Public Administration Project Topics

An Evaluation of Staff Induction and Training Programmes Improving Worker’s Efficiency

An Evaluation of Staff Induction and Training Programmes Improving Worker’s Efficiency

An Evaluation of Staff Induction and Training Programmes Improving Worker’s Efficiency

Chapter One


By standing the area, the researcher wishes to show case the importance of the study. The importance of this study is articulated as follows:

  1. To strengthen the working relationship between the employers and the employees. This will make for industrial harmony.
  2. To provide other stakeholders in the labour sector or industry with data that will help them appraise the cost-benefit aspect of investing in staff training.
  3. To make managers and employers of workers to believe that training is and will remain the strategy to boost workers’ effectiveness.
  4. To suggest to workers other ways of acquiring in case it is not forthcoming from the organization.
  5. Business investors will benefit from this work by knowing that organization now invest into training of their workers for growth.




In the study of this nature it is imperative to review literature that relate to the topic of research.

This chapter seeks to unveil some basic issue arising from conduct induction and training programmes programme in most organization.


This parts reveal intellectual text inference cross-breeding of knowledge and philosophical approached on the meaning of induction and training programmes.

According to Wiki (2008) defined training as the act of increasing knowledge and skills of employee for performing the job assigned to him. But its short process. He emphasis that after employee is select, placed and introduce in an organization, they must be provided with training facilities while development is a long term education process utilize and organized systematic procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. He said further that development do not covered only those activities which personality of an employee.

(BEN, 2008) opined that training as a process by which organization empowered her work force. He mention some reason why organization need to enhances the performance of their workers, these include

  1. To removal of performance deficiencies
  2. To improved the performance of worker for greater productivity
  3. To prepare workers for future challenge in order to meets beat their competitors

According to Soji (2006) Said training is any procedure initiated by an organization or its employer themselves which is intended to foster and enhance t\learning among organizational members. He added that induction and training programmes is necessary part o organization because no system of recruitment and selection is so flawless that it will produce employee who would not require help from their employees or old staff who has been on job. He concluded that, employee stand to achieve a lot through induction and training programmes the includes

  1. Immediately perform the task for which they are hired
  2. Acquire new skills as needed

(Byra 2003, pg. 229) opined that training as involves the employees acquiring skills or learning concepts to increase  his or her performance. It added, when new employees are employed the employee manager has primary responsibility for training how to perform the job. But the stressed that this primary responsibilities can be best achieved by delegate senior employee in the department to performed that tasks. However, he said that the need for trained become indispensable because of economic, social, technological and governmental changes adversely influence employee skill and organizational needs.

According to Isah (2001), said training as the organized procedure by which people learn skills and knowledge for a definite purpose. Also, training is a process of preparing human resources for the best service to their organization. He added that at one extreme, training of a few hours and minuets of induction by the supervisors who gives the new employees a skeletal outline of the organizational polices ad location etc. however training consist of several year of formal course designed to develop qualified specialist. While development is not specific but it is more general in its application. It is used to facilitating managerial employees who perform non routine jobs to improve their managerial administrative and decision making abilities and competence.





According to Usaala (1993) state that research is simply the process arriving at dependable solution to problem through the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

This chapter present the procedure that is used in collecting and analyzing data for the study. The chapter discuss the designed of the study, population sample, instrument for data collection validation. Of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data analysis.


The design of the study is descriptive survey, the descriptive design is chosen because it is very effective in seeking the views of management and staff about the impact of induction and training programmes on their staff efficiency according to N (Nworgu 1991).


The study involved all the categories of staff in First Bank Nigeria Plc, area office located in Kaduna north local government area of Kaduna state, along bank road. The number is obtained from the record of management office.


The target population for this study consists of all the female and male members of the First Bank area office. The number of population adopted for this study comprises all the members of staff the totaled to staff is estimated for the study. The rational behind restricting the population to the members is to enhance effective participation of all members in the management of first Nigeria Plc.



Attention is focused in this chapter on the use of statistical and machination method in analyzing the data collected with the aid of questionnaires administered to staff in first bank, Kaduna. Some pertinent (relevant) information was equally gotten through a formal interview to some staff and management of the bank.

Based on the calculated results, decision and descriptive analysis were made in respect to induction and training programmes in first bank, Kaduna. In response to questionnaire (research question), the respondent were to tick as appropriate, but, 20 questionnaire were valid from the questionnaires administered from out 23 issued out.




The fundamental aim of this study is to critically asses the impact of induction and training programmes on bank staff efficiencies in the First Bank Nigeria plc,  major and valuable findings that resulted from this study are presented below;

–       The study has shown that training curriculum or template in the bank is defective and inadequate as the skill so acquires cannot be effectively utilized for greater output it is thus too theoretical with minimum applicability.

–       Secondly the research recognizes the fact that there is no significant relationship between training courses in the bank is not prerequisite for advancement. So staff are not motivated to accept responsibility, contribution ideas and even to apply new skills acquired after attending courses.

–       Thirdly, the researcher proof that persistent interference with human resources department by the top management of the organization undermined successful conduct of training programmer without based on merit.

–       Fourthly, the study unveil that most of the bank relies more on single method or appraisal techniques which cannot compete favourable with or other banks all over the world especially with trans-globalization objective.

–       Finally, the study shown that although the bank staffs are of high caliber, qualified staff yet the quality of return on investment still too far from, being achieved.


In conclusion, therefore the finding of this research study on the impact of induction and training programmes on bank staffs has enables the researcher to delve into the actual impact of training courses have on the job efficiency of the First Bank plc, the research study revealed that training curricular template manual in the bank is defective, theoretical, with little applicability and do does not justify the huge investment because of poor service being rendered to banks clients.

Secondly, that training as a preparing the human resource for best service to heir organization is not the care in the bank as other factors need to be considered along with training. For staff to be motivated for increased job efficiency. It is very indispensable to make the impact of training positive and more meaningful is some of the recommendation of the researcher are implemented.


In consideration of the findings of this study and to realize the potential of training courses as catalyst in the improvement of job efficiency in an organization, so as to ensures the efficient and optimal use of these human resources, the researcher made the following recommendations.

  1. Training should not seek to let staff know the rates procedures, laws and other useful information which would help them excelled on their jobs but should enabled them to act and react to development in his environment.
  2. Training programmes and objectives should be adequately formulated and regularly reviewed and updates so hat employees can develop skill that are necessary to solve the employee’s job related problems.
  3. The organization should invest more on or either acquires their owned training center or commercialized the existing ones to enhance transparency and accountability.
  4. Human Resources Department should be absolutely empowers to set training during selections and other processes.
  5. The management of the bank should formulate good personnel policies, introduce incentive package, and provide modernized facilities and opportunities so as to make staff realize the important of training and the impact on staff efficiency.


  • Appleby (1992): Personnel Management and training development, revised edition Adeyini publisher, life.
  • Ben (2008):              Personnel Management and Human Resource Development,
  • Beach (1992):           ‘Human Resource Development; Police and Issue, 1st edition Adeyimi Publisher Ijebu.
  • Byra and Lesile (2003): Management Skill Application, Graw-Hill. New York.
  • Ejiofor P.N.O (1981): “Employee Training Personnel”, Revised edition Modern Human Relation; At Work. 2nd Edition Dryden presses, New York.
  • Global Fleet group(2009):Paper Seminar on Training Introduction and Transformation Agenda for Business Development; Held on 13th, July. Transcop NICON luxury Abuja, Nigeria.
  • G.A Cole (1997):       Personnel Management Theory and Practice. 3rd edition, McMillan Evan, London.
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