Business Administration Project Topics

Motivation as a Means of Increasing Workers Productivity (a Case Study of Ibeto Group of Company Nnewi, Anambra State)

Motivation as a Means of Increasing Workers Productivity (a Case Study of Ibeto Group of Company Nnewi, Anambra State)

Motivation as a Means of Increasing Workers Productivity (a Case Study of Ibeto Group of Company Nnewi, Anambra State)



The purpose of this study amongst other things are as follows:

  1. To ascertain to what extent human and non human resources are adequate for serious operation of the organization.
  2. To determine how problem of motivation planning ;eads to liquidity and late payments.
  3. To find out the cause of threats of retrenchments to workers.
  4. To determine the problem of running the organization with a team of management consultants.




Many students have written on motivation and performance in  an organization. This maybe in recognition of fact that proper motivation leads to the substance of motivation growth and development. Productivity is the key fact of the development of a nation and the welfare of its people. Good performance and high productivity is the hail mark of development and economic prosperity while low performance and low propounded by Megrego. He says that management  can provide or withhold the means for satisfying man’s physical and safety and fringe benefits by withholding employment  etc according to Sombo A (1988) for employees to perform, management of such organization  must make them do so. He simply defines performance as ability time motivation P = (AxM)

He went further to state in this performance equation. It is  usually assumed that the ability of an employment is given, this assumption is justifiable since every entrants into most organization are screened through various tests before entry. Sombo continued by saying without all organization fail and unable to determine prior to entry by new entrants is the level of motivation. This is because among all the things motivation is situational and measurement management. Therefore we have singular task of motivating staff to perform since this is only variable in the performance equation that management can be influenced.

Sombo also noticed at motivation as the level of effort to exert on that task. This view motivation is obviously very embracing and affecting motivation. Therefore is spaced demanding task on management to determine the needs of its staff and the situational variable that determines a person’s behavior. It must also determine how motivation are of an individual needs.


The main task of every management or administration is to effectively achieve the objectives of the organization and this attained through proper motivation among all employees in the organization or system. The importance of motivation as an instrument in the hands of the management of nay organization has been a criteria issues since early 20th century. The persistent search by student of these factors that increases the employees performance and productivity led to the formulation of the motivation  theories were based on the belief that individual seek only pleasure and minimize displeasure.





This chapter is aimed at explaining the research design for the study. The sample size, sample techniques, instrument for data collection, method of data collection and analytical procedures on the effect of motivation on employee productivity with special reference.



This section deals with the analysis of both primary and secondary data. The researcher used tabular presentation and also percentages were used to analyse and interpret the information gathered in a manner to validate the responses to the research question.



This chapter contains the details of the research findings and conclusion and recommendations of what has been discussed since the beginning of this research work.


The information in this section reflects the researchers findings and subsequent conclusion regarding the effects of motivation on employed performance in Ibeto Group of Company Nnewi. These findings were obtained from the interview as well as past records, we examine these findings below.

There is evidence to show that adequate financial reward and fringe benefits  improve employees performance. This is because majority of the respondents indicated that when the reward and fringe benefits are adequate, the employees will feel so happy and result working harder in organization. Besides, a larger number of the respondents said that adequate reward and fringe benefits sufficiently influence the attitude and behavior of the workers for positive work contribution.

This is essential is because they will be satisfied with theier job besides, they will feel that most of their financial needs are met consequently. They will put in more effort and this enhances the productivity. The findings also revealed that poor working environment and welfare scheme affect the employee performance. This is consonance with some of the literature review. Specifically most of the respondents indicated that working environment is perfectly conducive and appropriate and yet others said that it si moderately conducive and appropriate. The findings also revealed the inadequate training and development effect employees performamce. This is because most of the respondents indicated that when training and development are inadequate in an organization the employees will not know the latest ways of performing task of training and employees will be slow. Also, findings revealed that modern technology will improve employees productivity.


In conclusion, motivation of workers is vital aspect of any marketing  company’s policy and that a manager can only afford to ignore it at the organizations won peril. Lack of motivation leads to high accident rate, lack of direction, irrationalism and even aggression. In this situation, some workers indulge in actions that neglect the attainment of the organization goals. No manager is prepared to forfeit the objectives of this organization. Thus, he strives to give the workers the required incentives that will sour them to channel their effort towards increasing productivity.

Recognizing the workers needs is an essential step in planning any motivational effort on the other hand good motivation is crucial for achieving organizational objectives, some experts have supported this stand points.

According to Hicks, how well any organization is meeting its own objectives is ultimately determined by degree to which it is helped its members to achieve their individual objectives.

Unfortunately, the workers needs have not been fully recognized by the authorities concerned, motivated. Their salary are poor, their loyalty efficiency and productivity are not taken into consideration in promotion.

Even training programmes are inadequate physical structures foe effective performance are neglected. Honestly, lack of these things are frustrating the workers, causing job dissatisfaction, low morale and of course low sales.

Based on the findings, the researcher discovered that extrinsic values such as pay i.e good salary and wages could be used as tool for boosting the workers moral leading to effective performance and finally attainment of the organizational goals.

In Nigeria today, money is a strong motivational grade of workers as against what is obtainable in the other developed nations like America. Workers in Nigeria have not yet satisfied their basic needs such as food, shelter etc.

The Nigeria economy on the recent past has witnessed constant increase in the cost of living.

An average worker in the country now find it difficult to feed three times per day. This has resulted in a lot of irrational behavior.

A great deal of means hours are cost as workers have their desks, offices or work location in order to escape the high degree of discomfort associate with poor physical structures therefore, it is opinion of the researchers that unless the management of Ibeto group of Company is able to make the company a good place to work, the image of the company will hitherto continue to remain poor in the eyes of the workers thus affecting its operation in various ways.


In the light of the conclusion drawn from the findings of this study, the following recommendations are my suggestions to the Ibeto group of Company to consider and modify them in other to achieve its organizational goals. The main focus is on the workers, since they make things happens.

The following are my recommendations;

  1. The management of Ibeto group of Company should endeavour to understand their workers need and the linkage between effort and performance, between performance and rewards. Finally between reward and individual needs satisfaction. This will no doubt enable them to derive appropriate motivation strategies for increasing productivity.
  2. The workers should be paid for fair and equitable salary based on the prevalent economic and social conditions.
  3. The management should also have a properly laid down promotional policy. Promotion should be seen to be a reward for skill intelligence of initiative which involves experience and not length of services.


The researcher’s effort was constrained by finance, time, actives of managers and lack of enough materials. The time allowed  is very short, coupled with pressure of other course within the same period. The financial involvement of the research is very high and the researcher as a student had difficulties in this area.

The work  also involve interviewing the managers, supervisors and workers who have less time to spare in discussing with the researcher and some time they are not available.

The researcher also experience difficulties due to lack of materials in this particular topic. All that the researcher has been able to use is textbooks which has related materials and lecture notes as regard to the area of study


The topic motivation as a means of increasing workers productivity is vast area of study. This research has merely scratched the surface of the enormous field that could be further worked into. It will be interesting if further work is done on the following areas.

  1. The effect of fringe benefits in manufacturing industries
  2. How the motivation factors can best suit the different categories of workers.


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