Accounting Project Topics

The Indispensability of Accounting System in the Control of Public Expenditure

The Indispensability of Accounting System in the Control of Public Expenditure

The Indispensability of Accounting System in the Control of Public Expenditure



This study aims at investigating the indispensability of accounting system in the control of public expenditure. The purpose of this study include among others:

  • To determine the   extent    to    which    accounting     records    has controlled the effect of expenditures in public
  • To find out    factor    that    affects    the   accounting     department preventing them from carryout their function as
  • To determine government policies which promote accountability in public enterprises in Nigeria.



 Over the years, the Nigerian public sector has increased greatly in important and this necessitated to many people waiting on the role of accounting in this sector. Dule, E.1965 in his book titles Management Theory and practice, describes the roles of accounting in the public and private sector as the factor which to plan, organize direct and control their financial resources and represent the organization to the third parties.

He further stated that a reflection reveals that each of these approach contains a significant financial dimension for instance, important financially strategies can be used to measure whether resources are being effective utilized and co-ordinate in order to express organization plans and control activities to the third parties. In addition to this sheared 1974 shares, the views that accounting plays an important and inevitable role of recording and management funds in any public organization in most suitable manner, using this funds as profitably as possible. Planning future operations and controlling financial accounting, cost accounting, in different direction. In short, it can be said that sheared views is as follow up of Dule’s 1965 idea on the role of accounting in any organization Kolade, O. and Peter M.Dean 1987 in third book, Financial Management in the Nigeria Public Sector looked at the role on the number of staff employed by these sector to facilitated the work of accounting in an organization. They said that the role of accounting in the public sector have become so important that the number of people employed to carry out these accounting function in an organization are very few compared to their work perform.

However, they maintained that public sector to recruit, train and develop accounting, sector with disproportional large number of the experience and unqualified accounting staff. At the same time, the small numbers of qualified experienced accountants remaining the service have been neglected. The financial function has been concerned with the routine task of controlling, authorization, rewording and reporting the lack of total view of the role of the financial function almost exclusively with middle-level managers and the lack of good financial managers. Within top level management have predictable result in our public enterprises future.




 This study is intended to obtain information that will enable the researcher assess the accounting principles adopted by the Nigeria Public Sector.


 For the purpose of this study the researcher made use of certain methods and designs. These involve the planning and implementation of this plan in generating information, which would be used in investigating the study, the role of accounting in the control of public enterprises in Nigeria . The plan will include methods and source of data collection and also determination of sample size.




 This chapter deals with the presentation and interpretation of data obtained from responses to questionnaires administered to competent staff of account department and internal audit department.

It also contains a summary of responses from interview questions and the role of each question.



 The researcher made some notable findings in the Federal radio corporation of Nigeria (FRCN). These findings are whether the organization applies the role of accounting in the control of public expenditure in Nigeria. And also if the manages and other staff were following statement.

However, the data that is collected for this study have been presented and analyzed in the previous chapter. The managers are adequately and efficiently apply the role of accounting in their organization which ensure accurate accountability in the recordkeeping.

The role is of utmost important in any organization in which if other company can imitate will enhance the organization and help them in achieving their goals. Based on the observation there is enough materials. Resources and funds to express organization plans and control. It is also indicates that accounting plays on important and inheritable role of recording and managing funds in the organization.

In the organization studies, several of the staff that has been interviewed are using the accounting principles and also applied it in the financial transaction of the organization. That is the reason why the organization is functioning up till today and once they are using these principles it will enhance the standard of living both in the organizations and in the Nigerian economy.


 The role of accounting principles in the control of public expenditure in Nigeria was the main aim of this project. Also student, were the effects of certain economic factors and government policies on the role of accounting principles in Nigeria is primarily to ensure observed that the role of accounting principles in Nigeria is princely to ensure accountability in this sector and present the true and fair financial position of the enterprises.


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