Literature Project Topics

A Semantic Analysis of T-Shirt Inscriptions

A Semantic Analysis of T-Shirt Inscriptions

A Semantic Analysis of T-Shirt Inscriptions

Chapter One

Statement of the Study/Purpose of the Study

  1. To identify and study T-shirt inscriptions.
  2. To examine the stylistic nature of inscriptions.
  3. To explore the similarities among the different T-Shirt inscriptions.
  4. To examine the various semantics associated with the different T-Shirt inscriptions




The essence of this chapter is to review the works of some scholars under the following headings:

The History of Semantics

Semantics (Gr. = significant) in general is the study of the relationship between words and meaning. The empirical study of word meanings and sentence meanings in existing languages is a branch of linguistics; the abstract study of meaning in relation to language or symbolic logic systems is a branch of philosophy. Both are called semantics. The field of semantics has three basic concerns: the relations of words to the objects denoted by them, the relations of words to their interpretation, and in symbolic logic, the formal relations of signs to one another (syntax).

In Linguistics, semantics has its origin in France and Germany in the 1820s when the meaning of words as significant features in the growth of language was recognized. Among the foremost linguistic semanticists of the 20th century are: Gustaf Stern, Jost Trier, B.L. Whorf, Uriel Weinreich,

Stephen Ullmann, Thomas Sebeok, Noam Chomsky, Jerrold Katz and Charles Osgood.

In the linguistics of recent years an offshoot of transformational grammar theory has reemphasized the role of meaning in linguistic analysis. This new theory, developed largely by George Lakoff and James McCawley, is termed generative semantics. In anthropology, a new theoretical orientation related to linguistic semantics has been developed. Its leading proponents include W.H. Goodenough, F.G. Lounsbury, and Claude Levi-Strauss.

In Philosophy, semantics has generally followed the lead of symbolic logic and many philosophers do not make a distinction between logic and semantics. In this context, semantics is concerned with such issues as `meaning and truth’, meaning and thought, and the relation between signs and what they mean. The leading practitioners have been Gottlob Frege, Lady Welby, Bertrand Russell, Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnan, Alonzo Church, Alfred Tarski, C.L. Lewis, Ludwig Wittgenstein, J.I. Austin, W.V. Quine, P.F. Strawson, Steven Schiffer, John Searle, H.P. trice,. Soul Xripke, Donald Davidson and Gilbert. (Retrieved from http:/ / Semantics -1550608, on 23rd December, 2013).

Definitions of Semantics by Different Scholars

Various writers and scholars of language have attempted various definitions of the scholar conceptualizes it findings in this field of language science. According to Charles Morris (1988), behavioral semantist, Semantics is defined as science concerned with the relations between signs and their concept of semantics, but each according to his research and an American meanings abstracted from their use.

Lyons (1977) defines semantics as the study of those context – independent meaning elements which are tied to the linguistic expressions, i.e. part of the linguistic signs as such (signs taken roughly in Saussure’s sense) and are (considered to be) invariant across all situations of use (pg. 591).

According to Titi (2007), semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences (pg. 32). Crystal (1974), defines semantics as the study of the meaning of linguistic forms.

Oladipo et al (2000) defines semantics as the study of words and morpheme meanings as the study of rules combining meanings. Hurfurd 8s Heasley (1983) also define* semantics as the study of meaning in language. According to Saeed (1997), semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language (pg. 3). Frawley (1992), notes that linguistic semantics is the study of literal, decontextualized, grammatical meaning.



 Research Methodology


This chapter deals with the method and procedures involved in the evaluation of the semantic analysis of T-Shirt inscriptions. This chapter involves headings such as Research Design, Population of the Study, Sampling Techniques, Instrumentation, Validity of Instrument, Reliability of Instrument, Method of Data Collection and Method of Data Analysis.

 Research Design

This is a descriptive research. It is designed to survey the ‘semantic analysis of T-Shirt inscriptions’ under four disciplines, namely: advertisement, education, politics and religion in Lagos State.

Kunle George (2007), says this design is chiefly concerned with finding, describing and interpreting `what is’. It does not aim at discovering new phenomenon but is concerned with conditions or relationship that exists; practices that prevail; beliefs, point of view or attitude that are held; processes that are going on; effects that are being felt; or trends that are developing.

Descriptive research involves title manipulation and control of confounding variables. It will involve the use of questionnaire or interviews in the collection of data. To identify the strength of the responses to various questions, percentages would be calculated and all the data obtained would be analysed.

Population of the Study

The population of this research work will be made up of people that wear T-Shirt inscriptions for advertisement, education, politics and religion in Lagos State.

The researcher actually focuses on four people, each from each discipline mentioned above. Twenty (20) people from the four disciplines who wear T-Shirt inscriptions.


 Presentation and Data Analysis


This chapter looks at the result of findings of the four hypotheses generated. The findings of the study, the four hypotheses generated were tested and the results are presented in tables.




To summarize this study, chapter one examined the general overview of the research work from the aspect of semantics as a subfield of linguistics. It reviewed the concept of semantics in view of T-Shirt inscriptions under four disciplines, namely: education, religion, politics and advertisement.. Also, it examined the T-Shirt inscriptions as graphology, the production processes of T-Shirt inscriptions and its essence in constructing meanings in the various disciplines under study in this research. Chapter two reviewed the works and contributions of some scholars on the concept of semantics, inscriptions and graphology.

Chapter three dealt with methods and procedures involved in the evaluation of the semantic analysis of T-Shirt inscriptions. It involved the use of questionnaire, while the population of the study is made up of people that wear T-Shirt inscriptions for advertisement, education, politics and religion in Lagos State.

Chapter four looked at the result of findings of the four hypotheses generated. In view of the data collected from the field survey, the following were the outcomes of the findings.

  1. Analysis of the information received from the respondents revealed that there are significant differences among the various types of T-Shirt inscriptions used in our data.
  2. It also revealed that there are significant differences in the stylistic methods used in writing the various T-Shirt inscriptions in our data.
  3. Findings from the research also revealed that there are no significant differences in the production processes of these T-Shirt inscriptions.
  4. It has been observed that there are significant differences on the importance of these T-Shirt inscriptions.


Since the wearing of T-Shirt with inscriptions on education, religion, politics and advertisement serve various purposes in human endeavor, emphasis should be made for more production and wide usage by people. Also, producers of such T-Shirts are advised to produce them using high quality materials to ensure durability.


Having carried out this research in good faith, it is expected that the unique nature of the project and its outline will inspire other researchers to carry out similar works and find out more on the characteristic features of T-Shirt

inscriptions, its strengths and weaknesses.

Since many people derive a lot of joy wearing T- Shirt inscriptions, particularly the youths in Lagos State, we recommend the wearing of T-Shirt with the following inscriptions: religion, education, advertisement and politics as they serve different purposes in our society such as:

  • Enlightenment
  • Information to the public on a product or services.
  • Teaches morals and the supremacy of God. Projecting personalities, advertising political parties and the government in power as well as educating the public.

It is suggested here that T-Shirt with inscriptions “Day” should be set aside as an “Ankara Day” in higher institutions of learning where students will be advised to wear T-Shirts with inscriptions in aforementioned disciplines.

Parents, teachers and regulated bodies should also monitor the wearing of T-Shirts with inscriptions used by people if they express outrageous, senseless inscriptions on them or meaningful messages that can promote good virtues in our society. A regulated body should be instituted by the government to ensure production of high-quality T-Shirt inscriptions for people not to be done by non-experts but professionals in that field.


  • Ayo, A.H. (2004); Language and Communication; Introductory Text Vol. 1, Lagos Shade Publishers.
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  • Austin, J. (1962); How to do Things with Words, London; Oxford University Press.
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  • Breal, M. (1900), Semantic Studies in the Science of Meaning, London: Heinemanna. Brief History of Semantics (n.d.); Davidson and Gilbert (Retrieved on 18-01-14 at 4.20 p.m.)
  • Beyerstein, B. Graphology, the study of handwriting analysis (Retrieved on 23-01-14 at 7 p.m.)
  • Crystal and David (1998); Language Play, Cambridge Press’ Canta Series.
  • Crystal D. (1987); The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, pp. 100-107;Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-42443-7.
  • Dazzi, C. and Pedrabissi L. (2009); Graphology and Personality – Psychological Reports (Retrieved on 2801-14 at 8 p.m.)
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