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An Assessment of Government Effort on the Provision of Portable Water Supply in Bida Local Government Area of Niger State

An Assessment of Government Effort on the Provision of Portable Water Supply in Bida Local Government Area of Niger State

An Assessment of Government Effort on the Provision of Portable Water Supply in Bida Local Government Area of Niger State

Chapter One


This research aims to assess the government’s effort in the provision of portable water supply in the Bida local government area of Niger state. This can be achieved through the following specific objectives. 

  • To identify the source of water supply in Bida local Government. 
  • To identify the origin of water supply facilities. 
  • To examine the functionality of water supply facilities. 
  • To identify the ease with which people access these sources.  
  •  To find out who is responsible for maintaining water sources. 




Many scholars at one time or the other have looked into water problems in Nigeria, Ayode and Oyebande (1978), Oyebande (1978), olofin (1983), Isaac (1965) and so on. Even in our  national dailies, the need for a solution to the water supply problem is constantly being  highlighted from diverse perspective; the recent in water resources both at federal and state  level has definitely expanded the stock 0f literature on micro water supply. 

Water as we have seen, is an essential part of living matter, so it is not surprising that water  should also be an ideal home for living matter. Where ever there are rivers, lakes, reservoirs  and ponds there is form of life is impossible for lack of nutrient, oxygen or light (Davies 1969). 

 Many of the present problems in developing countries are in fact water related. Poor health  standard can also be attributed to scarcity of water which often leads to consumption of  polluted water resulting in illness such as cholera, diarrhea, etc. land degradation which is  closely related to soil water deficit, drought, starvation and hunger crescent in Africa is  located on the hydrological margin sensitive to changing relations between the short and long  branches of the water cycle (WHO 1965) 


The presence of lead in drinking water is more prevalent and serious than many people  realize. Despite common perceptions, lead is not restricted to inner-city communities, but  rather is a problem that affects many water systems across the country. According to an  Environmental Protection Agency study released in 1993, more than 800 drinking water  systems around the nation contain excessive lead. Today, the EPA estimates that more than 40 million Americans are exposed to potentially dangerous amounts of lead in their drinking  water. Recent legislation has helped decrease the problem. 

 Mobogunje (1975) did an analysis of domestic water in 28 urban centers in Nigeria. He  came up with a result establishing the cordial relationship existing between the two. He  disowned their lack of portable water as a hindrance to economic development.  Although we drink two pints daily, our domestic consumption of water may be over 80  gallons per head per day the total domestic will be then the product of population and the per capital domestic demand much of this used. For hygiene bath, washing cloth and flushing  toilets. The remaining we used in various ways such as industrial demand and that of luxury  such as watering flowers, car wash etc. (davies 1969).in many under developed countries the  prevalence of water borne disease s is still as it was in England 100 years ago. As there is no  efficient medical treatment, the only answer is a safe water supply. But it is very difficult to  convince people to the benefit especially where water is concerned (davies 1986). 



In this chapter, the data gathered from failed measured and observation were organized and  organized and presented using both tables and other descriptive statistical tools. 44  questionnaires are available for the analyses. Information obtain from these questionnaire is  presented below  



HO: There is no any effort made by Government in providing portable water supply in Bida  local government 

Chi square formula is used for testing the hypothesis 




This chapter summarizes the findings for this study. Recommendation and conclusion of the  findings. This was followed by recommendations and lastly conclusion.  

This research has been concerned with the assessment of government effort in the provision  of portable water supply in Bida Local Government area, in Niger State of Nigeria. The  research sought information from the inhabitant of the area through questionnaire  administered, with the view to have an insight into the provision of portable water in the  study area. 

The information obtained from the respondent are analyzed, it is the analysis made that  reveal fact of the situation and from the fact discovered we reached to the final conclusion  after which recommendation as regard to the possible ways of improving the situation were  provided as presented below. 


From the research conducted, the following are major findings. 

 Firstly, water supply conditions in the study area is very regular and reliable, because of  the effort made by government through it National Borehole programme. 

 Secondly boreholes are the major source of water supply in the area which serve the major  modern water supply system in the study area. 

 Thirdly, the water supply in the area is clean to a minimum level of consumption this  signifies that water is been treated before pumping it out for the consumption.  Fourthly the rate of the supply of water is increasing on daily bases to enable it meet the  increasing demand by population in the area. 

Fifthly, the study also reveals that people in the study area, have regular water supply, even  though some of them relied on communal hand dug shallow wells. 

Sixthly, the study also reveals that most of the sources of water in the area are provided by  the state government through construction of boreholes and hand pump in the state.. 


Based on the finding of the research the following recommendations are therefore made.  Government should increase it effort towards ensuring the provision of portable water  within the area as there is a lot of people who are still suffering the used of contaminated  water from an unsecure source within the study area. 

 Government should also try to see that the supply of water in the study area meet up with  the increasing population as a result of high birthrate in the area due to the practice of early  marriage. 

 Also the inhabitant on their own should further more straitening the initiation of community  development programmers to help in the construction of another sources of water such as  boreholes in other to check into the effort of government. 

Finally seminars and workshops should be introduced at local government level in order to  enlighten people on how to manage water sources. 


The findings, suggestions and recommendations stated above are meant to solve or reduce the  problem affecting the people of Bida local Government area of Niger state as regard to the  provision of portable water and way in which water supply in Bida can be effective, regular  and reliable. These recommendations will certainly assist in solving people’s problems as  regard to portable water if authorities or Agencies concern with administration of water  issues adhered to them.  

 Finally it is hope that, by implementing the recommended strategies, the need for adequate  and portable water supply in Bida local government area will be achieved.


  • Adrian T Mc Donald and Davies Kay (1988) Water resources issues and strategies, longman  scientific and technical. 
  • Ayoade O. (1978) Water resource in Geography of Nigeria development, (eds) J.S  oguntoyinbo, O.O Areola, M.filani P.71, 79-81 
  • Davies D. (1969) fresh water, the American museum of national history press guardian city  New York. 
  • Mobogunje A.l (1975) water resources and economic development in Nigeria, University of  California press hand book for local governments  Localizing the strategy for achieving rural water supply and sanitation in Nigeria by
  • H. O  Nwankwoala (2010) Department 0f geology, University of Port Harcourt, River state Nigeria 
  • Oyebande .I (1978) Nigeria threatened environment. A national profile (ED) Brown L.A.P  18-20 
  • Salman Uwais (2004) Water supply and demand situation in Talatan Mafara Zamfara State  Nigeria. 
  • W.H.O (1965) Water supply and health in developing countries
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