Computer Science Project Topics

An Online Web Application for News Around

An Online Web Application for News Around

An Online Web Application for News Around

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study 

The project work is aimed at creating an upto-date computerized online news portal  system where students in computer science and information technology can get news about past, present and future events ongoing in the departmentThe following are the objectives of the study: 

  • Provide Information: Online news portal give information about every field political, social, sports, education, science, entertainment etc to the public
  •  Educate People: Online news portals not only provide information but also educate people about the social & political structure. People come to know about the upcoming challenges and learn how to combat the circumstances
  • Instant & Latest News: Online news portals made latest news only a single click away. People can get a minute update across the globe only by a single click
  •  News per Interest: People have their own interest. Some might be have interest in politics while others can have interest in sports or entertainment. Web media does not work on bullet theory. People have ample of options to choose from. They can read news as per their interest
  • Easily Accessible: Online news portals are easily accessible. Today 66 per cent of people have smart phones and they access internet on their smart phones only. People can get updated with the latest updates anywhere they go
  • Live Coverage of Sports: Online news portals provide live coverage of sports. News portals do not let disappoint fans of any sports no matter whether it is cricket match or a tennis tournament. Fans can get updated with the scores while they are at work
  • Easy Feedback Receiver: It is a big task for traditional media to collect feedback from their readers or viewers. But for web media, it is not a hard nut to crack. News portals can get feedback from their viewers by comment option. Even news website can get comment on their every news. It is a two way communication. People can  easily send their views and feedback
  • Minute to Minute coverage of any breaking news: News websites do minute to  minute coverage of breaking news. It is not possible for people to wait for next morning for news or sit all time in front of television to watch breaking news. Web media has broken all these barriers. People can get news on their mobile anywhere they go



Overview of Information Technology in the Academic System 

The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved  the information need of organizations; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base. Therefore, one can be prompted to ask aloud what is a computer

Funk, (1980) defined a computer as an electronic device that can perform automatically and at a high speed a sequence of logical operations according to instructions given to it in form of a pre-arranged program

Anigbogu (2000) defined a computer as an electronic device capable of accepting data and instructions, processing the data based on the instructions to generate results or output in such a manner that is yet to be equaled by any other known machine to mankind

Chimezie (1990) defined it by saying that “Computers are looked upon as obedient servants who are ever ready to free man from tedious procedures and produce results as compared with human computing time

Obilikwu (1995) defined computer as a machine that is capable of accepting input data, store and process the data based on instructions given by the computer user and in this way produce expected results, generally called outputWorld Net describes an information system (I.S) is “a system consisting of the  network of all communication channels used within an organization, and includes software and hardware. It may also be defined as a system that collects and processes data (information) and provides to it managers at all levels that use it for decision making, planning, program implementation and control

Information Technology has been an integral part of academic system since almost four decades

According to, Hewlett (1993), the world is entering an era in which technology will  literally transform every aspect of business, every aspect of life and every aspect of society

Since the arrival of Internet technology, school system has taken a new shape and style with a blend of convenience and satisfaction

Taylor (1980) said that computer-based education includes both computer- assisted instruction programs that interact with students in a dialogue and a broader array of educational computer applications such as simulations or instruction in computer programming. Learning from a student’s bedroom, office or anywhere in the World has made its way into university system with the advent of Internet technology. Information technology has always helped the university system to educate students in better way. To explain few examples, online news portal is a method where students can get news about past, present and future events ongoing in the department without moving from one place to another to check the school notice board. This is only possible with the help of information technology. Through the Internet, this process is made much easier and most times information is disseminated to students within minutes. 





Research methodology is a systematic way to solve the research problem, rather than haphazardly using a collection of methods to perform research. Research methods, on the other hand, refer to the methods and techniques used by the researcher in performing the research such as data collection techniques, data processing techniques and instruments. Kothari (1985). This chapter contains the methodologies in the research approach and techniques for data collections for this project


The methodology used in this research is the waterfall model. The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle model for software engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development lifecycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and sequential. Waterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development

Imagine a waterfall on the cliff of a steep mountain. Once the water has flowed over  the edge of the cliff and has begun its journey down the side of the mountain, it cannot turn back. It is the same with waterfall development. Once a phase of development is completed, the development proceeds to the next phase and there is no turning back. The waterfall model comprises of five main phases as described below




The main objective of this design is to implement a Web Based News Portal. At the  end of this design, an on-line site that is capable of running on a local server will be realized. In addition to this, a full database driven site with good user interface will  be achieved. 




At the end of the study I have been able to achieve the following at the completion of this work 

To replace the error prone manual system with the new computerized online news portal

Data can now be processed with great speed and efficiency Security of data is ensured


The online system has become a requirement to every organization nowadays and the use of the Information Technology is becoming an absolute must in this digital  era. Through online system, an organization can operate in a more systematic and efficient way

To conclude, implementing a campus portal will effectively engender a fundamental shift in the way an organization provides services: users’ expectations for interacting with the organization and other users (for example academic staff) are improved, for example, access to more information that is better organized. We believe that a portal should be a complementary component of the total campus’ Web design, and needs to  be viewed as integral element, rather than an add-on or competing technology. portal represents a change in the institutionalphilosophy with regard to the delivery of services, and is a major shift to a customer-centric design of campus-wide IT facilities. 

It is clear that almost all universities will implement a portal in the next few yearsMany of the leaders in the field would have already gained key competitive advantages, such as recruiting students, developing relationships with suppliers and other bodies. Those who are still undecided to implement portals will be driven by pressure from students and parents who see the benefits of portals and are choosinguniversities who offer them

Besides, it also gives the users a systematic, convenient and flexible way of getting information at anytime and anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection


The research work carried out is limited to online news portal for Computer and Information Technology Students only. It will be better if a full portal is developed for an effective and wholesome implementation of information management technology in the university. When this is done the following modules are  recommended to be included in the portal

Developing an online news portal to enable full dissemination of news and information to the student

Maintaining a central database for accessing all information relating to news. 


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