Building Project Topics

A Comparative Analysis of Maintenance of Public and Private Building in Nigeria a Case Study of Owerri

A Comparative Analysis of Maintenance of Public and Private Building in Nigeria a Case Study of Owerri

A Comparative Analysis of Maintenance of Public and Private Building in Nigeria a Case Study of Owerri



  1. To find out the problems that hinders maintenance activities with a view to recommending possible means of solution
  2. To determine or identify the deteriorate elements and their causes in those public and private buildings.
  3. To find out the best approach to ensure quality building maintenance operation in public and private buildings.
  4. To investigate the public and private buildings physical problem such as nature/ types of building road, the available infrastructural facilities and their state of maintenance.
  5. To review the  implication of their neglect and identifying different ways of maintenance need
  6. To sensitize and create awareness of effective and maintenance planning.



Maintenance of public and private buildings is a major activity in most countries, for some years now a rapid growth of public and private buildings construction clearly appears as a part of the country’s development. The number of those buildings keep increasing as more maintenance work for the buildings  becomes necessary in order to copy with the type of construction .But it is unfortunate that maintaining these public and private buildings have been a neglected issue in our society. This negligence has attracted many researchers, scholars have tried and are still trying to create awareness and educate people on the significance of maintaining public and private buildings.

Building maintenance involves processes carried out to preserve restore or improve a system or asset with its demerit to sustain its ability value and directed to control the impact of decay and obsolescence. Oshadya (1997) therefore, is the views that in execution of any maintenance work, a lot of activities are usually involved and some of them are:

  1. Preparation of the schedule of dilapidation or repairs including proper materials specification.
  2. Proper supervision and monitoring of repair work to ensure that it confirm all specifications
  3. Site inspection of building or equipment to carefully assess the extent of repair work to be done.
  4. Identification of competent contractors to carry out the repairs.
  5. Preparation of a reasonable estimate of repairs cost.

In 1997, Loor H. Seeley conducted a research on building maintenance problems and solution such as building defects that arises from site conditions, floors, foundation, walls cladding, timber, dampness, external work such as fences and paving, sound and thermal installation etc. From this research it was recommended that effective maintenance of public and private buildings can be achieved by correct diagnosis of defects and implementation of the correct remedial measures based on sound technical knowledge.

In 1993, AI.Shiba conducted a research work on the effect of faulty design and construction on maintenance of buildings, from this research, it was revealed that the most severe factors that affect the maintenance of public and private buildings high maintenance cost are determined by inadequate structural design such as foundation, bad workmanship, inadequate supervision and substitution of poor materials, inability to interprets or understand drawing.

In 2006, Bldr Charles onunwa Amobi published a text book on fundamental of building maintenance technology and management. One of the topics he wrote significance of maintaining buildings. Now a close review on this topic explained clearly the need of maintaining public and private buildings. It explained that the built environment which is comprised of public and private buildings, expresses the physical form of complex social and economic factor that gives life to a community reflects the attitude and behavior of the member of the community in their care or indifference.

This is to say that dilapidated private and private buildings in a decaying environment may decrease the quality of life and even contribute in some measures to anti-social behavior hence; information gathered from users of the buildings discloses that tenants and landlords have a narrow view of what maintenance of buildings entails.

To the tenant, once the internal decoration is cheerful and accessories functional, he is satisfied. And the landlord as long as receives rents and there is no clear evidence of failure nothing is wrong yet, they are very proud of a building if the external appearance is attractive at a glance.

This is not so in the case of private building, here the owner of the building also makes use of the building and as such has a very high interest in the property. He is always careful to detect signs of failure on the building and takes immediate corrective measure to prevent them. This is because if there is any break down on any of the facilities of the building, it will affect the owner directly. Unlike in the case of public building where the landlord lives very far from the building and show very little or no concern about what is happening in the building.




This chapter describes the procedures used in gathering and generating the data needed for carrying out the research work and the subsequent technique for processing and analyzing collection data. Consequently, because of the nature and purpose of this research the survey research method was therefore found to be logically sound and adequate for the study.


The relevant data used for this research emanated from both primary and secondary sources.


The primary data comprised reconnaissance survey, questionnaire and oral interview; the essence of using reconnaissance survey is to enable the research to have a visual view of the research to have a visual view of the environment the nature types of buildings, infrastructural facilities and their state of maintenance.

The questionnaire was constructed in simple terms after carefully studying the objective of the study and reviewing the related literature to the study. The use of questionnaire is to offer individuals the opportunity of sharing their views on the perennial problems hampering the successful building maintenance in owerri questionnaires suggest the likely causes and remedies to obviate these prevailing conditions. The two categories of respondents expected to answer the questions are the occupant’s users of public and private building in owerri, under study and the maintenance team responsible for the maintenance of the two buildings.



It may recall that this study focuses on the comparative analysis of maintenance of public and private building, a case study of owerri Imo state.

This chapter therefore deals with presentation and analysis of results of the data obtained from the questionnaires designed for the study as well as reconnaissance survey and oral interview. The analysis will enable the hypothesis by the research for this research to be tested in order to determine their acceptance and rejected. The results of the questionnaires are therefore presented below.




There is no doubt that maintenance of public and private building is not the priority of many Nigerians. Most of the buildings deteriorate due to use ageing process, adverse weather condition and hostile environment. All these constitute wear and tear of building elements and components and therefore required attention and care as any defect in one part may lead to another part being effected, if neglected and eventually can lead to its collapse.

Therefore, in order for buildings and their element and facilities in public and private buildings to exit for decade, more habitable and withstand the test of time, they required proper and withstand constant maintenance. A maintenance building and environment is a source joy and admiration to the owner, the users and the owners including the government. The cost of building materials and labour are high nowadays, thus making it hard for replacement of old building with new ones.

Building maintenance planning should be made a way of life in our public and private building especially at this period of dwindling national economy.


With reference to the discussion above, maintenance of public and private building can be improved by:

  1. Government should also provide enough maintenance team/ staff in charge of the maintenance of the public and private buildings
  2. Educating the public on the significant of maintenance of public and private building
  3. Detecting signs  of anticipated breakdown at the early stage and take appropriate measure to correct them
  4. Foundation for proper building maintenance culture should be practiced at the gress roots level, in various family, homes and schools to provide the bedrock for our children and youths to appreciate and practice maintenance of the basic things found in homes and school.
  5. Government should make efforts in providing adequate funds for the maintenance ot the public buildings or rents collected from residents occupying these buildings should be adequately used in managing and maintaining the building.
  6. Federal, state and local Government should reintroduce sanitary inspectors.


  1. Ghafar.Ahmad (1994) building maintenance foresight press limited.
  2. Bamisle, A. (2004) bulding production management. Foresight press limited.
  3. Charles .O. A, (2006) fundamental  of building maintenance technology and management. Achugo publication owerri.
  4. Charles Onunwa Amobi (2005) maintenance of building and related infrastructure. Published by cel-ben & co. publishers 84 douglas road, owerri.
  5. Dilapidation direct member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Wedsite:
  6. Graham + sibbald (2006) building surveying construction services. Macmillan press London.
  7. Ivor, H . S (1976) building maintenance. Macmillan press limited.
  8. Pedro Bastidas (1985) consultant to the OAS natural hazards project http:www.luisyspedro@aol
  9. RMASON(2012) chartered building surveyors project managers and party wall surveyors unizik journal on environment review second edition rowan garnier university of brighton, uk.
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