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A Critical Analysis of the Correlation Between Learning Style and Students’ Academic Performance: a Case Study of Oshodi/isolo Local Government Area, Lagos State

A Critical Analysis of the Correlation Between Learning Style and Students' Academic Performance a Case Study of Oshodiisolo Local Government Area, Lagos State

A Critical Analysis of the Correlation Between Learning Style and Students’ Academic Performance: a Case Study of Oshodi/isolo Local Government Area, Lagos State


Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To assess the learning styles prevalent among students in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State.
  2. To examine the academic performance of students in the region.
  3. To critically analyze the correlation between learning styles and students’ academic performance in the context of Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area.



Conceptual Review

Learning Style Preferences

In the realm of education, understanding the diverse landscape of learning style preferences is essential for effective teaching and learning processes. Learning style preferences refer to the individualized ways in which learners acquire and process information. These preferences encompass various sensory modalities, cognitive strategies, and environmental conditions that influence how students engage with educational materials (Adesoji & Olatunbosun, 2018).

Defining learning styles is a fundamental step in appreciating the complexity of student preferences. Learning styles are essentially the unique approaches and strategies that learners employ to absorb, comprehend, and retain information. These approaches are shaped by a combination of factors, including cognitive processes, sensory modalities, and environmental conditions (Kolb & Kolb, 2015).

One significant dimension of learning styles is the visual learning style, where students primarily rely on visual cues and stimuli to understand and remember information. Visual learners thrive when presented with graphical representations, charts, diagrams, and images. They tend to benefit from seeing the information in written or visual formats, such as textbooks and PowerPoint presentations (Klement, 2014).

Conversely, auditory learners gravitate towards the auditory modality for learning. They excel in absorbing information through listening, such as lectures, discussions, and audio recordings. Auditory learners often have a knack for recalling information presented through spoken words, making them adept at oral presentations and discussions (Hawk & Shah, 2019).

Kinesthetic learners are known for their hands-on and experiential approach to learning. They engage best with tactile experiences and physical activities, such as experiments, role-playing, and interactive learning. This learning style is characterized by a preference for learning by doing, and kinesthetic learners often require movement and physical engagement to grasp concepts effectively (Yamtinah, Masykuri, & Syahidul Shidiq, 2017).

Another prominent learning style is the reading/writing learning style, wherein students favor textual materials and written expression as their primary modes of learning. These learners excel when provided with written instructions, textbooks, and written assignments. They thrive in environments where they can take notes and write summaries to reinforce their understanding (Domino, 2020).

The importance of identifying and recognizing learning styles cannot be overstated. It serves as a pedagogical tool that empowers educators to cater to the diverse needs of their students effectively. Tailoring instruction to align with students’ learning style preferences can lead to improved engagement and comprehension (Sweeney & Costello, 2019). When students are taught in a manner that resonates with their preferred learning styles, they are more likely to remain motivated, focused, and interested in the subject matter (Eren, Bayrak, & Benzer, 2021).

Moreover, understanding learning styles can foster inclusivity in educational settings. Recognizing that students have varied learning style preferences allows educators to create a more equitable learning environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed (Steinmayr, Dinger, & Spinath, 2012). It can also help identify students who may benefit from additional support or alternative instructional approaches, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of knowledge (Lane, Barton-Arwoo, & Nelsonz, 2018).

In conclusion, learning style preferences encompass a diverse array of approaches and strategies that individuals use to engage with educational materials. These styles, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading/writing preferences, play a pivotal role in how students learn and retain information. Recognizing and accommodating these preferences in educational practices can enhance engagement, motivation, and inclusivity, ultimately contributing to more effective teaching and learning experiences.





This chapter outlines the research methodology employed in this study, with a focus on the research design, population, sampling technique, sample size, sources and methods of data collection, data analysis, validity and reliability, and ethical considerations. The methodology chosen for this research aimed to investigate the relationship between learning styles and academic performance among senior secondary school students in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The selected methodology allowed for a comprehensive examination of this relationship, considering the objectives and research questions.

Research Design

The research design adopted for this study was a quantitative survey. This approach was selected due to its efficiency in collecting data from a large number of respondents and its structured framework for assessing the variables of interest, namely, learning styles and academic performance (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2019). According to Saunders et al. (2019), a survey design is particularly useful for investigating relationships between variables in business research, making it a suitable choice for this study. Given the extensive scope of this research and the necessity for rigorous statistical analysis to examine the correlation between learning styles and academic performance, a quantitative survey design was deemed appropriate.

The primary reason for selecting a quantitative survey design was its ability to efficiently capture data from a diverse pool of respondents while providing a standardized approach to data collection (Saunders et al., 2019). This design involves the administration of structured questionnaires to participants, ensuring that each respondent encounters the same set of questions and response options. This uniformity simplifies subsequent data processing and statistical analysis, facilitating the evaluation of the hypothesized relationship between learning styles and academic performance.



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings

The study aimed to investigate the relationships between students’ learning styles, academic performance, and potential mediating factors in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area, Lagos State. Through the analysis of various tables (Tables 4.2 to 4.19), this detailed general summary of findings provides comprehensive insights into the study’s outcomes.

Table 4.2 provides an overview of respondents’ age groups. It indicates a diverse age distribution, with respondents ranging from 18 to 55 and above. This diversity suggests that the study captured perspectives from a wide range of age groups, enhancing the generalizability of the findings.

Table 4.3 focuses on the gender distribution of respondents. It reveals that a majority of the respondents are male (85.6%), while females represent a smaller proportion (14.4%). This gender imbalance may reflect the gender distribution in the local context and highlight the need for gender-specific considerations in educational practices.

Table 4.4 delves into the educational backgrounds of the respondents. The majority of respondents hold Bachelor’s degrees (65.4%), followed by those with Master’s degrees (13.5%). This distribution suggests that the sample consists of individuals with varying levels of educational attainment, which may influence their perceptions and responses.

Table 4.5 explores the marital status of respondents. It shows that a significant portion of respondents are married (78.8%), while others are single (8.7%) or divorced (9.6%). This diversity in marital status implies that respondents may have different life experiences and responsibilities that could impact their perspectives on learning and academic performance.

Table 4.6 investigates whether respondents or their family members attend school in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area. The majority of respondents (94.2%) indicate that they or their family members do attend school in the area. This suggests that the respondents have direct or indirect connections to the local educational system, making their insights relevant to the study’s objectives.

Table 4.7 examines whether respondents are parents or guardians of school-age children in the region. A significant majority (92.3%) confirm that they are, emphasizing their involvement and interest in the local education landscape. These respondents may provide valuable perspectives on the relationship between learning styles and academic performance from both a student and parent/guardian standpoint.


In conclusion, the results of the hypotheses tested in this study provide valuable insights into the perceptions and beliefs of respondents in the Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area regarding the relationships between learning styles, academic performance, and potential mediating factors. The findings shed light on several key aspects of the local educational landscape.

Firstly, the study reveals that a significant proportion of respondents acknowledge the importance of diverse learning styles in enhancing academic success. Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learning styles receive favourable recognition, suggesting that educators and policymakers should consider incorporating these varied approaches into teaching practices to cater to students’ preferences and needs.

Secondly, the study highlights specific subject areas where students’ academic performance is perceived differently. While mathematics and English Language receive positive assessments, science subjects are seen as challenging, and social studies subjects elicit mixed perceptions. These findings emphasize the need for targeted interventions and support in subjects that students find particularly difficult.

Lastly, the study provides insights into the perceived relationship between reading/writing learning styles and academic performance. A majority of respondents do not believe in a significant connection, suggesting that traditional teaching methods that heavily rely on reading and writing may need to be complemented with more diverse approaches.

Overall, the findings from this study underscore the importance of recognizing and accommodating diverse learning styles and subject-specific challenges in educational practices. They call for a more nuanced and flexible approach to teaching and learning, one that considers students’ preferences and the unique demands of different subjects. These insights can inform educators, policymakers, and curriculum designers as they work towards improving the quality of education in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area and beyond.


Based on the findings of this study, several recommendations emerge that can help improve the educational practices and outcomes in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area and similar regions. These recommendations encompass areas such as teaching strategies, curriculum development, and research priorities:

  1. Diverse Teaching Approaches: Educators should incorporate a variety of teaching methods that align with different learning styles, including visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and reading/writing approaches. This diversity can enhance students’ engagement and understanding of subjects.
  2. Subject-Specific Support: Given the varying perceptions of academic performance across subjects, educational institutions should provide targeted support and resources for subjects that students find challenging. Extra tutoring, interactive resources, and subject-specific workshops can be beneficial.
  3. Professional Development: Teachers and instructors should engage in continuous professional development to stay updated on best practices in accommodating diverse learning styles. Workshops and training sessions can help educators adapt their teaching methods effectively.
  4. Curriculum Enhancement: Curriculum designers should review and modify existing curricula to include a broader range of learning styles. This ensures that students are exposed to different approaches, promoting a more holistic learning experience.
  5. Subject-Specific Pedagogy: Develop specialized pedagogical strategies for subjects with mixed perceptions of academic performance, such as social studies. Tailoring teaching methods to the unique characteristics of each subject can enhance students’ comprehension.
  6. Parental Engagement: Promote active involvement of parents and guardians in their children’s education. Schools can organize regular meetings and workshops to keep parents informed and engaged in their child’s learning journey.
  7. Resource Allocation: Allocate resources, including teaching materials and technology, to support diverse learning styles. Equipped classrooms can cater to visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners, ensuring that no group is left behind.
  8. Mentoring and Peer Support: Implement mentoring programs and peer support networks within schools. Older students can mentor younger ones, offering guidance and academic assistance, which can positively impact overall academic performance.
  9. Regular Assessment and Feedback: Educational institutions should conduct regular assessments and gather feedback from students to gauge the effectiveness of teaching methods and identify areas that require improvement. This continuous feedback loop can guide educators in refining their practices.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in several key areas related to learning styles, academic performance, and education in the context of the Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area and similar regions. The contributions can be summarized as follows:

Insights into Local Learning Styles: One of the primary contributions of this study is its exploration of learning style preferences among students in the Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area. By analyzing data from a diverse group of respondents, the study reveals that students in this region exhibit a range of learning style preferences, including visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and reading/writing styles. This nuanced understanding of local learning styles can inform educators and policymakers, allowing them to tailor teaching methods to better suit the needs of students in the area.

Subject-Specific Academic Performance: The study’s findings shed light on the variations in academic performance across different subjects. It highlights that students in the region tend to excel in subjects like mathematics and English Language while finding science-related subjects, social studies, and some others more challenging. This insight into subject-specific performance can guide curriculum development and resource allocation, ensuring that students receive the necessary support in areas where they struggle.

Correlation Between Learning Styles and Performance: The investigation into the correlation between learning styles and academic performance offers valuable insights. While the majority of respondents did not perceive a strong relationship between learning styles and academic success, the study suggests that there might be subject-specific nuances in this relationship. This finding contributes to the ongoing discourse on the effectiveness of aligning teaching methods with learning styles and highlights the need for further research in this area.

Understanding Socioeconomic Factors: The study hints at the potential influence of socioeconomic factors on academic performance. By acknowledging the perceptions of students and their families, the research underscores the importance of considering socioeconomic backgrounds in educational policymaking. This recognition can lead to more targeted interventions to bridge performance gaps based on socioeconomic disparities.

Local Contextualization of Educational Research: Educational research often focuses on broad theories and practices, but this study brings attention to the importance of contextualizing research within specific regions. Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area serves as a microcosm for understanding local dynamics in education. Researchers can use this study as a model for conducting region-specific investigations, considering unique factors that influence learning and performance.

Policy and Practice Implications: The findings of this study have direct implications for educational policy and practice in Oshodi/Isolo and similar regions. Educators, administrators, and policymakers can utilize the recommendations generated from this research to enhance teaching strategies, curricula, and resource allocation to meet the diverse needs of students effectively.

Methodological Contributions: This study employs a quantitative survey approach, providing a methodological framework that can be adopted in future research endeavours. It demonstrates the feasibility of conducting large-scale surveys to collect data on learning styles and academic performance in educational research.


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