Building Project Topics

A Proposal on Effects of Salt Water on the Characteristics Strength Concrete

A Proposal on Effects of Salt Water on the Characteristics Strength Concrete

A Proposal on Effects of Salt Water on the Characteristics Strength Concrete

Specific Objectives

  • To know the percentage increase or decrease of compressive strength between concrete mixed and cured with different concentration of salt in water
  • To know the percentage increase or decrease of compressive strength between concrete mixed and cured by clean water and different concentration of salt in water
  • To compare the rate of gaining of compressive strength between concrete cubes both mixed and cured by different concentration of salt water and clean


Mixing water

Water is an important constituent in concrete. It chemically reacts with cement (hydration) to produce the desired properties of concrete. Mixing water is the quantity of water that comes in contact with cement impacts slump of concrete and is used to determine the water to cement ratio (w/c) of the concrete mixture. Strength and durability of concrete is controlled to a large extent by its water cement ratio. Mixing water in concrete includes batch water measured and added to the mixer at the batch plant, ice, and free moisture on aggregates, water included in any significant quantity with chemical admixtures, and water added after batching during delivery or at the jobsite. Water absorbed by aggregates is excluded from mixing water.

Besides its quantity, the quality of mixing water used in concrete has important effects on fresh concrete properties, such as setting time and workability; it also has important effects on the strength and durability of hardened concrete.



Mix design

Mix design is the proportion of ingredients that would produce a workable concrete mix that is durable and of required strength and at a minimum cost.

Quality concrete: mix design of concrete is very helpful to achieve better strength, durability, homogenous and impervious structures by deciding the relative proportions of ingredients of concrete having in mind that the fresh concrete is workable.

Economy of Cement consumption: Due to the high price of cement mix design helps to save cement quantity and lower cement content also results in lower heat of hydration and hence reduces shrinkage cracks.

Best use of available materials: Site conditions often restrict the quality and quantity of ingredient materials. Concrete mix design offers a lot of flexibility on type of aggregates to be used in the mix design. Mix design can give an economical solution based on the available materials if they meet the specified requirements. This can lead to save in transportation costs from longer distances


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