Education Project Topics

An Investigation of the Relevance of Educational Psychology Into Teaching – Learning Process

An Investigation of the Relevance of Educational Psychology Into Teaching – Learning Process

An Investigation of the Relevance of Educational Psychology Into Teaching – Learning Process

Chapter One


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance of educational psychology to the teaching –learning process in secondary schools, in Enugu South Local Government Area of Enugu State.

The researcher being aware of this will dwell more on the relevance of educational psychology to the teaching-learning process in some secondary schools in Enugu South.

The purpose of this study is to look closely at certain problems and how they hinder effective teaching and learning.

The objectives of educational psychology as summarized by S. S. Challhan (1987) are:

  • To provide teachers with some basic skills related to teaching.
  • To give teachers guidelines to solve problems associated with the teaching-learning process.
  • To help teachers to understand scientific knowledge and to instill in them a spirit of inquiry for their professional growth.

In conclusion, the researcher will no doubt unfold the possible solutions, which should of course be a welcome relief not only to teachers and students in secondary schools in Enugu South but to the school system in general.



It is good to appreciate the fact that the study of educational psychology has influenced the educative process in a great deal.

Considering the relevance of educational psychology, it is been taught in all levels of teacher training programmes. This is to prepare prospective teachers with the required knowledge, skills and competence to help them handle efficiently and effectively the teaching – learning problems.

A teacher may be very intelligent and masters the subject matter but problem may not perform very well. Then the problems lie in lack of the knowledge of educational psychology. With the knowledge of educational psychology, the teacher will study the learners, their abilities, stages of development and the environmental influences.


Educational psychology is a combination of two words-education and psychology.  It will be good to explain the key words.

Education has gotten several definitions but all the definition change or modify in an individual.

This is to equip the individual with the necessary skills, concepts, information, normal attitudes for proper adjustment in the environment and individual finds himself.

S. Chauhan in his book: Advanced Educational Psychology (1987), briefly defined education as:

Shaping of behaviour or modification of behaviour of the individual for adequate adjustment in the society.

Education is a gradual process as long as one lives. Education liberates an individual from the shacks of ignorance into knowledge.  On the other hand, psychology is a science.  It could be said to be biological and behavioural. Biologically, psychology search for biological determinants of motivation, memory, learning and mental disorders.

Psychology as a behavioural science:  It studies the behaviour of individual and that of groups. Man is a social being and as individuals live together their personalities are of external social environment.

Educational psychology is the application of psychological laws, principles and findings into the field of Education.

This is the systematic study of the intellectual development of an individual.  In this branch (Educational psychology), the laws and principles learned in general psychology are applied to all manner of problems in the Education and upbringing of children (Educational psychology and children K. Lovell 1973 p. 16).  It is concerned with the activities of individual learners as they are;

Psychology and education are closely knit together. Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes of humans and other animals. It is also the science of behaviour. Then behaviour is the activities of individuals, which can be observed and measured in an objective way.




The design and methodology of this study are treated under the following headings;


The study was carried out in Enugu North Local Government Area in Enugu State.

Enugu North is situated partially at the centre of Enugu State and is a part of the capital of Enugu State. The greater landmass of Enugu North area is beside the famous Udi Hill, taking a slide stage down the historical hill.

Starting from Ngwo town horizontally from the West end, Enugu North has about sixteen kilometers stretching the end of Independence Layout Enugu.  From the Northern end of Enugu stretching form Ugwuogo Nike to Uwani Enugu, it has a distance of about thirty kilometres.  

Enugu North is bounded in the North by Igbo-Etiti Local Government and Isi-Uzo Local Government Areas.

In the Southern part, it is bounded by Enugu South Local Government completely.  In the West, it has a bounded with isi-Uzo Local Government Area while in the East, Nkanu Local Government (both West, East) share a boundary partially with Isi-uzo Local Government Area and Enugu North Local Government by its location is an agricultural and commercial area.


Enugu North Local Government Area has nineteen secondary schools.  

The target population of this study is made up of secondary schools students, teachers, parents and guardians.



This chapter deals with the findings from the interview and the analysis of the data.  Also, the researcher presents the result in respect of the research questions.

The summaries of the findings from the interview are given.

Educational psychology is said to be the application of psychological principles and laws into the field of Education. It is a very vital branch of applied psychology.  The principles and laws of general psychology are applied to all manner of problems in the Education and upbringing of children.

The researcher asked of the relevance of Educational psychology.

Mrs. E. Agwu, a teacher at New Haven Boys’ Secondary School has it that the knowledge of Educational psychology help in getting a better understanding of the intellectual ability of the students, their emotional, social even physical development.



Following the findings and data analysis, the researcher wishes to explain the results from the first question.  What is the relevance of Educational psychology?

Educational psychology is seen as a tool with which teaching-learning process is succeeding. It deals with the totality of all that is involved – the student’s behaviour and their education. The classroom teacher is a human being with peculiar behaviour and the student who is the learner is also a human being with his own behaviour.  For them to stay together for a thing, there is the need for the study of behaviours.

In research question two which asks, how will the Educational Psychology help students adapt to teaching-learning situations? Many steps have been taken to see that students adapt easily.  The provision of a conducive atmosphere makes students not to have immediate environmental problems like sitting positions.  Well-structured curriculum including the extracurricular activities helps them a lot.

The different methods of teaching also help them to adapt. All the necessary care which are rendered to the students by the classroom teacher help the students to adapt.

To the third question, how is it possible to identify hindrances to learning and to bridge the gap?

With the knowledge of Educational psychology it is quite possible to identify hindrances to learning. When a student has a pressing need he cannot concentrate while lessons are been delivered.  If a student is put into a wrong class, that will form hindrances to such student leaning.  An example of this is a mother who forced his son into science class. The son eventually formed various defence mechanisms to help himself.

Teacher-student relationship form a hindrance to learning when it is strained but it does not constitute a problem when it is normal.

Ill health is one of the hindrances of learning.  Also, emotional disturbances pose a problem. Anything that puts a student off balance emotionally or otherwise is automatically a hindrance.  The gap can be bridged by trying as much as possible to remove all distractions and hindrances.

The fourth research question asks what should be done in the case of exceptional student?

In the result of the study, it becomes clear that the exceptional children do not learn at the same pace with ordinary (normal children).  The gifted ones are separated or when together with the normal ones are given more work.  Then those who are mentally retarded are put in one place where they receive therapeutic care.

In the last question which states “How does Educational psychology take care of the students in adolescent stage? Adolescent stage has been a critical stage in life.  It is so because it is a transition period.

Students in this category encounter a lot of problems here.  The understanding of the change in which the adolescents undergo is half the solution of the problems, which arise.  They are helped by teachers to accept their new stage and are directed along the way without excessive interference.


The investigator has done extensive work on the topic by reviewing the literature on the topic, personal observation, painstaking interviews and questionnaire. From all the information gathered, one can rightly conclude that Educational psychology is very important as far as teaching –learning process is concerned.  This is evidence in all aspects of the process.

Students are helped to adapt and participate willingly and effectively in the classroom.  Motivation is a tool use to ginger students on hard work for the achievement of success.  The variety makes for the up-keeping of the students without getting bored of one thing all through a popular saying has it that monotony kills interest.

The care of the exceptional students give all the opportunity to participate in learning, as this helps in bringing talents to fill utilization (as in the case of gifted students).

To those dull ones when they are given more opportunities to study best suited to their abilities, it might also help them.  The adolescent stage is properly handled to prevent it from constituting a stumbling block to teaching-learning exercises.


With regard to the results of the study, it would appear that the general results shown, many people contributed in the promotion of the relevance of Educational psychology into teaching-learning process in schools in Enugu.

Areas of removing learning hindrances, motivating students, understanding and good management of adolescence and taking into consideration the education of exceptional children were taken care of.

Parents or guardians should change their attitude of pushing their children or wards into area they do not belong. This brings crisis into students’ lives and can ruin them throughout life.  Teachers should realize that the understanding of the students would help to control negative attitudes of students towards learning.

Let all who are concerned see to it that we imbibe the principles and laws of Educational psychology.  It is also important to put them into practice in order to achieve a hoped bright future educationally.


Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations are made:

  1. Teachers should try and understand his students
  2. The effectiveness of the classroom teacher is essential.
  3. Parents should communicate with the classroom teacher to the children.
  4. Students should be motivated for the enhancement of greater productivity.
  5. Adolescents should be closely watched without much interference.
  6. Guidance and counselling services should be taken serious.
  7. Students should be allowed to take up courses of the interest and talents.


The study has been carried out with the aim of ascertaining the relevance of Educational psychology into teaching- learning process in secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. Reviews were made in related literature, personal observation, interviews and questionnaires.

The items in the questionnaire involved ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ type.  The whole study was done in five chapters with each chapter having sub-sections for thorough treatment of the topics.  The study worked on five secondary schools in the area of study.  The sample consisted of parents or guardian teachers and students.


This topic covers many areas.  The investigator suggested that further research should be carried out.

In the course of more investigations, more aspects of the importance of Education psychology to teaching-learning process will be discovered.

More comprehensive study will expose all it takes to make teaching and learning greatly productive.


  • S. Chauhan, Advanced Educational Psychology (Vikas Publishing House PVT 1987) Fundamentals, Innovations and Issues in Education by Rev. Fr. Dr. Stan Anih (IECE 1987).
  • Lovell, Educational Psychology and Children (Hodder and Stoughton London Sydney Auckland Tomorrow (1973).
  • Callahan J. F.; Clark L. H. (1983) Foundations of Education Planning For Competence.
  • Isabelle Valadian (1969) Physical Growth and Development, Douglas POA.
  • Anusiem A. U. (1987). The Growing and Developing Child-Basic Concept in Psychology, Summer Educational Publishers.
  • Clifford S. D. Principles of Educational Psychology (Octopus International Enterprises 1981).