An Assessment of Participation in Outdoor Recreation Activities in Yenagoa Town
Objectives Of Study
- To appraise the provisioning of outdoor recreation facilities in Yenagoa
- To establish the characteristics of participation in outdoor recreation activities in Yenagoa.
- To identify the factors that affect participation in outdoor recreation activities in Yenagoa.
- To make appropriate recommendations towards the encouragement of greater participation in recreation activities in Yenagoa.
This chapter is devoted to review of literature that provide a conceptual framework for the subject of the study and also a review of some empirical works of this research topic. Particular attention will be given to concepts, principles, standards and strategies.
Conceptual Framework
Recreation is not an easily defined homogenous entity; rather it consists of a diversity of activities undertaken in a wide range of locations. However, various definitions have certain features in common.
The word recreation is Latin derivation from the word “recreate” meaning “to create anew” or “to refresh after toil”. It is also a wholesome activity that is engaged in for pleasure and therefore it is a play.
Suleiman (2004) also stresses that recreation is something quite more than mere body exercise, consider it as a forum for man to recreate himself and an opportunity for participation in civic affairs, for partaking in aesthetic experience for developing skills for enjoyment of nature.
Recreation is all about activities freely chosen and undertaken in free time and which produce feelings of wellbeing, fulfilment, enjoyment, relaxation and satisfaction.
Baud-Bovy and Lawson (1998) refer recreation to any pursuit taken up during leisure time other than those to which people have high commitments such as overtime, second jobs, home study and various maintenance jobs about the house.
Pilgrim (1983) states that recreation is considered to be an activity voluntarily undertaken primarily for pleasure and satisfaction during leisure time. Arnold (1985) suggests that the meaning of recreation is taken to represent the recreation or revitalization of the individual after participate on certain activities, a value or worth is attributed to recreation in the sense that creativity is good and non-creativity is bad.
Recreation is the expenditure of time with the intent to gain some refreshment. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. It is a positive change from the stereotypical lifestyle and involves an active participation in some entertaining activity (Oak, 2010)
Ogunwuyi, (1998) perceives recreation as a substitute for vices and evil pursuit, such as gambling, stealing, drinking alcohol, backbiting etc. From these definitions, one can rightly conclude that recreation denotes activities such as playing drama, craft and dance in which people partake voluntarily during leisure time. Hence the difficulty in the definitions have prompted some authors like Pearce (1989:6) to argue that recreation and leisure are states of mind and best defined in psychological term. One can maintain that individual recreate for a variety of reasons and derive different satisfactions from the same activity.
It is clear from the definitions reviewed that there is no consensus on the definition of recreation. The definitions revealed, potent recreation as a fundamental human need.
In order to satisfy this need, usable parks, rivers, streams, coastline, lakes and playgrounds are needed. This increases the activities in which people desire to spend their increasing leisure hours.
Empirical Literature
The Empirical Literature is structured under Sub themes which include
- Outdoor recreation and purpose
- Relevance of Participation in outdoor recreation
- Factors that influence Recreation
- Criteria/Standards for the provision of outdoor recreation
- Classification and Characteristics of recreation activities in Nigeria
This chapter is devoted to the steps that were taken in achieving the objectives of the study. It include data needed and the sources of these data such as sampling frame, the sample size, sampling techniques used as well as the quantification and analysis approach to the study.
Relevant Data
In conducting this research, numerous types of data were required in providing the investigation with information on the situation at hand and expectations on the issue under investigation.
Description of Data
- Map of the study area: This data is useful in determining the wards in Yenagoa town and also identify the towns that made up
- Demographic information: This data is primarily concerned with the age, gender, income etc. These variables are important because they help in determining the relationship between them and participation in outdoor recreation activities.
This part of the project reports the primary data collected from the field. It presents information about the level of the participation in outdoor recreation activities in the study area and also the indoor recreation level.
Inventory of Outdoor Recreation Facilities In Yenagoa
From the Table 4.1 below showing an inventory of the existing outdoor recreation centres, there is a strong indication that most of the outdoor recreation centres are in ward 1; it has a total of 26 outdoor recreation centres because it is in the heart of Yenagoa town, while ward 3 has 12 which is the second highest concentration of outdoor recreation centres, However, a total of 86 recreation centres are discovered in the study area.
It is observed from Table 4.1 below that concentration of outdoor recreation centres are more in ward 1 and this has discouraged interested users in engaging in outdoor recreation activities regularly due to distance from their residences, and this was discovered during the assessment survey exercise in this work.
This part of the study presents the various findings that have been made in this study and conclusions drawn from the findings with appropriate recommendations proffered.
Summary of the Findings
The study through the data collected from the field reveals that 72.5% of respondents are aware of the existence of football, while swimming obtained 13.3%. But the respondents not participating in outdoor could be as a result of their ignorance of the benefit derivable such as physical fitness and the introduction of English league by DSTV, My TV etc. Therefore, they could not frequently engage in active recreation activities and as a result end up in indoor games. It was also gathered that 54.4% of the respondents have fairly large family sizes which in totality determines the frequency of their involvement in indoor recreation activities such as playing Ludo, viewing Tv etc. educational attainment has role to play in outdoor recreation activities because it exposes the individual to understand the reality of life, 48.9% of the respondents attained only primary school, therefore has little or no knowledge of the importance of outdoor recreation which also recorded low participation of recreation activities in Yenagoa.
The income level has some bearing in determining the individual‟s capability to participate in outdoor recreation activities. From the findings, it was discovered that 35% of the respondents falls within income group of N10, 000 to N20, 000 per-months. It therefore results in general low participation in outdoor recreation activities in the study area. This is because most social activities involve money. The location of the outdoor recreation centres also influences the level of participation. For instance, 37% of the respondents stay a distance of 11 – 15 km away from the outdoor recreation centres; therefore time and cost seem to have been considered as an obstacle in regular participation in outdoor recreation activities.
The in-secured nature of Yenagoa town in the past could not be left out. The fear of the unknown which have already been built in the minds of the people also discourage regular users to participate in outdoor recreation activities. Lack of finance is also attributed as one of the hindrance in participating in outdoor recreation activities in Yenagoa town and the wrong perception of people in outdoor recreation activities also contribute regarding recreation as a mere waste of time and money rather than creating new relationship.
Finally, the televising of the European football leagues has limited a great number of youth to ignore outdoor recreation activities. These and other relevant issues according to the research finding are the major causes of low participation in outdoor recreation activities in Yenagoa town.
Several attempts have been made, but yet to see the light of the day due to the high family size, distance from the recreation centres, lack of awareness, high charge, security threat, wrong perception of recreation activities and as well as regular televising of European football league matches.
These and other factors have hindered the people living within Yenagoa town to constantly participate in outdoor recreation activities. As it was highlighted by Boniface (1994:2) that generally recreation activities refresh the user‟s strength, spirit, and as a medium for social interactions, unity and friendship among people. This invariably implies that the people within Yenagoa town needs to engage in outdoor recreation activities in order to avoid disunity. However, this could be encouraged by the Government, through the National Orientation Agency of Nigeria (NOAN) in enlightening the importance of participating in outdoor recreation activities to the people living within the study area.
The irregular participation of outdoor recreation activities has been analyzed in this study is caused by various factors. From the study it was discovered that improper location of recreation facilities, high rate of charges, lack of finance and time, wrong perception about the activities of outdoor recreation, low educational attainment, security challenges, family sizes and the introduction of football leagues are some of the factors that hinders the regular participation in outdoor recreation activities in the study area.
However, the success of regular participation of outdoor recreation activities in Yenagoa to an extent depend on the degree of planning, principles and standard.
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