Library and Information Science Project Topics

An Assessment of Information Resources and Service Provision of Staff School Libraries in Niger State

An Assessment of Information Resources and Service Provision of Staff School Libraries in Niger State

An Assessment of Information Resources and Service Provision of Staff School Libraries in Niger State

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study 

The aim of this study is to assess Information Resources and Service Provided by Staff  School Libraries in Niger State. The specific objectives of the study are

  1. To reveal the available information resources in staff school libraries in Niger State. 2. To ascertain the information services available in staff school librariesin Niger State. 3. To find out how information resources are acquired in the staff school libraries in Niger  State. 
  2. To find out the ways in which the information resources are organized in the staff school  libraries in Niger State. 
  3. To identify the challenges constraining in the provision of information resources and  services in staff school libraries in Niger State.




This chapter reviewed literature that is related to the study. The review of literature is  discussed under the following sub-heading; 

Conceptual Framework 

A school library has a relationship to the teaching and learning processes. The  pedagogical role of the school library underlines the fact that the library contributes in a  significant way to learning (Hell,2005). School libraries represent a set of implicit and explicit  choices made by the school about the extent of centralizing information resources and services  and exploitation of that and other information resources from beyond (Streatfield &Markless, 2006) 

Divulging further, Hell(2005) explains that the school library is a system providing  information resources and services for the benefit of the teaching and learning processes in  schools. Thus, the pedagogical theory subsume that the school library is the base within which  library and information services is felt and accommodated; with the library being part of a  network of the school system. This study focuses on what ways is the school library facilitating teaching and learning. Though there are several ways both materially and psychologically of  contributing to teaching and learning, however, the school library, by providing the necessary  information resources and services can make the school teaching method more effective.  Information here can be said to include physical resources, bibliographic access, staff and space. 

Another theoretical framework found relevant to work is hinged upon the active learning  paradigm. Active learning is a method of educating students that allow them to participate in  class; it takes them beyond the role of passive listeners and note takers, preparing the student to  take some direction and initiative during the class (Lorenzen, 2012). Barnwell and Eison (1991)  wrote that strategies that promote active learning have common characteristics such that students  are involved in class beyond listening; less emphasis is placed on transmitting information; more  emphasis is placed in developing skills of the student; and the students are continually involved  in activities like reading, discussion and writing. Thus, provision of information resources and  services should increase the realization of the potentials for learning by exploration and increase  the participation of student in the active mode of teaching and learning.  

 School Library 

According to Dike (2004) a school library is an academic library that supports school  programs as well as the teaching and learning processes, Wikipeadia, sees it as a library within a  school where students, staff, and often, parents of a public or private schools have access to a  variety of resources. Meanwhile Petters and Ottong (2012) described it as a learning environment  which provides space (physical or virtual), access to resources, and services to encourage and  support students and teachers in learning and teaching. 

School library plays a very significant role in the educational development of a child, its  goal according to IFLA (2012) include:





The methodology for the research was discussed under the following sub-headings: 3.2 Research Method Adopted for the Study 

Research Method Adopted for the Study  

This study adopted descriptive surveydesgn. Survey design was adopted in this study  because it is considered useful and appropriate to collect data from a population that is too large  to be observed directly and to obtaining information that cover personal and social facts, and  attitudes. The survey research is also used to assess a situation with a view to correcting  inadequacies or effecting improvements. (Oyedum, 2011). The Author further stated that  surveys are used extensively in library and information science to assess attitudes and  characteristics of a wide range of subjects and can be useful when a researcher wants to collect  data on phenomena that cannot be directly observed (such as opinions in library services). This 

is justified based on the views of Babbie (2002), Kerliger and Lee (2000) who posited that survey design is a useful fact-finding in education and social sciences to provide a strategy for  the researcher to systematically collect data from a large sample that can be analyzed and  generalized on the entire population. In essence, the values of the different variables will be  calculated in the attempt to ascertain the relationship between each of the independent variables  and the dependent variables.  

 Population of the Study 

The target population of this study is all staff School libraries in Niger State and  librarians in charge of the school libraries as thus; The Niger State Private Schools Board  Commission (2014), shows that there are twenty one Staff School with twenty six teacher  librarians in Niger State;




This chapter presents the data collected for the study.Analysis of the data, results and  discussion of the findings were presented with respect to research questions raised in the study.  The chapter is presented under the following sub-headings: 




This chapter presents the summary of the study, summary of the findings, conclusion and  recommendations drawn from the study. 

 Summary of the Study 

This study investigated Information Resources and Services Provision of Staff School  Libraries in Niger State. To achieve this, five (5) research questions were formulated on the  type of information resources; type of information services; methods of information resources  acquisition; organization of information resources and challenges faced by staff school libraries  in Niger State. Relevant literature were also reviewed and found that provision of information  resources and services in the School libraries is an integral component of a solid foundation and  progress of school systems. 

Survey research method was employed in this study. The population of the study  consisted ofteacher librarian (6 of them) in the selected staff school libraries in Niger State.The  instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and observation.The data collected for  the study were presented and analyzed using frequency distribution tables, percentages and  histograms. 

Summary of the Findings 

Based on the data collected and analyzed for this study, the following are the major  findings:

Teacher-librarian and student keeper/library prefect were the highest number of human  resources available in staff school libraries in Niger State. This is followed by


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