Education Project Topics

A Proposal Managing Finance for Better Learning Outcomes in Lagos State Secondary School. A Case Study of Education District 1

A Proposal Managing Finance for Better Learning Outcomes in Lagos State Secondary School. A Case Study of Education District 1

A Proposal Managing Finance for Better Learning Outcomes in Lagos State Secondary School. A Case Study of Education District 1


OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                          

The following research objectives will be ascertained.

Other specific objectives include:

  1. a)   To examine the correlation between managing school finance and learning outcomes.
  2. b)   To investigate the extent of Lagos state secondary schools’ finance management.
  3. c)   To identify proper ways of managing school finance in Lagos state secondary schools.
  4. d)   To examine other means secondary schools in Lagos state can generate revenue aside from the government.




Concept of Finance

Finance is a discipline that deals with money and how it is generated, invested and sustained in an establishment. Finance is a branch of economics concerned with resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition and investment. Finance deals with matters related to money and the markets. (Wikipedia, 2009) According to Campbell (2004), finance is a discipline concerned with determining value and making decisions. The finance function allocates resources, including the acquiring, investing and managing of resources. This definition implies that finance is an embodiment of facts, principles and theories concerned with the raising and using of funds by individual, business firms, educational institutions and government.


The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work. The choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to managing finance for better learning outcome in Lagos state secondary school


The researcher will employ oral and direct interview in administering this research questions. Responses from the respondents were needed unlike questionnaires, which is less rewarding due to late receipt and loss of responses from respondents. The method of data analysis that will be used by the researcher is the simple percentage. More so, percentage and degrees of the responses will also be used in the analysis. Here, the ratio of those whose responses were not in the affirmative will be found and conclusions will be drawn there upon. Representations of the level of  responses will be made in tabular form. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software will be used to test the hypotheses.


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