Building Project Topics

An Assignment on Important Digitalization Technology or Trending IT Technologies Shaping Construction Practices Globally and in the Future

An Assignment on Important Digitalization Technology or Trending IT Technologies Shaping Construction Practices Globally and in the Future

An Assignment on Important Digitalization Technology or Trending IT Technologies Shaping Construction Practices Globally and in the Future

Chapter One

Preamble of the Study

Digitalization, as a progressive process of widespread use of information and communication technologies in business, is the focus of many companies’ attention. Improving business models, work efficiency, innovation and the quality of management decisions, reducing costs, increasing company visibility and communication, putting the customer in the center of activities and many other positive effects are the benefits that companies receive in the digitalization process. Awareness of its potential goes closely together with understanding the inevitability of the transition for those organizations that wish to prosper.

Construction is the large industry which is of strategic importance on the regional, national and global levels. It is also an industry which has been suffering from a number of problems for many decades, including low productivity, low-profit margins, and waste and safety concerns (Pistorius,2017). Construction companies are already operating to use technology like BIM system, by providing interactive 3D models, within which most are concerned within the project, from the architects to the location managers.



 Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Building Information Modeling also known as BIM and often also mentioned as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), was introduced as an abstract model with object-based style, constant manipulation, and a relative database. Integration of BIM in construction has significantly grown over the last 10 to 15 years. BIM has firstly extended the traditional 2D (planar) technical drawings (plans, elevations, sections, etc.) to a 3D design and moreover adding time to the 3 primary spatial dimensions (width, height, and depth) to what’s outlined as a BIM fourth dimension (4D).

Hosseini et al., 2012, narrates, many people believe that the cost of implementing BIM is too prohibitive: way beyond their project budget. The exorbitant prices for various BIM software packages are their prevailing barrier to BIM acceptance in Indian construction domain. The cost of BIM software packages is more expensive compared to Computer Aided Design (CAD) software packages that are available on the market at a fraction of the cost of BIM software. Besides the initial cost of the software package, the price to keep the subscription updated is astronomically high by Indian standards. Training the employee is another obstacle in adopting BIM. To train the employee organizations need to spend time and money. This creates a dilemma for organizations to adopt BIM. BIM isn’t one piece of software system or model, however a replacement variety of information processing and collaboration, with knowledge embedded inside the model. (Leonaset al., 2015, Bui et al., 2016). An article published by Qing (2015) elaborates on the design concept and significance based on BIM and points out its application practice.

Building Information Modeling relates to the use of Information Technology (IT) in Construction Management (CM). Unlike the additional ancient blueprints and artist’s sketches that preceded construction, BIM prototypes are full 3D renderings permitting contractors, builders, and anyone else to possess a virtual practice the project, complete with details of each part. Information about all the necessary materials and resources, including human resource i.e. labor, is input to generate a model for the proposed plan. By storing and managing building data as databases, building information modeling solutions will capture, manage, and present information in ways in which are applicable for the building team member victimising that information. As a result of the data is stored as an information, changes in this information that therefore offtimes occur throughout style are often logically propagated and managed by the software system throughout the project life cycle. (Hirani&Villaitramani, 2014). Chouguleet al., (2015) stressed exploitation BIM in developing countries like India since it had been low-cost and lots of labors accessible, industry shows inertia to adopt the more expensive technology. Though the initial investment of BIM is huge, once it is adopted fully, it has huge benefits. Figure 4 shows, different disciplines that move with a well-known and customary read of the data whereas the BIM system perpetually updates the changes created in every work. This speeds up the design process and coordination between different team members. With the cost of the fifth dimension, BIM 5D thereby provides the key attributes of a construction project. Often, BIM 4D is what allows for the visual animation of projects, but fundamentally it enables progress tracking of construction projects (Balani&Venugopal, 2017).


Prefabrication as the production of housing or housing components (the modular, prefab, panelized, precast, etc.) using factory mechanization World Economic Forum (WEF, 2016). The uniqueness of the construction sector poses many challenges for the direct adaptation of technologies that are employed in several different industries, as an example, those who support production or mass customization. It additionally involves intensive use of knowledge and support technologies across the enterprise and its market. (Shen et al., 2009). The automation related to the prefab construction sector, typically includes of three categories: i) prefab elements creating process, (parts, panels, precast, framework, etc.) that deal primarily with the development of the building blocks; ii) assembly method within which the construction elements (often from completely different suppliers) are put in to form buildings, houses, etc. by an array of sub-contractors, generally having conflicting workflows; iii) construction industry processes that represent each the business and support processes (project management, supply chain management, document management, workflow management, modification management, designing and programing). (Joseph, 2009).


Chapter Three

Conclusion and Recommendation


Similar lines on previous waves of technological progress, digitization, as well as AI, big data, 3D printing, the internet of things, blockchain and advanced robotics brings monumental advantages to economy and society. To summarize, earlier authors have mentioned on construction engineering style, the planning quality of the complete construction project investment and progress with vital impact on quality construction. Generally, in order to improve the overall quality of construction project, adoption of IoT, ICT, Big data, Automation, Standardization must have opted in the construction of technical and management information specifically Architecture, Engineering, Design, Technology.

Buyer (2017) analyzed various problems related to CI of India and quoted it in his article, “Construction in India, key trends and opportunities to 2021”. Hudson (2017) has predicted innovative aspects concerning to digital future for infrastructure industry. Kaplinski (2018) stressed on the importance of various issues in CM and the need for implementation of new instruments for the same.

Finally, the study in this paper is a compilation and is a part of an ongoing research, which will eventually attempt to further enhance the practices and implementations of the construction technology as one of the significant innovative construction collaboration- tools towards a greener construction industry.


Digitilization of the construction sector will considerably scale back risks and enhance bankability of construction comes, besides rising their viability and quality lifecycle. There’s a huge potential for players within the CI to spot solutions to remodel productivity and project delivery through new technologies just like the adoption of IoT, ICT, Big data, Automation and Standardization. These efforts present an overview of digitalization in CI,CT, CP, and CM. Digital technologies have huge latent to become a frontrunner in promoting a secure, virtual and economically viable IT answer within the future. This can offer a stronger understanding of the digital technologies and pave the means for future research in this area. Lastly for the improvement and implementation of digitalization of construction projects both software and hardware are important, however, organization-ware and education-ware are more important.


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