Building Project Topics

A Survey Into the Use of Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete

A Survey Into the Use of Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete

A Survey Into the Use of Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete

Chapter One


Main objective

The main objective of this research was to assess the effect of bamboo fiber on the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this research were:

  • To establish the chemical and mechanical properties of bamboo
  • To evaluate the effect of bamboo fiber in varying proportions on the physical properties of concrete (workability).
  • To evaluate the effect of bamboo fiber in varying proportions on the mechanical properties of concrete (compressive strength and tensile strength).
  • To optimize the bamboo fiber proportions for concrete strength



This chapter analyzed the existing literature on the effect of bamboo fiber on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete. Concrete workability, it’s compressive and tensile strengths and the tests conducted to determine the above properties would be explained. The effect of bamboo fiber on these properties was evaluated; its importance and drawbacks in the construction industry and the environment were discussed.

(Geremew et al., 2021) provided an overview about the mechanical properties of concrete using natural fiber and concluded that; as the addition of natural fiber increases in fiber reinforced concrete, its slump value decreased but the mechanical property of the concrete improved up to a certain value. Then it started to decline compared to the control mix design and the mode of failure changes from brittle to ductile with addition of natural fiber

Chemical and mechanical properties of bamboo

(Xiaobo, 2004) found that the alcohol-toluene extractive content showed a continuous increase from one-year-old bamboo to five-year-old bamboo. Holocellulose and alpha-cellulose content increased from the bottom to the top portion. There was no significant variation in lignin content and ash content from the bottom to the top portion of bamboo. Outer layer of bamboo had the highest holocellulose, alpha-cellulose, and Klason lignin content and the lowest extractive content and ash contents. The epidermis had the highest extractive and ash content and had the lowest holocellulose and alpha-cellulose content.

(Gutu, 2013) in his studies on strength properties of bamboo to enhance its utilization reported the strength properties of bamboo to be more than those of most soft woods and some of the hard woods. The researcher also noted that a high moisture content reduces the strength property of bamboo. The researcher reported the compressive strength of bamboo to be 6585N, its modulus of rupture to be 205.505336N and its bending properties were reported to be 4536N for which he recommended the utilization of bamboo as an additional material for wood in Zimbabwe.

(Wang, 2020) in determining the physical and mechanical properties of bamboo found that; the compressive strength across the length was found to be between 77-79 MPa, the average tensile strength of the samples tested was 95.781 MPa and the shear strength in single shear was 85.3 MPa while that in double shear was found to be 99.71 MPa.


The slump test was conducted to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Workability was defined as the ease with which concrete can be mixed, transported, placed and compacted (Tahara et al., 2021). This test was used to determine the consistency of a fresh concrete sample before curing.

(Tahara et al., 2021) conducted a research on the performance of beting bamboo as partial replacement for coarse aggregates in concrete. The slump results found that the percentage of bamboo that was replaced affected the degree of workability of fresh concrete. Concrete with 0% bamboo delivered the highest slump value compared to that of 15% bamboo composition as it delivered the lowest slump value, which specified a low degree of workability.

In a journal paper by (Terai & Minami, 2012b) on the basic study on mechanical properties of bamboo fiber reinforced concrete written in 2012, the results obtained from fresh properties of concrete indicated a decrease in the slump. This followed an increase in the amount of fiber added to the concrete therefore making the concrete less workable as the bamboo fiber content increased.

 Compressive Strength

The strength of a material was broadly defined as the ability of the material to resist imposed forces (Styles & Yuen, 2009). It was also defined as the ability of a material or structure to carry the loads on its surface without any crack or deflection. The compressive strength of concrete depended on many factors for example; water-cement ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material, quality control during the production of concrete, etc. The compressive strength of concrete for general construction varied from 15MPa to 30MPa and could be obtained from the equation below:

𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ =


𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎


The compressive strength of concrete could be obtained from laboratory compressive cube tests. This test was carried out to assess the strength of concrete after seven (7) days, fourteen

(14) days or twenty-eight (28) days of casting. The cubes used were of dimensions 15cm x 15cm x 15cm or 10cm x 10cm x 10cm, depending on the size of aggregates used. The load was applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per 2 minute until the specimens failed.





This chapter contains a detailed account of the materials used, methods used and also provides logic to why they were used or selected. The materials include bamboo, ordinary Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates and water.

Experimental program

To achieve the objectives of the study, an experimental plan was developed to create bamboo fiber reinforced concrete. Different ratios of bamboo were varied by volume for use of checking the effect of bamboo fiber on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete. Bamboo fiber reinforced concrete percentages that were varied include; 0%, 1% and 2%.

Specimens were prepared and cured for 28 days, with samples taken off for testing at 7, 14 and 28 days. Compressive strength and tensile strength for the concrete cubes and cylinders was carried out using a Universal Testing Machine following the BS 1881 part 116, and BS 1881 part 116, with each mix ratio test carried out for three replicates. The mechanical properties of bamboo; flexural and compressive strength were also tested using the universal testing machine following BS 1881 part 116.

Material resources


Bamboo was sourced from Kiteezi Ward Parish, Wakiso district, from a bamboo plantation in Kawanda. This was transported to a nearby shade and air dried for days. The bamboo was then cut to portable pieces, 500mm for flexural test, 200 mm for compressive test, 3 samples with a joint and three samples without a joint. One sample selected form the bottom, middle and top parts of the bamboo. Other pieces were cut off for preparation of bamboo fiber. The chemical properties of bamboo obtained from literature in percentages are shown if the table below.



 Mechanical properties of bamboo

Compressive strength of bamboo

Two different samples from the bamboo culm were tested for compressive strength from bamboo aged 1, 3 and 5 years. The two samples include bamboo with a node and bamboo without a node. A specimen of each sample was tested from the bottom, middle and top part of the bamboo culm and the compressive strength results for both samples are presented below.



This chapter focuses on the researcher’s conclusions and recommendations about the different findings made during the entire project research. It gives an insight of what is happening and what should be the way as regards assessing the effect of bamboo fiber on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete.


In reference to the research carried out, bamboo was studied, that is, its compressive and flexural strength at different ages. This was because it was important to know the age of bamboo that would provide optimum strength properties for fiber reinforced concrete.

Bamboo with nodes provided a higher compressive strength compared to bamboo without nodes meaning bamboo with nodes is stronger than bamboo without nodes. One-year-old bamboo provided highest results for flexural strength, followed by 3 year old and then 5-year- old bamboo. This is because one-year-old bamboo possesses a high moisture content making it flexible. Five-year-old bamboo also has a very low moisture content, making it brittle. Three- year-old bamboo is suitable for use in concrete where flexural strength is of high importance.

Bamboo fiber reinforced concrete decreased in compressive strength with increase in the amount of bamboo fiber, this is because of the replacement of the cement with bamboo. The tensile strength of bamboo fiber reinforced concrete increased with increase in bamboo in the mix, this is because conventional concrete is weak in tension and bamboo fiber provides reinforcement, making it stronger in tension.

The optimum bamboo fiber proportion to be used in fiber reinforced concrete is 1% fiber by volume of cement. This is because it provided a high strength of concrete in both tension and compression with-in the acceptable characteristic strengths.

Bamboo fiber can be used in low compressive strength concrete.


Based on my research, I would recommend the use of bamboo fiber reinforced concrete in structures with light load for example concrete wall units, shades, or on pavements and parkings intended for light parking.

I would also recommend other researchers to continue with further studies either individually or in comparison to this research on the limitations of my research listed below.

  1. Testing and using various bamboo species and compare their results
  2. Using treated bamboo to conduct all tests done in this research
  3. Investigating the durability of bamboo
  4. Investigating the effect of fiber length on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced


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