Business Education Project Topics

A Survey of Relevance of Business Education Programme to Economic Development of Nigeria

A Survey of Relevance of Business Education Programme to Economic Development of Nigeria

A Survey of Relevance of Business Education Programme to Economic Development of Nigeria

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the relevance of the Business education program on the economic development of Nigeria.
  2. To examine how the Business education program in Nigeria is operated.
  3. To determine the relationship between the Business education program and economic development of Nigeria.




This chapter gives an insight into various studies conducted by outstanding researchers, as well as explains terminologies about the relevance of business education programs to the economic development of Nigeria.

The chapter also gives a resume of the history and present status of the problem delineated by a concise review of previous studies into closely related problems.



The term development is understood as a social condition within a nation, in which the authentic needs of its population are satisfied by the rational and sustainable use of natural resources and systems.  This utilization of natural resources is based on a technology, which respects the cultural features of the population of a given country.  This general definition of development includes the specification that social groups have access to organizations, basic services such as education, housing, health services, and nutrition, and above all else, that their cultures and traditions are respected within the social framework of a particular country.  In economic terms, the aforementioned definition indicates that for the population of a country, there are employment opportunities, satisfaction -at least- of basic needs, and the achievement of a positive rate of distribution and redistribution of national wealth.  In a political sense, this definition emphasizes that governmental systems have legitimacy not only in terms of the law but also in terms of providing social benefits for the majority of the population.

Theory of Modernization

According to the modernization theory, modern societies are more productive, children are better educated, and the needy receive more welfare.  According to Smelser’s analysis, modern societies have the particular feature of social structural differentiation, that is to say, a clear definition of functions and political roles from national institutions.  Smelser argues that although structural differentiation has increased the functional capacity of modern organizations, it has also created the problem of integration, and of coordinating the activities of the various new institutions.

In a political sense, Coleman stresses three main features of modern societies:

  1. Differentiation of political structure;
  2. Secularization of political culture -with the ethos of equality-, which
  3. Enhances the capacity of a society’s political system.

The major assumptions of the modernization theory of development are:  Modernization is a phased process; for example, Rostow has 5 phases according to his theory of economic development for a particular society (i.e. traditional society, precondition for takeoff, the takeoff process, the drive to maturity, and high mass consumption society).  Modernization is a homogenizing process, in this sense, we can say that modernization produces tendencies toward convergence among societies, for example, Levy (1967, p. 207) maintains that: “as time goes on, they and we will increasingly resemble one another because the patterns of modernization are such that the more highly modernized societies become, the more they resemble one another”. Modernization is a progressive process that in the long run is not only inevitable but desirable.  According to Coleman, modernized political systems have a higher capacity to deal with the function of national identity, legitimacy, penetration, participation, and distribution than traditional political systems.





The methodology involves the systematic collection and analysis of data in research. It also involves the research design, population of study, sample size, sampling methods or techniques, sources of data, instruments of data collection and the techniques of data analysis. The components of the methodology of this research are outlined hereunder.


The descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. Brown (1985) explained that the descriptive survey research tries to identify variables that exist in a given situation and tries to describe the relationship among the variables, as well as identify the factors that exist among them.


The National Population Census of Nigeria in 2006 puts the population of Nigeria at one hundred and forty million, four hundred and thirty one thousand, seven hundred and ninety, at which Kaduna state figures stood at three million, two hundred and thirty-three thousand, three hundred and sixty-six (3,233,366). The population of Kaduna State was used in the investigation of this study. However, it comprises of the three senatorial districts of Kaduna State. The results obtained can therefore be used to generalize voter participatory behaviour towards elections in Nigeria.



Out of the total number of 30 respondents, 20 respondents which represent 66.7percent of the population are male. 10 which represent 33.3 percent of the population are female.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain a survey relevance of business education program to economic development of Nigeria

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of a survey relevance of business education program to economic development of Nigeria 


This study was on a survey relevance of business education program to economic development of Nigeria. Three objectives were raised which included: To examine the relevance of Business education program on economic development of Nigeria, to examine how the Business education program in Nigeria is operated, to determine the relationship between Business education program and economic development of Nigeria. In line with these objectives, research hypotheses were formulated and null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 3,233,366 of Kaduna population was used. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of respondents made up of 20 years, 21 years, 31 years, 41 years, 51 years and 60 years were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


The Business Educator has been exposed to different ways of being innovative, It also facilitates Job Competence, as well as development of understanding for vocational opportunities available in the field of business. Entrepreneurship without adequate education, knowledge and skills, usually leads to failure. Judging by the figures that are coming out of the Education Ministry. In the last few years, at least 60% of graduates are not able to get employment immediately (Lawal 2005). Because of that, people go into one entrepreneurial venture or another, but unfortunately, they have not been adequately prepared to face the attendant challenges. Now it has become necessary to incorporate Entrepreneurship education into the curriculum in order to prepare our graduates for self-employment. This has probably informed the Nigerian Investments Commission’s decision to introduce entrepreneur development programs in our Universities programmes of studies, like what has since been the practice in Business Education.


Based on the conclusions above, the researchers hereby recommend the following so as to ensure improvement in entrepreneurial skills;

  • An entrepreneur should be able to know and identify what fields of entrepreneurship he/she should go into, what industries, and what projects. Business Education curriculum should spell out the different areas in which graduates in the field of specialization can set up entrepreneurial businesses.
  • The Business Education curriculum should be reviewed in order to cancel some subjects that are not relevant to the modern day technology and be replaced with more relevant subjects.
  • Any form of entrepreneurship that is worth promoting broadly must be about establishing new and better ways to improve a society. Entrepreneurs implement innovative programs, organizational structures, or resource strategies that increase their chances of achieving deep, broad, lasting, and cost-effective social impact.


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  •  Adenle, S. O. and Olukayode, S. I. (2007): Technical and Vocational Education for Productivity and SustainableDevelopment in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 20th annual National conference of National Association ofTeachers of Technology (NATT) at Kaduna Polytechnic, 5th – 9th November, 2007.
  • Aigbonu, E. O. (1994): The role of Vocational Education in National Development. Journal of Technical Teacher Education.Vol.1 No. 2.
  • Federal Republic of Nigeria (1986): National Policy on Science and Technology. Lagos: federal government press. Federal Republic of Nigeria (1996): Report on the Third Economic Summit. Ibadan: Spectrum Books.
  • Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004): National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERC.
  • Habibu Rano Guda (2007): Technology Education as a Tool for Productivity and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 20th annual National conference of National Association of Teachers of Technology (NATT)at Kaduna Polytechnic, 5th – 9th November, 2007.
  • Lawal, A. W. (2010): Re-branding Vocational and Technical in Nigeria for Sustainable NationalDevelopment, Problems and Prospect. A paper presented at the 1st National conference of School of Business Education, Fedral College of Education (Technical) Bichi, 1st – 4th November, 2010.
  • Abdullahi, A. (2002). Business education, technology and national development.Book of reading in Business education, 1 (2), 1-5.
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