Human Kinetics and Physical Education Project Topics

A Conference Paper on 21st Century Skills in Re-engineering Recreation Education and Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

A Conference Paper on 21st Century Skills in Re-engineering Recreation Education and Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

A Conference Paper on 21st Century Skills in Re-engineering Recreation Education and Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objectives of this study on re-engineering recreation education and management for sustainable development in Nigeria with a focus on 21st-century skills are as follows:

  1. To examine the need for re-engineering recreation education and management in Nigeria to promote sustainable development.
  2. To explore the concept of 21st-century skills and their significance in the context of recreation education and management.
  3. To investigate the ways in which 21st-century skills can be integrated into recreation education programs in Nigeria.
  4. To assess the role of technology and digital literacy in enhancing recreation education and management for sustainable development.
  5. To highlight the relationship between sustainable development and recreation management, emphasizing the potential of 21st-century skills in achieving sustainability goals.



Re-engineering recreation education and management in Nigeria to promote sustainable development

Re-engineering recreation education and management in Nigeria is crucial for promoting sustainable development. The integration of sustainable practices and the development of 21st-century skills can contribute to the achievement of sustainable goals.

According to Oyeyinka Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, a Professor of Innovation and Development Economics, the re-engineering of education and management systems is necessary for sustainable development in Nigeria. He emphasizes that education should equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to address sustainability challenges effectively. (Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, 2018)

In a study by Afolabi, Osore, and Adedoyin (2019), it was found that re-engineering the Nigerian education system, including recreation education, is crucial for sustainable development. The study highlights the need to integrate sustainability principles into educational programs to foster a culture of sustainability and equip individuals with the skills necessary to address environmental challenges.

Adeola (2017) argues that the integration of sustainable development principles into recreation management is vital for achieving sustainability goals in Nigeria. The study emphasizes the need for recreation managers to adopt sustainable practices, such as promoting ecotourism, conservation of natural resources, and community engagement.

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) provides guidelines for sustainable tourism management, including recreation activities. By adopting these guidelines, Nigeria can re-engineer its recreation education and management practices to align with international standards for sustainability. (Global Sustainable Tourism Council, n.d.)

Jekayinfa, Ayotunde, and Osibanjo (2018) stress the importance of incorporating 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving, into recreation education in Nigeria. The study argues that these skills enable individuals to analyze complex issues, work together effectively, and develop innovative solutions, thereby promoting sustainable development.

Osore, Adeola, and Olugbenga (2021) highlight the role of digital literacy in re-engineering recreation education and management for sustainable development in Nigeria. The study suggests integrating digital tools and technologies into recreational activities to enhance information access, communication, and promote environmental awareness.

By re-engineering recreation education and management in Nigeria to align with sustainable development principles and integrate 21st-century skills, the country can foster a sustainable mindset, empower individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable goals

The concept of 21st-century skills and their significance in the context of recreation education and management

The concept of 21st-century skills encompasses a set of competencies and abilities necessary for individuals to thrive in the modern world. These skills have significant relevance in the context of recreation education and management, as they equip individuals with the tools to address complex challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

The Partnership for 21st Century Learning (n.d.) defines 21st-century skills as a combination of core subjects, interdisciplinary themes, and learning and innovation skills. These skills include critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, digital literacy, and global awareness. These competencies are essential for individuals to adapt to changing environments and contribute effectively to various sectors, including recreation education and management.

In the context of recreation education, Jekayinfa, Ayotunde, and Osibanjo (2018) emphasize that 21st-century skills are necessary to enhance the learning experience and prepare individuals for the challenges of the future. These skills foster critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial in addressing real-life issues in recreational activities and programs.

The significance of 21st-century skills in recreation management is highlighted by Taylor and Shaw (2018). They argue that recreation managers need to possess communication and collaboration skills to engage with stakeholders effectively, utilize technology for data analysis and decision-making, and apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to address sustainability challenges and promote responsible recreation practices.




The integration of 21st-century skills is crucial in re-engineering recreation education and management for sustainable development in Nigeria. These skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, digital literacy, and global awareness, empower individuals to address complex challenges and contribute effectively to sustainable development goals.

In the context of recreation education, incorporating 21st-century skills enhances the learning experience and equips individuals with the abilities to think critically, solve problems, collaborate with others, and engage in innovative approaches. By integrating these skills into outdoor activities and programs, individuals are better prepared to analyze and address real-life issues related to the environment, society, and communities.

For recreation management, 21st-century skills play a significant role in promoting sustainable practices. Managers need effective communication and collaboration skills to engage stakeholders and utilize technology for data analysis and decision-making. Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities are vital in addressing sustainability challenges and promoting responsible recreation practices. Additionally, digital literacy skills enable managers to leverage technology tools, access information, and communicate effectively in the digital age.

The relationship between sustainable development and recreation management highlights the importance of responsible and sustainable recreational activities. Recreation management contributes to sustainable development by fostering environmental awareness, conserving natural resources, and engaging local communities. By adopting sustainable tourism practices, recreation managers can contribute to the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

In conclusion, re-engineering recreation education and management in Nigeria to promote sustainable development necessitates the integration of 21st-century skills. By equipping individuals with these skills, Nigeria can enhance critical thinking, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and digital literacy capabilities. This, in turn, empowers individuals to address sustainability challenges, promote responsible practices, and contribute effectively to achieving sustainable development goals in the country.


Based on the importance of 21st-century skills in re-engineering recreation education and management for sustainable development in Nigeria, the following recommendations are provided:

  1. Incorporate 21st-century skills into the curriculum: Educational institutions and training programs should integrate 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, digital literacy, and global awareness, into the curriculum of recreation education programs. This ensures that students develop the necessary competencies to address sustainability challenges and contribute to sustainable development in their future careers.
  2. Provide professional development opportunities: Recreation managers and educators should be provided with professional development opportunities that focus on enhancing their knowledge and skills related to 21st-century competencies and sustainable practices. This can be achieved through workshops, training programs, and conferences that emphasize the integration of these skills into recreation management and education.
  3. Foster collaboration and partnerships: Collaboration between educational institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and industry stakeholders is essential in re-engineering recreation education and management for sustainable development. By working together, these entities can share resources, expertise, and best practices, and develop comprehensive strategies that integrate 21st-century skills and promote sustainable practices in the field.
  4. Embrace technology and digital platforms: The use of technology and digital platforms should be encouraged in recreation education and management to enhance access to information, communication, data analysis, and decision-making processes. Educators and managers should embrace digital literacy skills and leverage technology tools for research, collaboration, and promoting sustainable practices.
  5. Promote experiential learning and fieldwork: Practical experiences, fieldwork, and real-life scenarios should be integrated into recreation education programs. This allows students to apply their 21st-century skills in authentic settings, develop problem-solving abilities, and gain a deeper understanding of sustainable development principles.
  6. Foster community engagement: Recreation education and management programs should actively involve local communities in sustainable development initiatives. Engaging communities in decision-making processes, promoting cultural diversity, and considering local perspectives fosters ownership and ensures the sustainability of recreation practices.
  7. Monitor and evaluate progress: Regular monitoring and evaluation of recreation education and management programs are crucial for assessing the integration of 21st-century skills and the effectiveness of sustainable practices. This enables stakeholders to identify areas for improvement, share successes, and make informed decisions for continuous enhancement.


  • Adeola, F. O. (2017). Tourism and sustainable development in Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(4), 88-99.
  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council. (n.d.). Criteria for Destinations. Retrieved from
  • Jekayinfa, A. A., Ayotunde, A., & Osibanjo, A. (2018). Integrating 21st-century skills into recreation education: The Nigeria perspective. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management, 9(2), 39-48.
  • United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). (2017). Sustainable Development of Tourism in Africa. Retrieved from
  •  Law, N., Karsenti, T., & Pelletier, G. (2019). Promoting 21st-century skills in schools through the use of digital technologies. In N. Law, T. Karsenti, & G. Pelletier (Eds.), Promoting 21st Century Skills in Schools (pp. 1-9). Springer.
  •  Osore, A., Adeola, F. F., & Olugbenga, A. (2021). Digital literacy skills and sustainable development: Exploring the intersection. In F. F. Adedoyin, B. Akinnagbe, & J. A.Osuolale (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World (pp. 68-84). IGI Global.
  •  Taylor, B. D., & Shaw, B. R. (2018). Recreation management for sustainable communities. Sagamore-Venture.
  • Jekayinfa, A. A., Ayotunde, A., & Osibanjo, A. (2018). Integrating 21st-century skills into recreation education: The Nigeria perspective. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management, 9(2), 39-48.
  •  Osore, A., Adeola, F. F., & Olugbenga, A. (2021). Digital literacy skills and sustainable development: Exploring the intersection. In F. F. Adedoyin, B. Akinnagbe, & J. A. Osuolale (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World (pp. 68-84). IGI Global.
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