Proposal on Investment Strategies; an Analytical Overview
Objective of the study
The following objectives will be assessed:
- To determine types of investment
- To determine the types of investment strategies
- To implement the investment strategies
Review of related literature
Concept of investment
Investments refer to the employment of funds with an objective of earning a favourable return on it. In other words, investment is a process, where money is being utilized with a hope of making more money. Investment is the commitment of money that have been saved by deferring the consumption and purchasing an asset, either real or financial with an expectation that it could yield some positive future returns. There is a plethora of investment avenues, each associated with varied risk-return trade-offs. Every investment avenue is distinct in its characteristic, which makes the investment decision fascinating. The investor thus needs to carefully analyze each of its characteristics and build a basket of assets that suits his risk profile and complies with his objectives and goals. Hence, investment decision making is a fascinating task to the investor. There are different categories of investors. The investment strategies differ from each other, with regard to size of the investment, time-period, objectives, risk appetite etc. The investors can be classified into,
- Individual investors
- Corporate
- Institutional investors – Domestic and Foreign
- Pension Funds
- Government The investor talked about in the present context refers only to individual investors.
The study adopted a descriptive survey design. A descriptive survey design involved field investigation that systematically collect, analyze and synthesis qualitative data on large representative sample of a given population to describe and explain relative incidence, distribution and interrelationship among variables and attribute that is common among a group of people through the use of questionnaire.
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