant (Adegoke, 2015). Abdulwahab et al., (2011) explained the concept of library automation that, in the traditional manual library system, staff performs the various tasks required to complete each operation, but if a computer is used to perform some processing operations, an automated library results. Adamou and Ntoka (2017) defined library automation as the use of computers and associated technology to do exactly what has been done in libraries with the justification of reduced cost and or increased performance. Thus, automation helps in the acquisitions, organisation, storage and dissemination of information in libraries. Generally, IT applies to library services in a number of ways, which include: Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials and User Services.

The demand for distant access to information in Nigeria is increasing, although this is still based on the traditional technology of print media. Thus, there is the need to integrate ICT into the library operations. Ogunsola (2014) noted that majority of higher institutions in Nigeria; even those with good Internet connectivity are still at a low level of integration of ICT in teaching, learning, research, library services, information and managerial services. Ekong (2015) pointed out, that in some of the first generation academic libraries (University of Benin Library, Benin, Kashim Ibrahim Library (ABU), Zaria, University of Nigeria Nsukka Library, Nsukka, and a few others), digitalisation is in place and library information networks are established with connectivity through the university campus network to the Internet. The Centre for Learning Resources (CLR) Covenant University, Ota, has been placed on the platform of full application of ICT because funds are made available for such innovation. Ogunsola (2014) explained that some Nigerian university campuses are now jam-packed with IT facilities. It is no longer strange to see lecturers and students doing their research and other works using various ICT devices like- mail and the Internet. Students can access more information and take less time to do so with the use of ICT. Ogunsola (2004) declared that librarians or members of the community at Obafemi Awolowo university library can now easily find information concerning any book in the Library of Congress in the U.S.

Libraries can be transformed into a new information services unit, providing electronic cataloguing, OPAC, electronic acquisition/serials control, electronic inter-library loan and calculation functions (Ogunsola, 2014). Nigerian academic libraries should not be left out of this global educational revolution. Ekong (2015) pointed out that one is also happy to note that both the Federal Government of Nigeria and international funding agencies are very interested in the general development of ICT in Nigerian universities. The Federal Ministry of Education embarked on the establishment of the National Virtual (Digital) Library Project, to provide, in an equitable and cost-effective manner, enhanced access to national and international library and information resources and to share locally available resources with libraries all over the world using digital technology; among other objectives. A model Virtual (Digital) Library at the National Universities Commission (NUC) will be the laboratory of Nigerian university libraries.

Academic libraries in the Third World, including Nigeria are gradually but steadily converting from manual to computerised routines. The benefits of using ICT in a library system are both self-evident and overwhelming (Whong & Zakari, 2014). Library operations are the activities the librarians do on daily basis, such as selection, ordering, cataloguing and classification of information resources etc. In this age of information era, the library needs ICT in order to give efficient services to its users. Not only is the speed of its operation high, the volume of its output is correspondingly large. When ICT is used in the library, there is economy of labour and operating cost. In short, its application in the activities of the libraries will enhance information delivery and the overall performance of the library services.





In this chapter, we described the research procedure for this study. A research methodology is a research process adopted or employed to systematically and scientifically present the results of a study to the research audience viz. a vis, the study beneficiaries.


Research designs are perceived to be an overall strategy adopted by the researcher whereby different components of the study are integrated in a logical manner to effectively address a research problem. In this study, the researcher employed the survey research design. This is due to the nature of the study whereby the opinion and views of people are sampled. According to Singleton & Straits, (2009), Survey research can use quantitative research strategies (e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative research strategies (e.g., using open-ended questions), or both strategies (i.e., mixed methods). As it is often used to describe and explore human behaviour, surveys are therefore frequently used in social and psychological research.


According to Udoyen (2019), a study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitute of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description.

This study was carried out to examine the Application Of Information And Communication Technology In The Management Of Nigerian Academic Libraries. The selected academic libraries surveyed are Kwara State University Library, University of Ilorin Library, Kwara State College of Education Library, Kwara State Polytechnic Library, Landmark University Library, Summit University Library, and Crown-Hill University Library which forms the population of the study.



This chapter presents the analysis of data derived through the questionnaire and key informant interview administered on the respondents in the study area. The analysis and interpretation were derived from the findings of the study. The data analysis depicts the simple frequency and percentage of the respondents as well as interpretation of the information gathered.




Despite huge benefits provided by ICT, some academic libraries are yet to be fully equipped and where they are fully equipped, the extent of some of these ICT use is low. It is obvious from the study that ICT have set a greater pace by playing a prominent role in the promotion of library and information services. While the success of most academic libraries is largely dependent on the effective and efficient use and implementation of modern ICT facilities, it is indeed important for academic libraries to fully deploy it usage. The present study indicates that most academic libraries in Kwara State are already in developed stage in terms of provision of ICT facilities, its extent of use, implementation and operation of library services. Although, the surveyed selected academic libraries have some of these facilities in place but not all were fully exploited for library operations. Some of the surveyed selected academic libraries are yet to fully exploit available ICT facilities which include CD/DVD, computerized security door, barcode sensor reader, CCTV camera and smart board. Based on these findings, the study concluded that provision of adequate ICT facilities in academic libraries in Kwara State will revolutionised effective information service delivery and the advancement in the use of ICT in day-to-day operations in libraries which will dramatically enhanced information provision to the library users.


Based on the findings, the following g recommendations were made:

  1. The academic libraries should acquire relevant ICT facilities to enhance the library operations and the parent institution should increase their budget to libraries in order to enable them provide and maintain their ICT facilities.
  2. Library authorities should intensify effort on the constant acquisition and provision of ICT facilities to libraries, especially academic libraries in Kwara State.
  3. The academic library authorities should provide proper support to the library professionals in the application of ICT and also provide opportunities for staff development on the use ICT through attendance to seminars, workshops and shot courses to enhance their technical skills for proper implementation and provision of effective and efficient services to the library users.
  4. The concerned authorities should also formulate helpful ICT policies and increase their budgets to libraries in order to enable them provide and maintain their ICT facilities.
  5. Proper initiative should be taken on the part of the policy makers for making stable policies for libraries for implementation ICT and its maintenance.
  6. There should be provision of constant power supply in academic libraries in Kwara State and others which will enhance the effective use of ICT facilities. This is the only way through which the effective usage of ICT in Nigerian academic libraries can be guaranteed.


  • Abdulwahab, O. I., Agun, E. A., Usman, A., & Aliyu, M. B. (2011). Application of information technology to library services at the federal university of technology, Akure library, Ondo State, Nigeria.
  • Adamou, S., & Ntoka, L. (2017). The impact of digital technologies on academic libraries: A study in Greece.
  • Adegoke, K. A. (2015). Availability and use of ICT facilities and resources in abdullahi fodiyo library complex, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.
  • Afolabi, A. F., & Abidoye, J. A. (2011). Integration of information and communication technology in library operations towards effective library services. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 1(4), 114-115.
  • Aina, A. J., Adigun, J. O., & Ogundipe, T. C. (2010). Information and communication technology resource support availability, utilization, and proficiency skill among University Libraries: The Lagos State University Experience. Asian Journal of Information and technology, 9(4), 248-253.
  • Anunobi, V. C., Nwankwo, O. P. & Benard, I. I. (2011). The adoption of ICT for library and information services at the federal university libraries in the south–eastern Nigeria. A Case Study of Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO).
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