Arts Project Topics

Construction of Collapsible and Adjustable Mobile Solar Photography Darkroom

Construction of Collapsible and Adjustable Mobile Solar Photography Darkroom

Construction of Collapsible and Adjustable Mobile Solar Photography Darkroom


Purpose of Study

  1. Develop a dark room where one can be able to expose their work successfully and one that can accommodate a larger mesh so as to make easier and les time consuming to finish a work on
  2. Developing a dark room that is independent of electricity a solar powered dark room that can function without electricity with a battery that can store power for days enabling one to be able to at night and when there is power shortage.
  3. Developing a dark room that functional anywhere, due to it mobile nature, the dark room can be at any given
  4. Developing a dark room that can be collapsible from top to it base so it can be set up for use and packed up carefully after the construction of a collapsible mobile solar photography dark room for screen exposure will help the students greatly with its use students can be able to expose comfortably without to worry about the time limits to exposure, help to save cost for buying materials repeatedly for one particular work.
  5. Installation of fans to quickly dry up newly coated



When executing this project, the need to set a thorough insight on the project the researcher embark on reviewing related literature mainly in: The dark room technique.

The dark room is designed to be efficient precise and standardized procedure is to be taken. Because processing procedures are done I black darkness. It is important for every equipment to be kept in it precise place. The room should have a considerable work space, equipment and material arranged in specific order in order to allow effectiveness and flow of work crowded condition is to be avoided.

It should not be far from a working studio or a personal studio because light is made not enter a dark room when a work is in progress does not mean that walls must be painted black, the walls must be able to illuminate the room for these to happen light color suggest to paint a dark room.

Work in a light dark room leave little room for ventilation resulting to heat like most tropical region, air conditioning is must. When the temperature in a processing room exceeds 90 degree F. The screen in some instances becomes sensitized (fogged) by heat alone.

It is a workshop by photographers who work with photographic films to make images, prints and other tasks. It is a room that can be made completely dark to allow light sensitive photographic materials, films and photographic paper to process successfully.



This study relied on related knowledge by scholars. Secondary data for this project, includes literature, journals, project report etc.

Primary data were also collected through the primary source by using observation and adjustments from already constructed works and ideas from lecturers.

The method used to come about this project is from the manipulation of iron pipes and pans. To form already illustrated ideas and diagrams. Before we finally arrived at the final constructed darkroom.



Project Title: Selected title of this project work is “construction of dismountable and adjustable mobile solar photography darkroom.” Project topic is a timely one and lingering issue that needs urgent attention, strategies and workable solutions to help solve challenges in screen printing in the department of Fine and Applied Art, textile unit, University of Benin.

Medium of Expression: This project work is a visual art work constructed in metal pipes and sheet and finally produced after thoroughly examining, reconstructing and carefully supervised through all its construction processes using welding methods.

Materials: the materials used to achieve this project generated from free hand sketches and successfully incorporated into cutting and welding process by resource persons before installation of lights, fans, solar panel and battery took place and finally the fabric that enclosed the metal piece was made to produce the project.

  • Flat bar, angle bar, Electrode, smooth pan, hinges and screws (metal construction media)
  • Fluorescent, fittings, switch, fans, solar panel, inverter battery, cable wire (installation media)

Construction Concept

The construction concept of the project is segmented into several stages with which image representation of the work was successfully captured.




The construction of the dismountable and adjustable mobile solar photography dark room has driven the researchers to know more about screen printing. The purpose of this project is to see how the researchers can solve some problem in the textile unit and bridge the gap between students and unforeseen errors. As stated earlier, several stages brought about the existence of the project.

However, some challenges arose in the course of the project but the researchers were able to technically overcome the challenges. Also the project work was executed by using several measurements including putting the size of the textile unit into consideration. Most importantly, the size of mesh was carefully measured in the studio.

Finally, the project enlightens us on how the dark can guarantee accuracy and can be used as a medium that can be used to create or produce something of aesthetic value.


From the submission, it could be said that the project work was successful, using the darkroom to efficiently expose screens.

Also, the researchers was able to use solar to power the project and was able to achieve a good result and a critique session was held to access the final product and the quality to know if the researchers aim was really achieved.

Furthermore, it is therefore recommended that this project will serve as a point for further researcher for other artist who wish to explore more about the topic and technique. However, other techniques and methods on how to improve on this project should be explored by other researchers so as to further create new innovations and contribute to knowledge.

Finally, the researchers were able to achieve their desired result through the use of construction, creating the awesome darkroom for the textile unit and thereby contributing to knowledge.


  • Wikitionary: ArtGallery
  • Gallerra degli Uffizi Florence.” Retrieved 17 Dec. History‟s Influence on screen printings future/screenweb.” com.2006-05-04
  • NAFAAS Library “Using screen printing for the production of curtain for Departmental gallery.”
  • Yaba College of Education Library