Architecture Project Topics

Improving Maintenance Culture and Quality of Public Properties in Nigeria (a Case Study of Akwa Ibom International Stadium)

Improving Maintenance Culture and Quality of Public Properties in Nigeria (a Case Study of Akwa Ibom International Stadium)

Improving Maintenance Culture and Quality of Public Properties in Nigeria (a Case Study of Akwa Ibom International Stadium)

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine ways of improving maintenance culture in Nigeria.
  2. To determine ways of enhancing the quality of public properties through improved maintenance culture.
  3. To determine the factors affecting maintenance culture in Nigeria.




Maintenance culture is an attitude which is sadly lacking in Nigeria, whether in the home, office, school or factory. Mbamali (2003) added that poor maintenance culture has become a widely recognized problem in Nigeria. Maintenance culture in Nigeria is the lowest around the World, especially, in our principal towns and cities. In the rural areas, the story is different and pleasant to hear. The traditional practice of communal clearing of community owned places such as market; playground is in almost every village. In private homes it is customary to refurbish building interiors with mixtures of cow dung or natural red clay. The end result is attractive and totally indigenous. According to Wahab (1995) the nation accords low priority to property management. Faworaja (1996) In Mbamali (2003) asserted that we have no maintenance policy and therefore no such culture exists. Neglect of maintenance has accumulated consequences in rapid increase in the deterioration of the fabric and finishes of a building, accompanied by a harmful effect on the contents occupants (Seeley, 1987). Inadequate maintenance culture is a peculiar feature of almost every building in Nigeria. According to Rotimi and Mtallib (1995) is partly due to poor maintenance culture on one hand and partly due to the absence of an appropriate benchmark. Gurjit (1990) asserted that lack of proper maintenance culture bring the life of a building last before reaching the total obsolescence state. The declining maintenance culture in Nigeria and its effect on buildings has become a major problem to both the public and private sectors. This study examines the trend of maintenance culture and its effect on construction, and quality of materials, design and facilities as well as services used during constructing the building. A great portion of a Nation wealth is evident in the total value of its buildings; it is also an important factor in the production of the building to be preserved. A poorly maintained building in a decaying environment depresses the quality of live and contributes in some measures to anti social behavior which threatens the socio-political environment it finds itself in. This research is necessitated to look at the existing knowledge about continuous negligence on maintenance and its impact on construction has been suffered by residential buildings.


Through the last decades, there has been considerably development of techniques for assessing plant reliability or dependability and life circle costs, which more or less can influence the choice of plant. Nevertheless, there is another factor that affects life cycle profitability which is of growing importance; this is known as maintenance (Kelly, 1984). Consequently, to fully comprehend the concept, it is necessary to have clear definitions of this holistic discipline. T “Maintenance is the combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to a state in which it can perform the required function” (EN 13306: 2001) Duffuaa et al. (1999) describe maintenance as the combination of activities by which equipment or a system is kept in, or restored to, a state in which it can perform its designated functions. An important factor in product quality and can be used as strategy for successful competition. Hence, in producing high level quality, production plant/equipment must operate within specifications that are attainable by timely maintenance actions. The importance of proper maintenance has changed significantly in recent time, as a result of large increase in the number and variety of plant and equipment which in one way or the other needs to maintain throughout the life span. New maintenance technique/approach and modern view on maintenance organization has evolved (Moubray, 2002).





This chapter states the various methods used in research, as well as the population of the study, and sampling techniques used in determining the sample size for the research. How data was collected and analyzed is also discussed in this chapter.

The main objectives of this research were achieved through quantitative methods, as inferential statistics were used to measure the level of accuracy and validate responses from the respondents in accordance to the objectives of the research.


The study was conducted in Uyo, AkwaIbom state. AkwaIbom is a state in Nigeria. It is located in the coastal southern part of the country, lying between latitudes 4°32′N and 5°33′N, and longitudes 7°25′E and 8°25′E. The state is bordered on the east by Cross River State, on the west by Rivers State and Abia State, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean and the southernmost tip of Cross River State.

AkwaIbom is one of Nigeria’s 36 states, with a population of over 5 million people and more than 10 million people in diaspora. It was created in 1987 from the former Cross River State and is currently the highest oil- and gas-producing state in the country. The state’s capital is Uyo, with over 500,000 inhabitants. AkwaIbom has an airport (AkwaIbom International Airport) and two major seaports on the Atlantic Ocean with a proposed construction of a world-class seaport Ibaka Seaport at Oron. The state also boasts of a 30,000-seater ultramodern sports complex. AkwaIbom state is home to the Ibom E-Library, a world-class information center. Along with English, the main spoken languages are Ibibio, Annang, Eket and Oron language.



This chapter is devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the course of this study. The data are based on the number of copies of the questionnaire completed and returned by the respondents. The data are presented in tables and the analysis is done using the chi-square test.


Table 1 sex of respondents



The objectives of the study were to:

  1. To examine ways of improving maintenance culture in Nigeria.
  2. To determine ways of enhancing the quality of public properties through improved maintenance culture.
  3. To determine the factors affecting maintenance culture in Nigeria.

Findings from the study revealed that

  1. Nigerians exhibit poor maintenance culture for public properties.
  2. Government should do more in the enhancement of quality of public properties.
  3. There are challenges to effective maintenance culture in Nigeria.
  4. Effective maintenance culture is capital intensive


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