A Stylistic Analysis of Bank Advertisements in Nigerian Newspapers
Chapter One
Purpose of the Study
This project is a Stylistic Analysis of Bank Advertisements in Nigerian Newspapers. The aim of this work will therefore involve how language is used in Bank advertisements for conveying messages to the public, the effectiveness of the choice of language, and the meaning of bank advertisements using stylistic elements.
The Origin and Development of Stylistics
In its simplest form, stylistics is defined as the study of styles. Davy and Crystal (1983: 9) simply defined style as “the effectiveness of a mode of expression” which is achieved by “saying the right thing in the most effective way”.
According to (Fish 1981:53 – 57) stylistics was borne of a reaction to subjectivity and impressionism of literary studies.
In ancient Greece, the use of language can be seen mainly as an effort to create speeches. The art of creating speech was called (rhetorike) and was taught as one of the main subjects in schools. During this period, the aim was to train speakers to create effective and attractive speeches. Another language activity during this period was the creation of poetic works which was called poetics. Its aim was to study a piece of art and moment of utterances. The third field of language use was the art of creating a dialogue as well as the study of persuasion which was called dialectics (Wales 2001).
Hence, it was these three above mentioned language activities that the further development of stylistics was based on. Poetics developed into the field of study known as literary criticism while rhetoric and dialectics developed into stylistics. The development in ancient Rome also brought about the distinction of two different styles in speech represented by Caesar and Cicero.
Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that developed in the Continental Europe in the twentieth century. It is preceded by the study of evolution in classical rhetoric. Elocution is the third of the five stages involved in the development of an oration. It is very important in any discourse-spoken or written because it is concerned with the style of speaking persuasively and effectively.
The emanation of stylistics as a discipline is from the elocution rhetoric. This significant influence of rhetoric or stylistics can be seen in the fact that in the study of styles, the names of reputable Greeco-Roman rhetors are still used in the categorisation of style: Senecan, Ciceronian, Aristotelian and Georgianic.
Arnold (1974:2) puts it tersely: The standard of speech which Cicero set in Latin oratory and which Augustine set in Latin preaching were the rhetorical models of Europe for a thousand years after their own times.
The further development of stylistics in the continental Europe was as a result of Charles Bally’s (1909) monumental two – volume treatise on French stylistics (stylistique). Bally’s publication had brought widespread awareness to continental Europe on the viability of stylistics. The interest in stylistics spread gradually across Europe through the work of Spitizer known as expressive stylistics, which involved the expressions and revelation of the personality of a writer.
In recent times, stylistics is approached from a more scientific perspective. Linguistic tools which function to bring out objectivity in textual interpretation is the focus in stylistics. In addition, in our day-to-day spoken and written discourse, we use rhetorical figures and language ranging from tropes and personification to devices of syntax and meter so as to change meaning.
Stylistic scholars like Leech and Short (1981), Turner (1973), Crystal and Davy (1969) among others. Have all agreed with the fact that there are levels of stylistic analysis which can be used in analysing a text whether in a spoken or written form. Among these levels of stylistic analysis, four tools will be used in this stylistic study. These tools are; Graphology, phonology, lexis, syntax and lexico semantics.
A capital letter is ‘the large form of a letter (Rundell 2007: 212) for example ‘A’ or ‘B’ that you use at the beginning of a sentence. Capitalization is a graphological feature used as a foregrounding device with two broad classifications.
(a) For emphasis: Capitalization is used in the selected bank adverts to emphasise or make prominent important words or messages that the bank is passing across to the reader.
Examples of Bank adverts that are capitalized are;
Datum 1: MORE, BIG, PROMO, RELOADED – First Bank
Datum 8: UPDATE – UBA
This chapter shall analysis some selected bank adverts using the stylistic elements discussed in the previous chapter i.e. Graphology, phonology, lexis, syntax and cohesion.
This chapter shall discuss the recommendations for futures studies, the summary of the research and also the conclusion of the work.
The central aim of this work has been to analyse Bank adverts using stylistic elements, in order to show how language used by advertisers affect the target audience.
Chapter one of the research contains the introduction, English language in Nigeria, Purpose of the study, Justification of the study, Language of advertising and the research methodology. Chapter two reviews the origin and development of stylistic, style and stylistic and the levels of stylistic analysis.
Chapter three concentrates on using the stylistic elements discussed in chapter two to analyse the fourteen Bank adverts. The functions of these stylistic elements are also highlighted.
Chapter four summarises the work, and discusses the recommendations and conclusion.
It is therefore clear that stylistic devices are relevant in Bank adverts because they help to attract customers to the services and products being advertised.
It is hoped that the attempt made in this essay would enlighten advertisers and consumers in the use of language in advertising.
Based on the research that has been carried out, some other areas that may be analysed by future researchers include a pragmatic analysis of Bank adverts in Nigerian Newspapers and a semiotic interpretation.
This essay has been attempted to show the relevance of stylistic devices in bank adverts through the use of language by advertisers. Language is said to be connected to our thoughts in the sense that it is the mirror through which we look at the world. That is to say that, we understand our world through the mode of language we speak. (Saphir- Whorf). This is especially true in the field of advertising because, the language of advertising means the choice of a language in communicating the advertisers message to the advertise.
It has been shown therefore that stylistics devices are relevant in Bank adverts because they help to attract customers to the services and products being advertised.
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