Mathematics Education Project Topics

A Proposal on Exploration of Teachers Content Knowledge in Mathematics Word Problems

A Proposal on Exploration of Teachers Content Knowledge in Mathematics Word Problems

A Proposal on Exploration of Teachers Content Knowledge in Mathematics Word Problems


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study was to assess the level of mathematics word problems acquired in the content of Senior Secondary School in relation to teachers‘ ability and students‘ performance in Kaduna state. Specifically, the following were the objectives to:

  1. Determine the relationship in basic mathematics abilities of the students and
  2. Determine whether there is a sex difference in mathematical abilities of the Senior Secondary School students.
  3. Investigate whether there are differences in mathematical abilities based on School


Senior Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum

The subject of mathematics is well-established in the school curriculum. Although the value of mathematics is widely acknowledged, there is disagreement over the subjects that should be covered in the curriculum, how those subjects should be taught, and the general goals of studying mathematics. The public’s expressed worry about pupils’ mathematical proficiency prompts educators to thoroughly assess student accomplishment. The general mathematics curriculum in Nigeria was originally divided into six sections in 1989 (Number and Numeration, Algebraic Processes, Mensuration, Plane Geometry, Trigonometry, and Statistics), but has since been revised to only have five content areas, which are more in line with NCTM, with each section being taught once during the three years of the Senior Secondary School program. NERDC (Nigerian Educational Research Development Council), 2007, stressed this. In order to make the mathematics curriculum in Nigeria’s primary and secondary schools more current or adaptable to changes that occasionally occur in society, it has undergone a number of changes recently in terms of content, performance objectives, activities, methods, and materials (NERDC, 2007). One of these recent developments is the abandonment of the 6-3-3-4 system of education, which calls for six years of elementary school, three of junior high, three of senior high, and four of university study. The NERDC published a 9-year mathematics curriculum for basic and senior secondary education in 2007 as a result of this modification (FGN, 2004). The overall goals of the secondary school mathematics curriculum, however, have not changed in a similar manner (Odili, 2006).

Mathematical Abilities:

Mathematical aptitude – The different behaviors that pupils display in order to solve a certain mathematical issue are referred to as their mathematical aptitude. This study looked at knowledge, skills, and problem-solving in relation to mathematics.

Conceptual comprehension, procedural knowledge, and problem solving are the three categories that best describe mathematical talents.



Research Design

The one shot case study is a research approach, situated between concrete data taking techniques and methodologic paradigms. (Lamnek, 2005). The researcher finds it relevant to use this design.

The research will be designed to elicit information on teachers‘ ability, students‘ performance, gender difference in students‘ performance and location difference in students‘ performance. The two test conducted formed the basis of the analysis carried out at (95%) ninety five percent confidence level.


The population of the study will be made up of the senior secondary school (SSIII) students in Kaduna state.


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