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An Investigation on Prevalence of Internet Usage and Its Impact on Academic Performance Using Secondary Schools in Awka, Anambra State as Case Study

An Investigation on Prevalence of Internet Usage and Its Impact on Academic Performance Using Secondary Schools in Awka, Anambra State as Case Study

An Investigation on Prevalence of Internet Usage and Its Impact on Academic Performance Using Secondary Schools in Awka, Anambra State as Case Study

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

  1. To find out how often secondary school students go online.
  2. To find out the various internet sites the students in Secondary schools are aware of and use
  3. To determine the number of hours students in Secondary schools in Awka spend on social networking activities
  4. To ascertain the use of the internet by secondary school students and how it influences their academic performance.
  5. To determine the reasons for the student’s use of internet sites.



Concept of internet usage

Social media is a “group of internet based applications that build on the ideological foundation of the web which allow the creation and exchange of user generated content” (Kaplan, 2010). It can be seen as electronic communication, which facilitate the development of online social networks and relationships by connecting a user’s profile with other individuals or group, or offering tools that enable the users with compatible interests. Social media\Social networking is one of the technological foundation of web 2.0, which allow people to create, share, exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Sudipta and Chakraborty (2015) Furthermore, social media depends on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms, through which individuals can share, co-create, and discuss user generated content.  The mass appeal of internet usage on the internet could be a cause for concern, the study of internet usage on academic performances has not been stable over the year. Tarawneh (2014) citing Paul and Gelish (2011) emphasizes the distraction that social media cause, but not to the extent of risking academic performance.  Particularly when attending to the gradually increasing amount of time student spend online. Students spend more time on Facebook, twitter and other social media through smartphones that are now in abundance among these youths (Osharive, 2015).Similarly,Nnamonu(2013) aptly expressed that “while the internet is the chief host of internet usage sites, the youths are the most prAnambraminant clients “Hence, social media has become overwhelming common among youths in the country. The term social media is the use of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, MySpace as well as Yahoo Messenger for communication sharing of ideas, sharing of photos and videos by users.

There are certain factor that influences the relationship between social media and academic performance, which a handful of studies have been discussed by researchers. Moon (2011) observed in a study on “impact of Facebook on student academic performance”, averred that social media have negative impact on students. According to the result, the more students use Facebook, the moreit affects their academic performance. This view is how ever rejected by some researcher. Nwangwe, Yonlolonfoun and Omotere (2014) citing Sajoh and Bulus (2013) argue that the frequent use of internet usage sites has no negative effect on students’ studies, in the same vein, (Ogedebe, EmmanuelandMusa,2012) posited that Facebook usage does not have adverse effect on the academic work of the students in the university. In positive light, social media has helped students to formulate group discussion to exchange ideas and communicate to their lecturers and appeals to their friends on assignment. It is indeed true that most lecturers has not cultivated the habit of using this means, but there are some who has, by creating students groups, to enhance communication for seminar works meetings.

According to Nathan, MaGougan and Shaffer (2014) student reported that the use of internet usage (Facebook) in their course enhanced their learning experience. Some of the reasons by the students includes: greater enjoyment in learning, facilitating of group projects, and increased number of tools to complete projects. As much as it has been noticed that student can’t do without accessing their social networks, it has become a problem and a source of achieving academic excellence among students. The introduction of ICT into the educational sector has created a room for the use of technology devices, to enhance or make things easier. The issues have to do with individual differences which can be controlled to a stage by training the students on how to benefit on the use of internet usage. According to (McQuail, 2008) the phenomenon has become a source of worry to many who believe in knowledge and skill acquisition.

According to Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) classified social media into six different classes as follows:

  1. Collaborative project (Wikipedia)
  2. Blogs and micro blogs (Twitter)
  • Content communities (YouTube)
  1. Internet sites (Facebook,2go,BB chart)
  2. Virtual game world (World of war craft)
  3. Victual second world (Second life)

Example of internet usage Work/ Characteristics

Social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value. One characteristic shared by both social media and industrial media is the capacity to reach small or large audience for audience for example: The properties that help describe the different between social media and mass media.




  Research Design

Research design refers to the blue print that you prepare using the research method chosen, and it delineates the steps that you need to take. According to Nedha (2011),research design is the backbone of good research. It directs the experiment by orchestrating data collection, defines the statistical analysis of the resultant data, and guides the interpretation of the results. Research designwhen properly described in the written report of the experiment, it serves as a road map to readers, helping them negotiate the “Methods” section, and thus, improves the clarity of communication between author and readers (Knight, 2010). This research was carried out using the survey method. This is because it involves a system of collection of information about the opinions, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and behaviour of the people.

 Study Population

After identifying the unit of analysis, then the researcher must identify the target population, the group of people that the researcher wants to draw a conclusion about once the research study is finished. Identifying the target population requires specifying the criteria that determine which individuals are included and which individuals are not included. The population of this study includes 21,154Secondary schools student in Awka. The 100 level students were exempted from the study because they have not been exposed to ICT training and have not had cumulative grade point average (CGPA) to be able to access their academic performance.




The purpose of the study is to determine “The prevalence and Impact of internet usage on Academic Performance of Student “A study of Student in Secondary schools in Awka, Anambra State. This chapter is concerned with the presentation and analysis of data gathered through the use of questionnaire distributed to respondents. Three hundred (300) copies of questionnaire were distributed, and two hundred and eighty (280) copies were retrieved and found usable. This gave rate of return of 93.3 percent.



Summary of Findings.

Based on the research conducted, the findings show that; there is a relationship between the use of internet usage and student academic performance.

  1. Student of Secondary schools go online very often for various social media networking activities.
  2. Secondary schools student spend more than 3 hours on internet sites activities, per day.
  • With the use of internet usage, majority has improved their skills in the use of ICT.
  1. Due to the use of internet sites, Secondary schools student have had their academic performances influenced positively by way of improved grades.
  2. Facebook is the most preferred internet sites, used by Secondary schools student.
  3. If students could use the social media for one activity, majority would use it for educational reasons.


The study demonstrated that the Students in Secondary schools in Awka aware of the internet sites as well as having access and use it. Findings also indicates that they are influenced by the use of internet usage positively because it has improved their ICT skills and grades, which reflects on the use of internet sites for their academic purpose; that encourages group decisions on assignments with class mates, searching for information to supplement their notes given by the lecturers and improves their spellings .

It is the hope of the researcher exploring these finds will provide support for appropriate and effective services for instructors, ultimately leading to best practices model to facilitate the adoption and use of internet usage sites as tools to teach and communicate with the students when necessary in the university.


Based on the finds and conclusions of the study, the following recommendation was made:

  1. The use of social networks should be embraced in the academic field, with lecturers using it to enhance their teaching and communication, to motivate students.
  2. Students should be oriented on how to manage their time, between socializing and academic purpose
  • Students should be enlightened on the use of e-books and e-journals, which can be accessed with their personal computer, mobile phones and better still the e-library.
  1. Universities should build and integrate interactive learning tools as well as links to research database to make the use of internet usage relevant to students.
  2. Educational institution needs to take an active initiative to introduce the study of digital Library as a General course.
  3. The university administration should show interest in ascertaining the functionality of newly established method of learning research to see how well they are going in the view of the universities’ ICT goals and the general ICT policies of Nigeria.

Contribution of the Study to Knowledge

The work has made it possible to know that social media has a positive influence on academic performance of student in Secondary schools. The research has also revealed that students in Secondary schools go online very often, are aware of and use social media site, and spend above 3hours on social networking activities. Furthermore, it showed that the use of internet usage has influenced their academic performance in so many ways, such as:entertainment, reading newspapers, academics and looking for advertisement. With the research, knowledge is made available on the fact that student in Secondary schools spend most of their time on internet sites. Hence, the findings could be used by academic advisers and counselor to proffer professional advice to the university authorities on how to regulate the use of internet usage networks, and how to manage their time between socializing and academic purpose among Secondary schools student.


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